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January 29, 2022

God Reveals to Shawn Bolz the Angel Factory Hidden in the Second Heaven

By Anthony Wade

Shawn Bolz has now visited the second heaven...seriously, stop laughing...


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I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heavenwhether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows. - 2Corinthians 12:2 (ESV)

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So much attention when dealing with the NAR is focused correctly on dominionism. That is because this last idol of the church age is the nearly daily obsession within the apostate church. It seems only yesterday that the primary focus of a discernment ministry were on things like sneaky squid spirits and fake glory clouds. Today politics has taken over in a dramatic way within the walls of the church. Be not dismayed beloved because the depraved hearts of man will always seek out the gnostic, esoteric, and mysterious that can only be found in the false signs and lying wonders wing of the NAR. So, say hello again to the resident false prophet of Bethel Church, Shawn Bolz. Just when you think every story is going to be about the idolatry of carnal politics, along comes Bolz to tell us that he has recently visited the second heaven. I mean c'mon, who hasn't?

I will tell you who hasn't - everybody. There is not one person in the entire canon of scripture that visited the second heaven. How can we be sure? Because the second heaven is not mentioned one time in the entire bible. In fact, the only reason theologians assume the existence of a second heavens is because of the key verse where Paul references being caught up to the third heaven, or the throne room of God. Logic dictates that if there is a third heaven then there should be a second, which is largely considered to be outer space. The first heaven being our atmosphere. Nonetheless, Shawn Bolz has now claimed to be the first person in human history to be taken to the second heaven and he writes about it in the above linked article. So, pack a bag and some lunch because we are heading to the depths of space today to find out what the heck Shawn Bolz is yammering about now. Let us reason together.

"I am going to give you an encounter-based view of what most evangelical theologians believe but, because it is experiential, some of it may not be exact but will help you relate to it. This would not be anti-biblical, but it would be considered extra biblical, meaning I am keeping to the basic tenants of faith that the Bible inspires, not straying or adding truth but trying to give you my experience of that truth." - Shawn Bolz

The bible says in many places that we are not to add anything to the word of God. So, despite Shawn's ignorance, extra-biblical IS unbiblical. You must understand that this is one of the primary heresies at Bethel Church, where Shawn is from. Bethel is ground zero for experiential Christianity. They not only support and teach experience over scripture but they raise personal revelation to the same level as scripture. They are taught to not question what they experience. Absolute truth is one of the benefits of being Christian. It eliminates shades of grey. So, no offense Shawn but we do not need your "experience" of truth. How absurd. It simply does not work that way. The bible does not mention there even is a second heaven but Shawn Bolz' experience of that truth is that he has visited it. At this point there is only one question. Who are you going to believe?

'The angel who was with me put his hands over my eyes and they opened up to something that was so familiar but was so new at the same time. "God created a space between heaven and earth, which is the place where angels were always intended to interact and be at work. It's not that it was ever supposed to be invisible per say to man, but it was supposed to be looked at through the connected eyes of love with God so that it could be understood. God never intended that we angels to be a butler service to you, but He created us more as beautiful stewards of all that He created. Like the human body has billions of cells that work in harmony that define and help its life, angels are like beautiful, living cells that make up the system of creation, working together to keep His will and connection going forward."' - Shawn Bolz

Uh-huh. Why do these kooks always seem to have angels dispatched to them? Not content with adding the existence of the second heaven to scripture, Bolz is now creating an entirely new purpose for it! Who knew that the second heaven was apparently designed to house office buildings for angels? You know who knew? No one because it is utter nonsense! The rest of this flowery rhetoric is meant to distract you from asking the obvious question. Why would the creator of the entire universe leave us with is final revealed will and forget to mention that angels work in the second heavens? Assuming you can get by that one then you are forced to agree that God waited over 2000 years because He was waiting for Shawn Bolz to come along so He could give him a guided tour. The same Shawn Bolz who is a false prophet at the most doctrinal cesspool on the planet. The same Shawn Bolz who uses his smart phone to dupe easily deceived people into thinking he is being given words of knowledge about them. That Shawn Bolz. On a side note of disappointment I guess I have to tell my personal angel, Benny the Butler, that he doesn't have to pick up my dry cleaning anymore.

