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October 6, 2014

The Ongoing Problem With Holy Ghost Movie

By Anthony Wade

As the director of Holy Ghost tries to deflect criticism, he continues to reveal all that is wrong and unbiblical with this movie...


And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God's power. - 1Corinthians 2: 1-5 (ESV)

The above link is to a recent devotional about the heretical movie Holy Ghost. One observation from the movie that the Director Darren Wilson kept emphasizing is this religion versus relationship lie. That the detractors of his movie are just some old crusty religious establishment folks who need a revelation of the Holy Ghost. That people who criticize this movie are trying to "put God in a box", as the movie claims. The box of course they are trying desperately to mock and avoid is what we Christians call the Bible. It is called sound doctrine. It is how people get saved.

Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. - 1Timothy 4: 16 (NIV)

Well it seems the movie has garnered some well deserved skepticism and critique. Darren Wilson has decided that any attention is good attention when you are selling something so he has decided to try and answer what he thinks are some of the common criticisms. Within his answers however, lie the problem all over again. Here is his link:

In here Wilson has identified three areas he tries to address and each one contains glaring problems. The first area criticism is why the Gospel was not presented in the film. Wilson believes that the portion of the film at the Korn concert showed Todd White presenting the Gospel, including "at length the saving work of Jesus, the need to repent of your sins and the need to have a relationship with Christ." If you have seen this movie you know this is simply untrue. It certainly was not "at length." Far more time was spent on the magic tricks in Salt Lake and the guitar concert in India. That aside, pulling people off of a rock concert line, using the star of the band they are going to see, and making them repeat a prayer they cannot possibly understand, is not presenting the Gospel. Is sin mentioned? Barely. Is repentance mentioned? Yes. Joel Osteen mentions both in his "sinner's prayer" offering too and it saves just as many people - none. I can barely blame Wilson here because when you look at the people he associates with, you see where he forms this theology. I have to conclude that to Darren Wilson, this is the Gospel. To drag some teenagers off of a rock concert line and make them pray without having them truly understand what they are praying for. From this Wilson article:

"Many people, it seems, prefer their gospel to focus on God's coming judgment and therefore want to push people to repentance right there on the spot. I much prefer to focus on God's love for people, and the offer He is making to save them from their sins and His desire for relationship with them. I prefer to let the Holy Spirit convict them of their sin (which is what the Bible says He will do, by the way), and am fully confident that He will do what He says He will do. I think many people simply don't trust God to do God-type things in people's lives and hearts, so they feel the need to do it all themselves. This, in my opinion, is a mistake."

Pay close attention to the language he uses. "Their Gospel" and "I prefer to focus on." There is only one Gospel beloved. There is not my version and Darren Wilson's version. It is because of God's love that He did not want us to suffer His wrath. You cannot pretend you are "focusing on one" when the reality is you are ignoring the other. Without a serious understanding of your position as a sinner destined for hell, you cannot repent, period! The Holy Spirit cannot convict us of something we are unaware of. It does not work like that.

The second criticism is that the Salt Lake City scenes are all about experience and that what Jamie Galloway and Will Hart were doing was the same things mediums do. Here is the first portion of Wilson's logic:

"First, this was the beginning of the film, and I wanted to knock over some religious pedestals right off the bat. 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 says, ""and my speech and my m message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. It is my belief that God is to be loved, worshipped, obeyed, and believed in, but He must also be experienced."

Herein lies a large part of the problem. I will skip over the obvious false argument he relies on regarding "religious pedestals." This exposes why this film and the false brand of Christianity Darren Wilson sells is so dangerous and wrong. He quotes from verses 4 and 5 in 1Corinthians 2 to make his point. This is the entire crux to him for this movie. That God is to be experienced. That those old religious types just want to cling to their doctrine but we go out and experience the Holy Spirit. Because even Paul said here that his own message was in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. So that our faith would not rest in wisdom but in the power of God. Except one little problem. That is not what these verses mean. This is why context is always crucial. The key verses today include the entire context of what Paul was saying. Did Paul say that he resolved to know nothing but cheap parlor tricks and psychic strategies? No. did he say that he resolved to know nothing but an experiential Christ? No. Paul said he resolved to know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified. You know what that is Darren? That's the Gospel. It is the opposite of experience. It is doctrine. You know why Darren? Because experience is subjective. It changes from person to person. In Salt Lake City we saw Jamie and Will use the same schemes that fake mediums use. Throw out as much information and see what the person reacts to. Now they were pretty good at it. Better than Todd White pulling the other leg down in the "grow the shortened leg" trick.

What Paul is saying in the key verses is the opposite of what Darren Wilson ripped verses four and five out of context for. Where is the demonstration of the Spirit's power found? In Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Paul did not want to distract from that with using his own wisdom or persuasive words. What were Jamie and Will doing the entire time in Salt Lake? Persuading. Paul is reminding us here that we do not need the parlor tricks, human wisdom, or persuasive words because the true power of the Spirit is found in the Gospel. God is to be experienced but He is experienced through the other items Darren so casually mentions. We experience God through worship, faith, obedience and by loving Him. What Holy Ghost sells is the notion that experiencing God is separate from these things. That it is something we can freelance on our own. I might add here that Darren Wilson leaves out the most important way we can experience God and that is through His Word! I know that flies in the face of his experiential theology and the goals of this move but that is exactly the point. You cannot "experience" God if you dismiss His Word as "religion" and abuse it as he did here. Do not forget that there are other spirits out there fighting against us:

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. - 2Corinthians 11: 14-15 (NIV)

When you play around with the experiential side of spiritual warfare and you leave the Word of God behind, you end up like the Seven Sons of Sceva in Acts 19. What this movie encourages is simply dangerous.

