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July 9, 2014

Consequences of the False Prophetic Paradigm on Our Church and our Children

By Anthony Wade

How we use false prophecy to idolize America and the effect of having no respect for the supernatural on our kids.


Thus says the Lord of hosts: "Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord. They say continually to those who despise the word of the Lord, 'It shall be well with you'; and to everyone who stubbornly follows his own heart, they say, 'No disaster shall come upon you.'" - Jeremiah 23: 16-17 (ESV)

I have written for some time now about the false prophetic paradigm that exists in the church today. By chasing false signs and lying wonders many hearts are being deceived and led astray. There is a dramatic increase in pursuing experiential Christianity over biblical Christianity. You cannot walk down the street today without tripping over a newly self appointed apostle or someone claiming to be a prophetess. These range from the utterly moronic, like Prophetess Christina Glenn Weeks who sells "supernatural turn around miracle oil and prayer cloth" for only $48 and for an extra $40 she will throw in a "prophetic breakthrough." Then for a gift of $1000-$10,000 you can purchase "special uncommon favor." That is only the bottom layer of this paradigm however. It is laden with hucksters like Glenn-Weeks and the idiot who tried to prophesy the winner of the Super Bowl and lost 43-8. They operate in shady hotel rooms across this country and represent a not so soft underbelly of demonic activity posing as the church in these end times.

But the paradigm goes so much further then that. It goes to well "respected" persons who are not silly enough to charge $88 for a piece of their bath towel. We highlighted last week the Reverend Billy Graham's daughter, who suddenly fancies herself to be a prophetess apparently. Within her well meaning "prophecies" however was again this false assertion of revival for America. This week, another well respected "prophetess", Jennifer Leclaire, double down on this notion proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that she does not move in the prophetic at all. Leclaire is an editor at Charisma News, indicating how compromised Charisma News is at this point. She is also the Director for IHOP in Fort Lauderdale, further cementing her false prophet credentials. IHOP of course being closely affiliated with the heretical Kansas City Prophets, The New Apostolic Reformation and Bill Johnson at Bethel Church. These are people who think Todd Bentley is an apostle. That's right. The same Todd Bentley who punches and kicks sick people claiming the Holy Spirit tells him to. The same Todd Bentley who claims to become drunk and stoned in the spirit. These folks are the same that embrace lying prophets like Kim Clement who recently said that the new pope was "appointed to join the hearts of Protestant faith -- Catholic -- those who are Spirit-filled." The same folks who embrace Rick Joyner and his belief that modern prophets are pretty good if they maintain a 65% accuracy rating with their prophecies. The same folks that embrace the idea that you can teach the gifts of the spirit, as Bill Johnson does out at Bethel and teach our kids that anyone can move in the supernatural through their heretical "worship" outfit, Jesus Culture. Sorry but the company you keep does matter and indicates what you endorse and believe. By association alone, Jennifer Leclaire is clearly a false prophet but we also gain more proof from her "prophecies" themselves.

In her latest Charisma article, Leclaire spends the first half shilling for the Republican Party and while there was plenty there that was dishonest, I would prefer to focus on the second half of her piece, which contains a "prophecy" she claims she received from God directly. Leclaire states:

"On April 21, 2007, the Lord woke me up at midnight and I sensed Him offering this prophetic word"

Are you sure it wasn't the spicy dinner you had that night? The Lord woke you up and you "sensed" Him offering you a prophetic word that just so happened to line up directly with your pre-conceived political leanings and belief systems? Wow, now that is a convenient prophecy. But Leclaire continued to reveal her stature as a false prophet:

There is a great awakening coming to this nation. For I have heard your cries and I long to heal your land. I am a covenant God and I will not forget the covenant I made with your Founding Forefathers. Yes, there will be a shaking, but the foundations will not crack and they will not crumble. Only those things which can be shaken will be shaken that the sin in the land may be laid bare.

Remember now this is a word from 2007, so apparently God is taking His time. Let us start however with the absurd notion that God made a covenant with the founding fathers of this country. As a minister of the Gospel and a former teacher of American history let me assure you - He did not. Someone has been watching too many Dinesh D'Souza documentaries. Yes it is true that the majority of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Christian, albeit from several different denominations. A few were deists and then there were flat out non-believers like Jefferson and Franklin. The 1796 Treaty of Tripoli stated unequivocally that America was not founded as a Christian nation and that was passed unanimously and signed by the second President, John Adams. These facts not withstanding, even if you wanted to pretend that the founding fathers were all born again believers the leap to "being in covenant with God" is simply not attainable. God is under covenant with Israel. We as gentile believers are grafted in to the olive tree that is Israel. The Bible makes no other mention of any other covenant with God and since God sees all time, He would have known. Only our unbridled arrogance allows us to casually throw around the term covenant as if it means nothing to God. Leclaire's "prophecy" continues:

Yes, there is a great awakening coming to this nation. I am the Author of it and I will bring it to pass. Just turn from your wicked ways and humble yourselves. Stand in the gap and make up the hedge. I am the Lord and I am a Warrior. I will not leave or forsake this country. I will fight through you and with you to regain what has been lost.

Plenty of religious-speak couched in here to make Christians feel all pious about the cause but it is non-biblical. The "never leave nor forsake" promise is from God to those who believe in God, not for an unbelieving nation. At least Leclaire outlines the shortcomings of the church and she is right about that but she fails to see how she is a part of those failings. That instead of preaching the Gospel she has Christians chasing after myths contained within the false prophetic paradigm. As previously written, the inference Leclaire and her ilk make is that if we could just get enough Americans to change their behavior, then God will not judge the nation. Beloved the problem with our country is not behavioral; it is relational. The behavior is merely a symptom of the fact that they have no relationship with God. The way you change the behavior is by changing the relationship and that can only happen through preaching the Gospel! Leclaire however tips her hand as to what this really all about:

I fear God's judgment may come if we continue to stand by in silence while abortions, same-sex marriage and other sin rages in our land.