"I could see just that. This spiritual plane looked like it was an intricate communication between God's nature in heaven and the earthly realm that I could see. It wasn't like sci-fi or fantasy in my imagination but a very clear process that if we could break it down scientifically, it would even make sense.... if we had the science or understanding to break it down with. It was even more brilliant than anything I had seen on the earth. As I looked around, things would overlap here to the earth, like almost as though you could draw a curtain and see the visible realm instantly. I wanted to see Los Angeles from this place because I love it so much. Spiritually we looked at it and it was wild! I looked down at one of my favorite areas, Hollywood, and I could see that in this realm, all history was imprinted almost like a computer where you could just see everyone who ever lived there, their history and impact on everyone else, and everything that had ever happened. All information was here like it was a historical database that could be accessed instantly. History couldn't be hidden, both good and bad. When I looked at one living person, I could look here at what was like a root system of history, looking down long lines of their life and seeing everything about them, every choice they had made, the parents and relationships they came from, even the country of origin. Then I could see that country's origin." - Shawn Bolz

I do not want to get bogged down in refuting claims of supernatural occurrence because inevitably those that favor Charismania, will dismiss the criticism as coming from someone who just needs a deeper spiritual experience or some other wildly unbiblical nonsense. Supernatural is just above our sense of nature and God is certainly that. I could parse through these claims of codified history and angels who are apparently in charge of all human history and geography, but the larger problem remains one Shawn Bolz. Even if you believe in this angelic workplace between the throne room and earth and a singular glance at a person reveals their entire history how do get past that God chose Shawn Bolz to reveal this all to? Is God somehow unaware that Bethel operates a school of the so called supernatural where they usurp the power of the Holy Spirit and teach how to perform the gifts of the spirit? Did God miss the conferences where Bolz used his smartphone to scour attendees' social media so he could present fake words of knowledge to them? How about when Bolz claimed in March of 2020 that God told him that COVID was nearing its end? No beloved. God misses nothing and will not be mocked. There is simply no way His chosen vessel over thousands of years is a man who teaches that everyone can prophesy despite the bible teaching the opposite. Mercifully, this article is ending:

'The information that was held here was so exhausting to my mind that I closed my eyes. "Everything that ever happened in your timeline is imprinted here." The angel smiled and I realized that in this place between heaven and earth that history itself was unveiled and powerful, but also tragic and broken. I felt overwhelmed by it. I guess I think as a western world human I feel like most of what happens in our lives, choices, and history isn't that important is just gone after it happens but when I looked here, I could see how every choice created its own root system that would inspire new choices, even if not good ones. I could see whole issues over specifically America and where they had started, not that I could ever articulate what I was seeing but just as Adam and Eve made a very clear choice that led us here, I could see other choices that different people made that empowered so much evil and delineation from God's master plan. I could feel the hope of God's heart in this, but I couldn't see it in the structure of what I was looking at. History, the way I was seeing it, seemed ugly. "You are looking and then trying to process with your humanity, not with your Spirit that He gave you. That is how most believers discern here." The angel had compassion on me, but I didn't yet understand what he was saying. "I have to show you more."' The preceding is an excerpt from chapter 12 of Shawn Bolz's Encounter. For more information and to order the book, please visit"- Shawn Bolz

Once again there is little purpose in debunking fantasy. It is interesting that dominionism enters the picture as Bolz reflects upon "issues" over America. Bethel of course is ground zero for the NAR and the dominionism it embraces. As we close, I think it is important to try and ferret out motive. Why is it that Shawn Bolz decided to write this article? I am reminded of the "waking visitation" claimed by Bethel worship leader from Jesus Culture, Kim Walker-Smith. She claims Jesus visited her while awake and whisked her away to the throne room of God where she met the Father face to face. Her description of what ensued was simply demonic as God allegedly ripped out a piece of His own heart to mold a miniature Kim Walker-Smith to dance for Him! If Kim had read the bible she might have learned that no one could possibly se the Father face to face and live! There are only two possible explanations for this ridiculous story. One is that Smith made it up. Maybe to seems more spiritual. Nothing gains you more street cred at Bethel than claiming to visit heaven and speak directly to God. The other possible explanation is found in 2Corinthians 11, where we are taught that the devil himself and his emissaries disguise themselves as angels of light. So, it is always possible that the entire "visitation" was Smith being visited and deceived by demons masquerading as angels of light. She always seemed sincere enough so I always assumed she just could not tell between angels and demons.

I am not so sure now with Bolz. He closes this article with the angel saying he has more to show him because this has been one big advertisement for his new book. What we have to weigh is the notion that God would give all of this supernatural revelation to a demonstrated false prophet who mocks his word or if that false prophet just made it all up to sell some books. I am going with the latter notion. Do not be suckered in by the obvious huckster, Shawn Bolz. Maybe I am wrong and there is a big old Corporate Headquarters for angels somewhere between here and the throne. Maybe Benny the Butler is supposed to pick up my dry cleaning. When you take a step back and look at the scope of what is being offered it seems far more likely that Shawn Bolz is just prophe-lying again. Imagine my surprise.

Reverend Anthony Wade - January 29, 2022

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
