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October 15, 2015

Biblical Response to Tim Keller and Refuting the Doctrine of Election

By Anthony Wade

Response to recent article defending the Calvinist doctrine of election. But what does the Bible actually say?


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Pastor Tim Keller has now written a book to try and prop up the doctrine of election, the centerpiece of flawed Calvinist teaching. I am sure he means well; as does the MacArthurs and Pipers of the world. These are devoted Bible expositors that appear as sold out to pre-destination as many of the Pentecostals sold out to Charismania they like to rightly complain about. Perhaps it is this sold out state that prevents them from seeing the truth that stands right in front of them. That election/pre-destination as taught by Calvinism is the most arrogant doctrine alive today that simply flies in the face of 95% of Scripture. It flies in the face of the attributes of God. It is devoid of true justice, mercy and grace. The type of justice, mercy and grace the God of the Bible clearly embodies.

For the unsure, Calvinism centrally consists of five points of theology. Perhaps the most important of these is the doctrine of election, which says that before the Adam took his first breath, God had already decided who would go to heaven and hell throughout all of human history. That He "elected" some for salvation and some for eternal suffering having absolutely nothing to do with their lives here on earth. In another of the five points, Calvinists teach that the work of the cross is therefore ONLY for the elect. This doctrine of limited atonement paints a Jesus who only came to save some, which is diametrically opposed to His entire message and ministry:

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time. - 1Timothy 2: 1-6 (ESV)

Who did Christ Jesus give Himself as a ransom for? The elect? No. For all. Who does God desire to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth? Just a select few? No again. He desires all to be saved. Now, not all will but that does not change the obvious fact that teaching God pre-decided simply does not line up with Scripture. In a recent article, Keller presents what he calls the three most common questions that the doctrine of election raises.

Let me first say that these should not be the most common questions. There are far easier questions that obliterate election theology. Two of these seem to be offered as a way to prop up Calvinism. Nevertheless, the truth is always easy to see and apply when one approaches the Bible as the measuring rod and has not sold out to any one prescribed doctrine of man. As for the questions Keller offers:

1) If you believe in election, doesn't that leave you with the problem of why God doesn't choose to save everyone?

This question simply misses the point. The question is not why God does not choose to save everyone. The question is why He would choose to randomly save people without meaning or purpose. The only answer Keller or any Calvinist offers is sovereignty. They argue that technically no one should be saved because we are so depraved so we shouldn't ask questions when God chooses to save some. This is an intellectually bankrupt answer that is also not supported biblically. It is what is known as a dodge. Keller presents the question as to why God does not save everyone as the "ultimate mystery" but it is not as mysterious when you actually read the Bible:

because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. - Romans 10: 9 (ESV)

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. - Romans 1: 18-23 (ESV)

Romans 10 spells it out very clearly. One must confess with their mouth and believe in their heart in Jesus and His resurrection and they will be saved. Not they will be saved if they are on the "elect" list. Note the message in the verses from Romans 1. Why in the world would anyone need an excuse if they were pre-decided to go to hell? God makes it very clear here that they will have no excuse for trading in the God that creation screams at them exists for images and idolatry under the guise of wisdom. God is plain to all because He has shown Himself to all. Why? Because He desires none to perish! Scripture always verifies Scripture. Under Calvinistic theology, why would God bother to show Himself to the very people He already decided were going to hell? Seems not only pointless but cruel - two attributes that are not of God. No beloved. God does not save everyone because not everyone wants God. Remember, God consigns no one to hell. People willingly choose to go. People either choose to place their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior or they reject God. None come to the Father except through Christ. There is no deep dark secret here. Man fell and God in His infinite loving-kindness sacrificed His only Son so that those who believe in Him would have eternal life. What is amazing is that Keller then presents the true argument against election, which is foreknowledge, and doesn't even realize he is doing it.

"Suppose that eons ago God set up salvation on this system: Every person will have an equal ability to accept or reject Christ, who will die and be raised and be presented through the Gospel message. The moment God determined to set up salvation on that system, He would've immediately known exactly which persons would be saved and which would be condemned on that basis. So the minute He "set it up," He would be defacto electing some and passing over others. We come out to the same place. God could save all, but He doesn't."

