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May 29, 2020

This Week in NAR Dominionism -- Is THIS Who You Stand With?

By Anthony Wade

A collection of recent stories and quotes from the leaders of the apostate church...


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At 8pm tonight heretical NAR dominionist leaders will gather together for what they are calling a night of promise. Carried live by Daystar, TBN, Hillsong and many other apostate media outlets, this promises to reinvigorate the NAR crowd around the notion that Pentecost will bring something special from the god they worship. They are "standing with Israel" and hoping that God is doing something through the COVID pandemic. This "revival hunting" is nothing new. It is a core tenet of dominionism. Obsessed with the country they worship as an idol, the NAR is constantly pushing this idea that God is going to revive what was never alive to begin with instead of judging America, as the bible promises He will. The lineup is star studded with all of the enemies of God:

Stephen Strang -- a rabid dominionist, Strang is the CEO of Charisma News, which supports all of the greatest heretics of the day. Strang comes out with a new book praising his savior, Donald Trump, nearly every month.

Jonathan Con (sp) -- perhaps only the Con-Man can go toe to toe with Strang when it comes to dominionist credentials. Jonathan is not shy in declaring that he believes America is actually under covenant with God. Besides Israel worship and dominionism, Con specializes in replacement theology.

Dr. Michael Brown -- notorious gatekeeper for the NAR, Dr. Brown is on record as saying Benny Hinn and Joseph Prince are good brothers in the Lord and will defend Bill Johnson vociferously if any question him. He also gave cover to the Calamari Queen, Jennifer Leclaire when she was being rightly criticized for her ridiculous sneaky squid spirit prophecy. Brown also defends to this day the kundalini spirit outpouring at the demonic Pensacola "revival."

Paula White Cain -- President Trump's "spiritual advisor" has never met a situation she cannot try and make money off of. She has already tried to profit off of the COVID situation and has scammed over five million dollars from the children of God to date.

Then you have false prophets such as General Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Pierce and Lance Wallnau as well as other renowned dominionists such as Mike Huckabee and Jentzen Franklin. Not to mention all over embarrassment Pat Robertson and Robert Morris' worship leader in Kari Jobe.

We must as the remnant in the body of Christ realize what is happening all around us. This group that represents the NAR is the apostate church prophesied about in Thessalonians. They are not done with merely putting on their faux-piety display tonight. They are also mobilizing to convince Christians that only their politics matter. Because the true goal of dominionism is not merely holding pep-rallies but it is in conquering the mountain of government as part of the unbiblical seven mountain mandate. To that end they have created a national campaign called "my faith votes"; where they try to persuade Christians that only their view is godly. It is however firmly entrenched in the false theology of the NAR. From their website:

"Apathy does not define a loving church. Together, we can empower Christians to take action and vote."

"Your Church Can Close the Gap on Christian Influence."

"You Must Engage Culture Before You Can Influence Culture."

"Your Church Can Ensure the Next Generation Can Worship Publicly and Freely."

"We need God to make his way back to our nation. Let's bring him back through our spiritual commitment to him and through voting based on biblical principles."

Christian influence is the stated goal of the NAR dominionist. Not the Gospel or the lost. Just a radical Pinky and the Brain desire to take over the world, I mean for Jesus of course. Wink wink. The church is not supposed to influence society. It is supposed to present the Gospel so that some might be saved from society. Read you bible! This world is passing away. While the NAR drags the church to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, those who understand the Gospel are busy sharing it before the end comes. Those who ignore the politics of this world, which will save not one soul, are not apathetic! They are focused! They are about the King's work. You can vote of course but do not have any delusion that your vote has the corner on righteousness because it is evil pure and simple. Perhaps it is a lesser evil by your perception but remember it is still evil before you go bragging about it and defending it. The notion that the next generation is in danger of losing their right to freely worship is asinine. It is a made-up conspiracy theory by the NAR who sells fear rather than faith. Do you want to know how we could end up losing our right to freely worship? By following the NAR. When the one world religion comes do you honestly think that Paula White, Hillsong, Daystar, Mike Huckabee, Stephen Strang or Michael Brown will not be lining up to join? How else will they be able to sell their books? God has never left our nation beloved. That is as silly a thing as I have ever heard. God is God and He is not limited by our petty politics. He is in the town square. He in the school system. Where He is not -- is in the heart of the NAR dominionist. There are no biblical principles upon which to vote. The world is evil. The candidates are evil. Your vote for your perceived wedge issues could lead you to vote for impoverishing the needy and endless wars.

This is why Jesus was completely apolitical when He walked the earth. The disciples wanted Him to deliver them from the oppression of Rome just like the NAR wants us to be delivered from the perceived oppression of the leftists and globalists. Jesus however came to deliver us from so much more than that. He came to deliver us from our sin and bondage to Satan. That is the Gospel message and it is still alive and relevant today. here are three more quotes from the organizers of my faith votes.