The last area of criticism Wilson responds to is regarding Brian Head Welch returning to Korn even though he claims he is born again. Wilson contorts himself badly here but it is worth exploring for those who think this is just a minor issue. Here is the first quote from Wilson:

"The first thing to note, especially if you are not a fan of Korn's music or that style of music, is the music they make is not Satanic. While it is true that a few of their songs glorify things that are truly dark and horrific, Brian and Fieldy have both stated that they will not play those songs onstage anymore, and the band has acquiesced."

I will admit I know nothing about Korn. I had to do some research. While I cannot say they are overtly Satanic, I think Wilson is either lying or being lied to. A site called loudwire reports that since Welch returned to the band they have been invigorated and are aiming for their next album to be "heavier and dirtier." You can also google the set list from Korn shows this year and find the songs they performed. For example, at Rockfest this year two of the songs were "Freak on a Leash" and "Spike in My Veins." In fairness, to ensure these were not somehow love ballads, I googled their lyrics. Here is a snippet from "Freak"

Something takes a part of me
You and I were meant to be
A cheap f*** for me to lay
Something takes a part of me

And here is a snippet from "Spike"

Never gonna run away
Seeking out the path
But the pain always gets in the way
Slowly watch me die
I'm insane, so dangerous
Don't you dare get in my way
Throwing in the towel
Got me strained, so betrayed
Get the f*** out of my way
Looking at my thoughts, I take my time
Pounding all these spikes in my veins

If the band truly acquiesced and stopped doing the really bad songs, I certainly do not want to see those lyrics. So, you drag some kids off the line, pray a prayer with them they cannot understand about repenting from sins and then play music to them with lyrics such as these. Any questions? Wilson continues:

Second, Brian and Fieldy are the only Christians in the band. The others are decidedly not believers, especially the lead singer, who is the one who writes all the lyrics.

So what are you saying? That Welch and Fieldy have no control over what they do because the singer writes the lyrics? Can you say that with a straight face? Actually, let's take a look at who the singer is. His name is Jonathan Davis but he calls himself JDevil. He figured that since his initials were already JD, he only had to add the word evil (his quote). He admits to being fascinated by the devil his entire life. He says the seven deadly sins are not bad; they make you excel in life. One of his many tattoos is Jesus beating someone with a hammer. Now look, I am not saying that Welch and Fieldy cannot witness to their friends but we all know that when we come to Christ we have to leave some stuff behind. Wilson jumps off a cliff now comparing the Korn songs to the Psalms. Funny, I do not remember this Psalm:

Shut the f*** up! Get up!
Shut the f*** up! Get up!
Shut the f*** up! Get up!
I can't wait to rip my eyes out and look at you
Peace through pain is precious especially when it's done by you

Somehow I just can't picture the Israelites singing this song on their way to Passover in Jerusalem:

My mind is done with this,
Okay, I've got a question.
"Can I throw it all away?"
Take back what's mine
So I take my time, guiding the blade down the line
Each cut closer to the vein (vein, vein)

For the record, these two songs were also on the set list from this year. This is no small point beloved. When you think so little of the Word of God you can begin to marginalize it. When you think your experience is more important then what God already said, then you can start to compare Freak on a Leash to Psalm 23. It would be laughable if it were not so telling and so sad. Here is the final silly point from Wilson:

The other point to note is, what is the alternative? Would you prefer there to be no Christian presence in the band at all? Is it worth it for the kids who are getting saved at every show for Brian and Fieldy to be a part of this band?

The truly pathetic thing is that this has to explained at all. The issue Darren, is not the band but rather the two people who claim to be Christian. This logic is the same as saying that it is no big deal for someone who gets saved to continue hanging out in the same bar Jesus saved them out of. It is absurd. The other major blow here is that these kids are not being saved Darren. They are being lied to and manipulated. Do you honestly believe that it is the plan of God to save these kids and then have them go listen to songs about the blade cutting closer and closer to the vein? Are you serious here? That they have genuinely given their lives to Christ by a three sentence prayer and then go rock out singing about ripping their own eyes out of their heads? Are you serious here? That they are now a new creation in Christ but think nothing of referring to women as a "cheap f*** for me to lay?" Are you serious here?

No Darren. You are not serious. Your movie is not serious. You do however, serious damage to many people and you will stand before God one day and answer for it. Then you will know what it is like to truly "experience" God. Or you can repent. You can repent of this blatant heresy and stop denouncing the very "religion" God created and died for. Repent and try to get Mr. Welch and Fieldy to get out of the darkness now that they are supposedly in the light. Repent of the false signs and wonders you have been peddling. Repent and admit that the leg growing trick in the movie was a scam. Repent and hold up the true Gospel. Repent and realize that it is not with your words of wisdom, your sleight of hand, or your special effects that anyone gets saved. It is only through Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

Reverend Anthony Wade - October 6, 2014

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