There is nothing to suppose! This is the system God set up! Read John 3:16! What Keller has unwittingly stumbled upon is what confounds Calvinists every day. They continue to confuse the foreknowledge of God with pre-destination.

For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified. - Romans 8: 29-30 (ESV)

Look at the order here. Foreknew -- pre-destined -- called - justified - glorified. It is because God already knows who will accept the glorious gift of salvation through Jesus Christ that people are pre-destined for eternal life in heaven or eternal suffering. These two contrasting positions do not come out at the same place at all! When you follow the doctrine of election you come out with a capricious God who consigns people to hell without any rhyme or reason. Certainly no justice. The argument that we all deserve hell is laid waste by the fact that some do get saved. As long as that is the case there would be no justice in the randomness of the Calvinist doctrine. Keller concludes this point by saying that based on what we know; there must be some hidden rationale God has for the randomness. Except God is not in the hiding business. Calvinists also cannot have any sane explanation for this verse:

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. - 2Peter 3: 9 (ESV)

God desires all to come to repentance. Not some. Not those He elected -- all. This one verse eviscerates election theology but when you look at Scripture collectively, as we have done here, the evidence is staggering. If God desires all why would He then hold it back for some and not others? Based upon whether they want Him or not. That is always the response to the Gospel. Faith or derision. Keller would continue:

2) But if everything is fixed and certain, why pray, evangelize, or do anything at all?

This is an excellent point against Calvinist teaching but Keller tries pointlessly to swat it away. First he offers that if everything was not planned by a holy and loving God that we would be terrified at getting up in the morning. This misses the mark on many fronts. First of all, it would be terrifying to think that God was not sovereign over everything; not that He plans everything. Under this thinking we are all just bit actors in a cosmic play. Everything scripted and robotic. Does Pastor Keller actually think that the chaos and depravity seen every day in this world is planned by God? Not even close. He of course allows it through His permissive will because ultimately He is always sovereign. Keller seems to intimate that unless God is planning everything there is no control but that is not true. God's sovereignty means He is in control -- not that He exercises that control constantly over His creation. The next rationale offered is that somehow there would be enormous pressure on Christians when they evangelize. That our own inarticulateness could result in a person missing their shot at salvation. Once again. Let us turn to the Bible for our answers:

so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. - Isaiah 55: 11 (ESV)

For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. - 1Corinthians 1: 17 (ESV)

The Gospel is the power of God unto the salvation of men, not the wise and persuasive words of men. The scenario Keller presents would empty the cross of its power. That we would rely upon the smooth preaching and eloquence of man as opposed to the Holy Spirit who draws men through the preached Word of God. I remember once at my old church there was a Friday night message by a new preacher that was horribly executed. He lost his focus, lost his train of thought, and the sermon was an organizational wreck. Yet when it came time to pray the altar was covered with the biggest response that year. God's Word does not return void beloved. When I was first called to preach, I used to be so worried about "screwing up" God's Word. A wise pastor told me I needed to get over myself. His Word is His Word and it will not return void. It always succeeds for the reason God sent it.

The second thought offered by Keller here is even more off the mark. He says that we ought to view it a privilege to share in the work of God. Talk about missing the point! There is no work under Calvinist theology! It has all been decided! That is what this second question is trying to get at. If you believe in election then the work of sharing the Gospel and evangelizing makes no common sense. If Suzy is elected to heaven, she does not need the Gospel. If Johnny is going to hell, then the Gospel cannot help him; according to the doctrine of election. Why even go through the cross and Calvary at all? Why sacrifice His Son? If it is simple matter of a roll of the dice, cast the lots and be done with it. If everything is pre-planned, why pray? We always hear about a praying grandmother when someone comes to the Lord but according to this theology her prayers meant nothing. There is no point in praying for the lost at all because God has already decided. Sorry but the vast majority of Scripture disagrees. Keller then says we are not supposed to "second guess" God by guessing who might be elect and who is not. Keller says that God calls all to repent and so should we. Wow. I am stunned at the disconnect from such good Bible expositors. It is the point that God calls all to repent that destroys the doctrine of election! Why would God call all to repent and then say, just kidding! If there are a group of elect then He would just call them, no? Remember, if you start getting into the fact that He knows who will respond to His call to all then you are arguing foreknowledge, not election. Keller offers a final thought on this second question:

"The point is this: the person you pray for and/or share the Gospel with may be one of God's elect, and you may be part of the way God has ordained to bring them to faith."

