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June 16, 2020

There is No Terror of His Majesty -- Proverbs of Ashes from the NAR Dominionist

By Anthony Wade

Shane Idleman brilliantly displays all facets of the depraved NAR dominionist mind...


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Hear now my argument and listen to the pleadings of my lips. Will you speak falsely for God and speak deceitfully for him? Will you show partiality toward him? Will you plead the case for God? Will it be well with you when he searches you out? Or can you deceive him, as one deceives a man? He will surely rebuke you if in secret you show partiality. Will not his majesty terrify you, and the dread of him fall upon you? Your maxims are proverbs of ashes; your defenses are defenses of clay. -- Job 13:7-12 (ESV)

Shane Idleman (article linked above) is the poster child for otherwise seemingly solid preachers who simply cannot see how they have been utterly co-opted by the influence of NAR dominionism which has taken over the apostate church in America. I see this all the time with people who have escaped the NAR yet still they cling to the idol worship of this country. Do not be deceived. NAR dominionism is the last idol of the American Church. Any discussion of one-sided politics is specifically the definition of NAR dominionism. If your faith is wrapped up in the flag, patriotism, the Republican Party, or any version thereof, you espouse NAR dominionism, period, full stop. I am weary with trying to explain this to people. If you spend your days warning people of the evils of leftism, thus conferring faux righteousness upon your political choice, you are espousing NAR dominionism. When Jesus walked the earth, He was completely apolitical. His disciples desperately wanted Him to be political! They thought He was going to deliver them from the oppression of Rome. Today, the NAR dominionist wants God to deliver them from the evils of liberalism. In both cases, Jesus says you are focusing on the wrong world. He comes to deliver us all from the true evil -- sin and oppression from the devil. That is the Gospel. This world is the Titanic beloved and trust me, the ship is going down. NAR dominionism fights vociferously for who they think is best to captain the sinking ship into its icy grave. Christians should be about the Father's business of directing people to the lifeboat that is Jesus Christ. Let us reason once more through the mind depraved by the dominionist teachings of the NAR.

"It seems that everyone is sensing the destabilization of America. Even billionaire Elon Musk recently commented, "We must get to Mars. Civilization isn't looking all that stable here."

Books could be written on how we got to this point, but let me offer just a few thoughts from a biblical perspective. You can also hear the sermon, "The Destabilization of America," here.

Destabilization by false information. Unless you have beaten Musk to the punch and have been on Mars for the last decade, you have clearly seen how many in the secular media purposely create false narratives and use lies and carefully edited half-truths to push their agenda. They withhold information, such as all the black police officers who have been killed recently, and deliberately fail to highlight the positives alongside the negatives, creating the illusion of an imbalance where one does not exist." -- Shane Idleman

Idleman admits that he wasted time behind God's holy desk to preach a sermon about the destabilization of America. Not the Gospel. Not sin and salvation. No, Idleman spends his time preaching the carnal politics of man. He claims to do so biblically, which is simply not possible. God is not interested in your lesser evil. Idleman's carnal argument here is also skewed. His statement is that the media lies and creates false narratives. As proof he offers up that they do not report good news. While it is true that news tends toward the negative or even sensationalistic, that does not disprove what they do report. The fact that black police officers have been killed has nothing to do with the realities of systemic racism we have seen over the past few weeks erupt into world wide demonstrations. This false witness against the media is one of the common tools used by NAR dominionists because of they can get you to disbelieve the media, then they can fill the vacuum with their version of truth, which is not truth at all. If Shane Idleman believes there is no imbalance between how whites and black are treated by police then he is either willfully deceitful or too ignorant to be speaking about such matters. In 2019 the police shot about 100 more white people than black but there are 180 million more white people in the country than black. Now I am no statistics professor but that sure sounds imbalanced.