This is the warped theo-logic regarding such prophecies. They have nothing to do with saving the lost as much as they have to do with saving this country. It is turning America into an idol. The reality is that we Christians like living in the world we are only supposed to be pilgrims and sojourners in. We count our citizenship in heaven on Sundays but we pitch our tent in Sodom the rest of the time. We do not want to come out from among them so we try and convince them to behave better. Does anyone seriously believe that if all abortions, and gay marriages were to stop tomorrow that God would come and judge the rest of the world but leave America alone? Is that how you read Revelation? That the problem God has with America is that children are not forced to pray to a God they do not know? Or that the Ten Commandments are being removed from courthouses that practice injustice? Dear Lord. We have entire denominations and Christian movements that teach Christians do not even need to heed the Ten Commandments! We have prominent denominational leaders praising the pope and working on ecumenical advances! Consider these verses for a moment:

And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.' - Matthew 25: 38-40 (ESV)

Now realize that the vast majority of Christians believe that the women and children from indigent third world countries that have been pouring into this country for the past few weeks should be shipped back! Get out of our country! Who would Jesus deport? I am not making a political stand - I am merely pointing out the lunatic state of the church when it comes to deciding if it wants to side with this country or their heavenly citizenship. Leclaire declares a remnant is rising but that only shows how polluted her thinking is because she believes that remnant is made up of people like her who prove they are not following the Bible but rather their own "American Idol." She correctly chastises the church for loving worldly entertainment but she fails to realize she is part of that entertainment. She is part of the "Christian" entertainment circuit. Exploiting the very real supernatural aspects of God for her own ends. Do not think for a second beloved that there are not real consequences for following false signs and wonders and carnal prophecies. Those effects are being manifest now in the coming generation of church kids. When you support blatantly heretical organizations such as IHOP and Bill Johnson's Bethel Church there is a trickle down effect. Johnson for example operates a school where he teaches the supernatural gifts, despite the Bible clearly teaching that they are given by the Spirit as the Spirit decides. Johnson amazes his congregants with the whole array of false signs and wonders including gold dust, gem stones, angel feathers and glory clouds. He has raised up a youth worship movement to rival the equally heretical Hillsong Church; called Jesus Culture. These kids are taught the same nonsense. Complete disrespect for the supernatural, dominionist theology, and the over-sexualization of Christ arising from the IHOP bridal paradigm. Don't believe me? Let's take a look. This first video is from a Bethel Church service.

Beloved this is nothing more than witchcraft in the church. A mixture of divination, clairvoyance and deception. The convulsing and uncontrolled laughter makes a mockery of the holiness of God. This is the norm at Bethel. It is what is taught at their school of the supernatural. It is what is then taught to their youth leaders. It is then taken by Jesus Culture all over this country and taught to our kids. Don't believe me? They practice what they call "fire tunnels" where one person runs a gauntlet of other kids all "laying hands" on them until they convulse or collapse. What these kids do not understand is that not everyone has all the gifts. Not everyone is called to lay hands. Not everyone is working with the Holy Spirit. Many are working with demonic spirits and then they are laying hands on you! No wonder our youth cannot tell the difference between the spiritual and the demonic - take a look at this from Wretched:

For anyone with discernment that clip should be frightening. The end result is an increasingly biblically illiterate church body that has bought into the false prophetic paradigm put forth by the Jennifer Leclaire's of the world. Put forth by her heretical organization IHOP and Bethel Church. The end result is an arrogantly ignorant generation who think they all can operate in the realm of the supernatural like turning on a light switch. Playing games with demons like the Seven Sons of Sceva from Acts 19. Don't believe me? This next clip I have shown before and is horrifying:

This is in the lobby of a Jesus Culture event. The "prayer leader" looks too young to vote and just look at all the giddy kids eager to lay their hands on this poor guy in the wheelchair - who then they proceed to drag around the lobby pretending a miracle is taking place. Then they all clap at the end and declare it done? They only thing they did besides seriously strain the disabled man was prove that the end result of the false prophetic paradigm has real lasting consequences.

Beloved this nonsense has to stop. It is a distraction from Satan. It is not biblical and therefore not of God. I do not know Jennifer Leclaire so I cannot speak to her sincerity only to her false teaching and prophecy. God did not tell her He would not forget the covenant He made with the founding fathers because He made no such covenant. That is nothing more than a manifestation of our own idolatry for this country. We talk about being citizens of heaven but we live like this world is more precious to us. Take a good hard look at the key verses for today from the Prophet Jeremiah. We are not to listen to the words of prophets who fill us with vain hopes. Those who speak visions of their own minds and not from the mouth of the Lord. They say continually to those who despise the Word of the Lord - don't worry, God will remember the covenant He made with the founding fathers! To everyone who stubbornly follows their own hearts - I will not leave or forsake this country!

Leclaire was right about one thing though. The church is in desperate need of repentance. We need to repent of the false gospels and damnable heresies we follow today, including the false prophetic paradigm. If we do not then we will continue to chase a revival that is not coming from a country that does not want it. We will continue to tell people who stubbornly follow their own heart that no disaster shall come upon you; when they really need to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ before His judgment does fall upon them. We need to repent because our kids are being led down the broad path to destruction and are being taught doctrines of demons instead of the true Word of God. We need to repent because tomorrow is promised to no one and time is running short. You may take that as a prophetic Word. Not because I am a prophet but because it is in the Bible.

Reverend Anthony Wade - July 9, 2014

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
