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November 23, 2021

The Deceitful and Wicked Hearts from the False Prophets Network

By Anthony Wade

Delving into the mind and heart of a false prophet...


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The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? - Jeremiah 17:9 (ESV)

When You Qualify to Use the Title 'Prophet' Charisma News

The Purpose Driven Industrial Complex has built a billion-dollar industry on the backs of people who otherwise might have been desperately seeking God. Instead, they have been sold a false bill of goods by charlatans and hucksters. People who themselves are either deceived or deceivers and in most cases, both. Cult of personality preachers have the most lucrative television deals and book contracts. Many major apostate mega-church kingdoms have their own cash cow in the form of royalties from home made faux worship. As they seek to conquer the secular cultural mountains they make money even from "Christian" movies and media. The churchianity landscape is littered with itinerant preachers seeking their next love offering to keep the bank accounts bulging. One of the most profitable segments of this machine however is the false prophet network where countless people claim to hear from God and speak on His behalf. These snake oil salesmen appear nothing like the prophets we see in the bible because they are not even remotely biblical. They admit as much although they couch that truth differently of course. They have rewritten the standards God set out for people who claim to be hearing from God directly. In the bible a prophet must always be correct in their prophecies. Why? Because they are claiming to hear from God! God does not stutter! He does not speak in hushed tones. Sure, the prophets of old may have been confused as to WHY God said what He did, they were never confused about what He had said.

So the false prophet network carries on their job and job number one is to protect the brand. As such they are constantly writing new guidelines and confirming each other to loan the air of legitimacy where it does not belong. Two such false folks are Craig and Collette Toach. Frequenters of Charisma News, the Toach duo brag openly about being apostles and have founded something they call "nextgen prophets" as they try to sell the business model to up and coming scammers. In his bio, Craig Toach claims his passion is to bring heaven to earth in prayer and decree. This coded language is common at places like Bethel Church where they centralize their mission on this false notion of bringing heaven to earth and believe they too can simply decree things into existence through the old word faith heresy. The above linked article is the latest from Craig Toach where he appears to want to teach about qualifying the use of the title of prophet but in reality he is just trying to sound as if his version of absolute heresy is somehow reasonable. Let us reason once more together to understand the depths of the false teaching embedded in this thinking, which is widely accepted within the apostate church today.

"I remember being on the receiving end of many laughing sessions in high school. One day in particular stands out; it had been a long and hot summer's day. When the last school bell sounded, I couldn't wait to escape. Taking my usual path to leave the school grounds, I reached the part where all the students converged to then take a small embankment leading to a narrow passage to freedom. Shifting my heavy bookbag into place, I paced myself with the flow of my fellow students and started walking down the embarkment like so many times before.

Two steps in, I felt an all-too-familiar tweak come from my right ankle ... Oh no! Not now! Before I knew it, my bookbag hit me in the back of my head, and I went tumbling down the embankment. All I could hear, as I was coming to my senses, was the laughing from the stream of students around me (with an occasional, "Are you OK?"). You know, the laughing was not what I remembered but rather the fear it formed in me: At any time, this could happen again. I found myself continually bracing or looking for objects I could grab onto in case of an emergency. I thank the Lord that my weak ankles were only part of my growing phase. Till today, I appreciate having equally strong ankles to keep me solid in my everyday exploits.

In one of our recent podcasts, Colette and I spoke about how important it is for a prophet to be solid in who they are in their calling. If there is any weakness (like my ankles), you will find yourself tripping when you cannot afford it. So today I want to give you the three-step process to help you overcome your spiritual weak ankles. After following these three steps, you can know without a doubt whether you qualify to wear the title "prophet." - Craig Toach

The ankle analogy is designed to break the ice and make everything that follows sound rational. I would like to interject the bible if we can. The "weakness" Toach refers to within his version of prophets is related to prophesying falsely. His "tripping when you cannot afford" it refers to the actual false prophecy often made by him and his ilk. For example, recently many of the false prophets in this arena were exposed by the Lord when they all prophesied the reelection of Donald Trump. Note however what Toach is setting up as the premise. That if you fancy yourself a prophet, and you trip up on one of those prophecies, here are three easy steps to make sure you are "really" a prophet. This smells like a train wreck waiting to happen.