"For example, two years ago, a deputy sheriff who attends our church had to pull over on the 101 freeway and resuscitate a black female suffering from a drug overdose. I tried to contact several news outlets, but no one wanted to run the story. The lesson here is to be very careful about where we get our information. Much of the media is owned by large corporations who would love to see America fail. One recent headline read, "CNN sticks to liberal script, ignores black police officers killed in riots." This is appalling and should not be tolerated." -- Shane Idleman

Well, if local television did not want to run the story I do not know why. I also do not trust Mr. Idleman's account since his next follow up is an outright distortion. He denounces CNN as ignoring the truth while not revealing that his headline came from "lifezette" an online political site designed to bash the left and elect the right. Such duplicity from a pastor is appalling and should not be tolerated. Again however look at the actual criticism. Not that CNN was wrong, but that they chose to not run a story on something Shane feels they should have.

"Destabilization by the enemy within. Many are coming to believe that what we are witnessing is an orchestrated attempt to destroy our economy and disrupt the November elections. Peaceful protests are infiltrated by hate groups paid by individuals with deep pockets to create confusion and chaos. Why is there such a huge upheaval? It's simple. The current administration is working to minimize the murdering of babies. They are also very concerned about race issues and trying to do the right thing the right way. They are being a terror to terrorists and are bringing the Bible and God back to Washington and the nation's schools. They want to remove the pulpit-silencing Johnson Amendment." -- Shane Idleman

Many are believing that this is all a concerted effort to hurt the great Donald Trump? No Shane. Only tinfoil hat wearing dominionists believe such ridiculousness. The notion that the media wants to see America fail is asinine. Then Shane turns into a Trump Campaign commercial. This administration cares about race issues? How can anyone, let alone a pastor say that with a straight face? God never left our schools Shane! I do not know what weak impotent god you serve, but the creator of the heavens and earth is not pacing outside schools wishing someone would let Him in! As for the Johnson Amendment there are two points. The first is that Trump never got rid of it. He just stopped enforcing it. Do you know what that means Shane? That means he lied to you and he punted the ball until the next administration, who if democratic, will immediately return to enforcing it. Secondly, and more importantly, Christians should want the Johnson Amendment in place because it gives preachers one less thing to waste pulpit time on. Every day you sermonize about this country is another day you did not preach the Gospel!

"Christians with godly values are being promoted to some of the highest offices in America. The president is surrounding himself with godly counsel. There is a love for Israel. They are honoring hard work and minimizing free handouts. The list of biblical accomplishments is impressive. Now you see what the real battle is: A battle for the soul of our nation. God doesn't judge a nation based on the character of one man; He judges it based on the spiritual health of its people. Never forget that." -- Shane Idleman

Lesson number one -- God judges individuals on their repentance of sins and faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Nations will be judged regardless. A battle for the soul of the nation and you are aligning yourself with Paula White, Jentzen Franklin, Robert Morris, Stephen Strang and the cabal of heretics that surround this president? Seriously? What Christians with godly values are being promoted Shane? Are they even vaguely competent to do those jobs? You say you are standing for God and yet you mock the poor as seeking handouts? You should be ashamed of yourself. Beloved, these are the values of the NAR and the dominionist who worships this country. The talking points are all the same. The tactics are all the same. By the way, this is not an advertisement for "the other side." We do not have to subscribe to the forced two-party choice. I can denounce what Shane supports as being Satanic while still believing the other side is too. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

"Destabilization by intolerability: Those waving banners of tolerance are often the most intolerant of those who oppose them, as one Birmingham pastor recently discovered. Tony Perkins writes, "A handful of likes were all it took to make the biggest church in Alabama homeless." Believe it or not, "a local English teacher decided to catalogue" the pastor's likes on Facebook and then share them with the press. This motivated the local high schools to revoke the lease of the church. Am I the only one who sees the hypocrisy of school district "leaders" and teachers who behave in this manner while crying out for tolerance and justice?" -- Shane Idleman