Wait a minute. Two minutes ago Keller claimed it would be too frightening to think of a world where things were left up to the control of man and now this? The definitions of words do not fluctuate based upon human behavior. Elect is elect, regardless of anything we may or may not do. In non-Calvinist teaching, everyone needs to hear the Gospel and be drawn by the Spirit but under election; the Gospel only has partial power. Evangelizing becomes an Easter egg hunt. We are looking for those special people, the elect. What a great doctrine. Well, if you are part of the special people. Here was the final question offered by Keller:

3) I believe the Bible and see all the teaching about election, but why do I still dislike it?

Seriously? The notion that this is a common question is laughable. Any "question" that starts with supporting the proposition in question it is probably a red herring. I believe the Bible but do not see any teaching of Calvinist election. I see a handful of verses, most of which have better interpretations when considering the context of the overall canon of Scripture. I see a doctrine of man being taught as if it were from God. Think for a moment how offensive this doctrine is for the un-elect and at the same time how convenient it is for the saved. That is the punchline problem of course. Everyone who espouses this theology believes they have been magically made part of the elect! No wonder they defend it so vociferously. Any faith whose starting position is that you hit the lottery is one you want to hold onto tightly!

One of Keller's closing points is that eastern philosophies and religions have always been more fatalistic, believing individual autonomy is an illusion. My answer is -- who cares? That is what makes God so much better than our way of thinking. That His ways are so far above our ways. I can agree with the first point of Calvinism which states that we are totally depraved. We need a Savior. The problem is that the remainder of Calvinistic teaching denies that Savior to swaths of humanity and then blames it on God. Whenever holes and flaws are pointed out in this theology it is met with one of two defenses. One is to misunderstand sovereignty and the other is to pull the mystical card. Both are resolved by reflecting back to His Holy Word. I do not mean a handful of verses but the whole thing.

Let me be clear here too. I understand why the Kellers of the world fall for this. They see as we all do the dumbing down of salvation within modern churches. This however is an over-correction. Just like when John MacArthur saw the abuses of the spiritual gifts so he decided he was a cessationist. Just because many abuse the path to salvation that does not mean you agree with a doctrine on the polar opposite side. I agree that salvation is not this "invite Jesus into your heart" thing that is sold for two minutes of your time in the purpose driven church model. I get that. It is not this five minute altar call that requires no sacrifice. I can also agree that it is entirely a move of God. We have no power to save ourselves. But we are not robots. We have a responsive role. It is the preached word that leads to salvation:

How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!" But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, "Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?" So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. - Romans 10: 14-17 (ESV)

But they have not all obeyed the Gospel. Once again reinforcing that man plays a part. You come to believing faith by hearing the preached Gospel. Once again, Scripture verifying Scripture. Beloved, we serve a just God who desires everyone to come to salvation. Because He sees all time, He already knows who will accept Christ through faith and who will not. This is called foreknowledge and to those He foreknew, He pre-destined. Those He pre-destined He also called. That call is the draw of the Holy Spirit upon the sound preaching of the Gospel. We have a role to play in this. Not a controlling role but a responsive one. When Jesus hung on the cross He was in between two thieves. One chose to place his faith in Him and the other mocked him. Thus one would be in paradise that day and the other in suffering. According to Calvinism, the thief in paradise was elected before the foundations of the world and the other guy? Just wasn't his day. That is not the God who the Bible presents. The election theology Calvinist is the Pharisee looking down on the publican. At least I am not like this guy. I am chosen. I am special. I am elect. No Pastor Keller. You are a sinner who responded to the awesome gift of salvation. No matter how well intended you are pastor, please don't take that gift away from anyone else.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- October 15, 2015

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