"1. Are You Called? Has the Lord Jesus Himself told you that He has called you? If so, you've stepped into a new level of maturity. You can hear the Lord for yourself. When the Lord told me I was a prophet, it didn't matter if no one else heard it; I knew what my Jesus had told me. It also gave me the strength to push through when the training got tough. There was a goal to keep my eyes on and Jesus' tender voice helped me along the way. If you have this, you have one strong ankle to lean on. But don't go out there thinking you've arrived! You aren't complete yet. You have just started the process. Don't jump the gun!" - Craig Toach

It did not matter if anyone else heard it. Let that resonate with you for a moment because this allows Toach to never doubt his own calling. It is interesting that he uses the phrase "my jesus" because it certainly was a false christ that gave him this false calling. We must recognize this as the central flaw within the entire false signs and lying wonders movement and within experiential Christianity that favors our own personal experience over what God has already written for us in His word. The secret to understanding the truth here is found in the simple key verse for today, from a real prophet, Jeremiah. God could have just said that our heart was desperately wicked and be done with it but He qualified it further by stating that it is deceitful above all things. Our heart does one thing exceptionally well and that is lie to us. Craig Toach did not hear Jesus call him. He heard the whisperings of his own desperately wicked and deceitful heart. Can God speak to us? Absolutely but when you consider the scope of history covered in the bible it was not a common happenstance for God to speak audibly. In many cases He did so through a prophet because there was no bible yet. Beloved, the bible represents the final revealed will of the creator of the entire universe but we seek a word from Craig Toach? Or Apostle Collette Toach? Why is that? Why when we have the scriptures do we believe that God Himself breathed into existence that we seek a "prophetic" word from the likes of Benny Hinn or Jennifer "Sneaky Squid" LeClaire? The answer is simple. We do not want to hear from God. We do not want to hear about serving, following, and worshipping. We would rather work out our salvation with pomp and circumstance than fear and trembling. So, we gather around for us those that will scratch our itching ears and tell us how great we are.

"2. Are You Confirmed? Has anyone confirmed what the Lord told you? You might ask, "Why do I need others to confirm my call when Jesus already did?" Knowing that what you heard was of the Lord will give you peace of mind. Your revelation wasn't just something you made up. This wasn't just a strong hope you were going on. Paul is a good example of this. I don't think anyone had a more dramatic call than Paul on the road to Damascus (Acts 9). Paul had been called but was literally still blind to the new path he was called to. It took Ananias to come to him and confirm he was called of God. Ananias gave Paul eyes to see. With these two processes achieved, Paul was ready to take on the next step of his process. If this happened to you, then you are too." - Craig Toach

Wait a minute. I thought you already heard from Jesus directly? Now in order to confirm my own deceitful heart I need to hear the same from someone else's deceitful heart? Just make it easy and the first false prophecy you utter you now have confirmed that your "call" was false. Ahh but then the game is up and the wannabe apostle would have to find a real job. Then we see another trademark of the apostate church in making direct comparisons between extraordinary biblical stories and our average lives. Saul was the chief persecutor of Christians, who presided over the death of the first martyr, Stephen. He then had a direct encounter with Jesus Christ and yes, Ananias did lay hands on him to receive back his sight after the Lord had blinded him. Here is today's deep theology. This story is not about you. God did not include it so that we can theorize that a prophet's call requires "confirmation." Did Saul need confirmation from Ananias or did he just need his eyesight back? Read the text and ask yourself if Paul was somehow unsure that he had encountered Christ and he was just waiting around for someone to confirm it for him. What nonsense.

"3. Are You Commissioned? The last step in the process is what gels the previous two together. Have you been commissioned? The Lord Jesus called you and took you on a journey. Then others saw the calling on you and confirmed it, giving you the confidence knowing both God and man see you. But what is it all for, unless you can use your calling to bless the church? What use is having all that potential and training to then sit at home and do nothing? That is why this next step is vital. It is your launching pad into ministry. All you have gone through was not in vain. Your process has formed you to be the vessel you are, for this is your commission to bless the body of Christ. Now it's your time to shine for Jesus! After having been called and commissioned, there was no doubt Paul was a changed man. However, it was only after the elders in Jerusalem sent him out that his ministry took off. The placement by a leader over you is the next step in the evolution of your process. It's your covenant vow in a fellowship of witnesses. Being commissioned means that you commit to something that you don't take lightly.

All too often, Colette and I work with prophets who have skipped one of the steps above. The result? They have an insecurity and continually try to prove themselves. Like me and my ankles, they know something isn't right and try so hard to compensate for it. The Lord didn't call you to live like this. You were called to walk in victory and be a gift to His bride! Checking off these three points will bring you peace. Then you can stand securely in who you are under covering. You can feel secure in calling yourself a prophet before God and man." - Craig Toach

This last point supports the false paradigm set up in the apostate church by the false prophet network. You must be acknowledged by someone already considered a prophet and be under their "covering." The aforementioned LeClaire for example created her own network of prophets called Ignite and if you send her money each month, you can claim to be part of that network, or commissioned. It is all a ponzi scheme. The only role Toach sees is for a prophet to bless the church. Never to warn the church. Never to admonish the church. Never to direct the church back to God. Read the bible and see if there were EVER prophets like that. Prophecy is the word from God! This is not some clairvoyant parlor trick. Do you want a prophetic word? Read your bible! You want to hear a prophetic word? Read your bible out loud! Stop chasing false apostles, false prophets and the rest of this cabal of false merchants peddling the word of the Lord. This is one of the easiest discernment exercises in the kingdom! If they speak falsely, just once, then they are false by definition. Mark them and avoid them.

Reverend Anthony Wade - November 23, 2021

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