Sigh. First of all, when you get in bed with a prostitute do not act offended when she demands that you pay her. The Alabama church chose to rent space in public schools and as such is beholden to their values, not the other way around. The same goes for your precious 501C3 status. The larger point is the dissembling by both Idleman and Tony Perkins, who is mainline NAR. The part they are leaving out is that the pastor of this church was caught liking several posts of a political provocateur named Charlie Kirk. Who is Kirk? He is a 26-year-old high school graduate who now sits atop a 10-million-dollar political group funded by far-right billionaires for the express purpose of lying to gain political power. One of the likes referred to the "myth of white privilege." You have that right. A 26-year-old white man with no formal education was handed millions of dollars to start a political action group where he can educate us on how there is no white privilege. As you know, that sort of thing happens all the time to 26-year-old black men in Harlem. So, the school system was intolerant of a racist bigot being liked by someone claiming to be a pastor that they did business with.

"Destabilization with class warfare: Even though Rasmussen recently reported that there is a 40% approval rate for our president among black voters, if you listen to the secular media, you would think that it's closer to 4%. Yes, racism runs deep in America, but only a changed heart can solve that. And keep in mind that revisionists began to rewrite history many years ago, portraying all white people as racists. The actual numbers are very small; the vast majority are not racists, and there are black racists too. We realize that we are all Americans and must unite against our common enemy. It's a sin problem, not a skin problem. White people feel the dynamic too. There are certain places in my community such as parks where I can no longer go for fear of being profiled because the media created a false narrative. You won't find it in many of the modern history books, but the truth is that many of the Founding Fathers in America abhorred slavery and fought against it." -- Shane Idleman

I am not going to get into one set of polling from a year ago. It is irrelevant to the point. White men downplaying racism never looks good. Neither does playing the Jesus card to avoid the hard discussion. The sin problem is causing the skin problem Shane. Sure it would be great of we could solve all of the sin problems, but until then, maybe we can solve some of the skin problems? Maybe we can do that without trying to pawn off our problem by claiming there are black racists too! The "me too" narrative rings quite hollow and to try and blame the media again remains quite transparent. It is astounding that Idleman continues to have no shame in declaring that other people engage in revisionist history while claiming that the founding fathers abhorred slavery. A simple Google search reveals that 15 of the 23 listed as founding fathers actually owned slaves so tell your nonsense walking Shane.

"Destabilization fueled by the passive pulpit: I recently saw a survey on Facebook that asked: "Do you feel that most church leaders speak up about the real issues facing us today?" The overwhelming response was a very loud and clear "No!" Pastors, our people are looking to us to lead the way, but many of you are exchanging truth for tolerance, boldness for "balance" and conviction for cowardliness. Many don't want to offend for fear they might lose their audience. Pastors and Christian leaders alike, we must take responsibility for the spiritual health of our nation--and make no mistake, whether we accept that responsibility or not, God Himself will hold us accountable. The pulpit inevitably sets the tone of the religious climate of the nation. A culture void of God simply reflects the lack of conviction in the pulpit as well as the pew. The silent pulpit is not God's pulpit. We must bend when needed, but not capitulate." -- Shane Idleman

The answer should be no! the pulpit is for the Gospel! Stop fighting over the scraps of this world! It takes no bravery to stand for the politics of this world. It just takes utter carnality. The fear over losing their audience is what leads apostate pastors to not preach the Gospel. Pastors are NOT responsible for the "spiritual health" of our nation. That is found nowhere in scripture and only in the hearts of the NAR dominionist does this crazy thought even exist. The pastor is responsible for the spiritual health of their flock. He is responsible for the preaching the Gospel, not engaging a fallen culture. That is what he will be held to account for when he stands before Jesus. The pulpit that preaches the word of God is God's pulpit. The pulpit however that preaches about this world, belongs to this world.