"By staying silent, believers are allowing non-believers to decide who will run our government and create our public policies." -- David Jeremiah

Notice the false dichotomy set up by Jeremiah. Behind this pious sounding sound bite is a false notion that one side is better than the other and only they know which is the right way to vote. Look, there is no dancing around the obvious. Jeremiah, Strang and Brown all want Christians to vote Republican. It does not matter who the candidate is. Three times married and twice adulterous? Sure bring em on! In 2012 we had a choice between an ultra-liberal and a member of a satanic cult and the NAR demanded we vote for the satanic cult member. So sold out for the Republican Party, the Billy Graham Association removed Mormonism from their list of cults before the election.

"Our faith belongs in the public square, but it is nonoptional at the ballot box! Christians and pastors cannot stand on the sidelines. One's vote is the first line to protect righteousness and justice in our society," -- Sammy Rodriguez

Once again, they present one side as being for righteousness and justice and thus relegating the other side to evil and injustice. It is a false dichotomy as they are both unrighteous and unjust. Neither party cares about the cause of Jesus Christ. Period.

"Absurdly, some Christians think that their votes don't really make a difference. They are wrong. If the faith community participated in full force, it would easily decide any election. Our vote is essential for keeping faith in the heart of a free America." -- Jentzen Franklin

No it is not Jentzen. The only thing more absurd than your statement is statements made by other dominionists recently. California mega-church pastor Jack Hibbs said God told him that all churches in California are to reopen May 31, regardless of any public health restrictions. No Jack, He said no such thing to you and you know it. Tim Sheets (brother of Dutch) was a little more demonstrative:

"We are literally being anointed with a higher level of governing authority. We are literally going to be anointed with a higher power to rule and reign on this Earth in demonstratively real ways. We are literally being anointed to advance the kingdom of God. We're literally being soaked, empowered to activate signs, wonders, and miracles. All the gifts of Holy Spirit, all of them, will now be supercharged in a mega-outpouring to function at levels that has never been seen on this planet before. It's going to be greater than even what was seen in Acts chapter two. We are literally going to now be soaked in the King's anointing, to decree a word, and watch it be established on the Earth. We are literally being anointed to partner with Holy Spirit, and with our King Jesus in operational ways to change the course of history. A new breed of Christianity. A new breed of Christianity will now be anointed under Heaven's power to represent King Jesus with boldness to make a stand on this Earth, just as the early church was anointed with boldness and they made their stand. Unintimidated warriors are now rising, and they will be soaked in the anointing of King Jesus, staring Hell in the face and tearing down their strongholds." -- Tim Sheets

Supercharged in a mega-outpouring! Hallelujah pass the offering plate! Warriors, soaking, anointing, soaking in the anointing, new breed, decreed word being established. It's like Sheets sat with a Charismaniacal thesaurus and just spewed out words onto paper. Realize the NAR dominionism running throughout it though. It is all about a higher level of governing authority. Oh, and let's see what the President's spiritual advisor has up on her website for Pentecost:

"Everyone is to give their best offering unto God for Pentecost, honoring and establishing His presence and provision. The results of honoring Him on His divine appointments are miraculous! I believe God is ready to pour out blessings for you right NOW! God has given us the gift of His Son Jesus Christ, He has given us the gift of His Word, and He has given us the person of the Holy Spirit to empower us and guide us to maturity as Christians. Pentecost is God's giving season! And Jesus declares in Matthew 6:8 that our "Father knows what you need before you ask him." During this season EXPECT HARVEST & POWER! Numbers 23:19 declares that "God is not a man, that he should lie". This means that every prophetic word given by God over your life will come to pass IF YOU DO WHAT IS NECESSARY TO ACTIVATE IT! DON'T MISS YOUR SUDDENLY! Let me hear from you right away! When you give your best offering for Pentecost, you align your life with God's appointments and the rhythm of seedtime and harvest! And your seed and obedience will unlock POWER like never seen before! **Remember to send me your Pentecost prayer request immediately with your seed so my intercessors and I can agree with you and ACTIVATE what God has for you today!" -- Paula White

Don't miss your suddenly? The rhythm of seedtime and harvest? So God does not want to lie but you have to activate something? Who is God in that scenario? I know many look at White and rightly know she is a fool and a charlatan but realize this is who you stand with when you advocate for the dominionist agenda. You stand with Rodney Howard Browne when you think he is somehow right in the middle of this COVID mess. Jack Gibbs lied about hearing from God and yet you will stand with him because you think that what he espouses is correct. Jonathan Con, General Cindy Jacobs, Pat Robertson, Jentzen Franklin, Stephen Strang, Franklin Graham, Dr. Michael Brown, Lance Wallnau, Chuck Pierce. Doesn't it make you even vaguely uncomfortable to know that your position is the same as theirs?

It should.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- May 29, 2020

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