"Destabilization because kingdoms are colliding: I believe that the next hammer to fall will be a spike in COVID-19--that is, if the riots don't accomplish their intended purpose first. There is also a great deal going on behind the scenes with generals and other elected and unelected officials divided against President Trump. The real reason, in many cases, is because many of these people are holdovers from the last administration (what is commonly referred to as the deep state). So, of course, they are upset and seeking to be divisive; it is a strategic play designed to protect themselves. Subpoenas are being served; crimes are being investigated; perversion is being exposed. This is why there is a huge upheaval. Kingdoms are colliding. All this is a clear demonstration of Romans 1. People are rejecting God, and He is giving them over to a debased and corrupted mind. How else can they justify killing children while promoting deviant sexual behavior? There is no fear of God in the land." -- Shane Idleman

When someone, even a pastor, gets enamored with this world, they tend to forget what the bible actually teaches. The things of God are foolishness to those that are perishing. You cannot legislate anyone into heaven. Only the Gospel has the power of God unto the salvation of man, which means only the Gospel can save someone. It does not matter if Donald Trump or Donald Duck is p resident. God is still God and only His Gospel matters. Yet the solution for Shane and the dominionist mind? Preach politics.

"Patience Is Not Approval. What's happening in America is called "psychological warfare, and it may get worse before it gets better. The goal of some is to elevate stress to the point of exhaustion (stay at home) and then fuel fear so that people give up their rights (riots). To win the psychological battle (the battle of the mind), we must saturate our minds in the Word and ways of God. We need to look up at God and not look around at what is going on. Churches need prayer meetings and worship nights, even if it's just a small group of people. God doesn't look for huge crowds; He looks for broken hearts. America's heart needs to break so that deep repentance takes place." -- Shane Idleman

This is just dangerous. To imply that a deadly pandemic is secretly part of a deep state plot to engage in psychological warfare is mentally unstable. I will try to be clear once more. Individuals repent, not nations. They can only repent as drawn by the Holy Spirit through the preaching of the Gospel. Wasting time on the politics of this world will not save a single soul. Not one.

"Yes, much of the chaos does have to do with Donald Trump's reelection, but do we really think that we can flood our homes with porn; murder millions of children; satisfy the gods of alcohol, lust and addiction; mock God's Word; declare war on the family; excuse racism; promote self-centered politicians; and idolize celebrity pastors who tiptoe around sin and expect a wonderful life for our nation? No, we cannot. What also is coming down is an ungodly foundation. Isaiah 30:1 (NASB) sheds much-needed light on what is happening: "Woe to the rebellious children," declares the LORD, "Who execute a plan, but not Mine, And make an alliance, but not of My Spirit, In order to add sin to sin." -- Shane Idleman

Woe indeed. Idleman is right that the world will be judged by their sins unless they place their faith in Christ for the forgiveness of those sins. Shane forgot one large swath of sin and that is the apostate church he serves in. They have made an alliance with the world, through their political party of choice. It is an alliance of Satan and not of His Spirit. When Shane and the NAR hold up Paula White as godly counsel they are adding sin to sin. When they minimize a global plague and demand the pulpit be used for politics they are adding sin to sin. Mercifully, Idleman concludes:

"As in the prophet Joel's day, today "joy has withered away from the sons of men" (Joel 1:12b, MEV). Instead of complaining, we need to obey God, who says, "Consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly, assemble the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord" (v. 14). In a sense, God is saying, "How badly do you want deliverance?" Will you turn to Me with all your heart? Will you starve the flesh in order to be filled with the Spirit via prayer and fasting? Will you humble yourself and repent? If we do, we are reminded that God is merciful and slow to anger, but we must stop confusing His patience with His approval." -- Shane Idleman

Shane is so blinded by his love for his dominionism that he cannot see that the Book of Joel was not written about the unbelievers in the days of Joel. No, it was written to the people of God. So ironically this is an appropriate close to his pleas but the Lord is speaking to him and about him. It is time if you find yourself in the middle of these beliefs to humble yourself and repent. God is merciful and slow to anger but the day will come when that comes to an end. Jesus will return and if you think you can regale Him with tales of your efforts to get people the vote as you thought was righteous? You are going to be sorely disappointed. Shane Idleman and the NAR think that they are trying to stop the destabilization of America but all they are doing in destabilizing the church and their defenses are merely of clay as stated in the key verses from the Book of Job. Speaking deceitfully for God with no terror of His majesty.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- June 16, 2020

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
