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October 6, 2017

Surrounded by Bloody Sheep -- Defending Joel Osteen

By Anthony Wade

A website for alleged church leaders recently ran yet another unbiblical defense of Joel Osteen


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Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. -- Romans 16: 17 (KJV)

I believe the vast majority of Christians and church-goers will agree we are living in the end times. The love of most is growing cold, creation is groaning, and the church is gathering around her teachers to scratch their itching ears. Many of us wonder how so many will be deceived in the end. How can one succumb to such false theologies when we have the Word of God? The reality is we do not want the Word any more than we want God. We just want to confirm that our sin is ok while still being assured of heaven. That is a false assurance however built upon a false gospel that preaches a false Christ. That is how so many will stroll down the broad path to meet Jesus where they will say "Lord Lord" and He will cast them into darkness. These false teachings are propagated and advanced however due to an expanse in technology. For every discernment minster crying prepare the way of the Lord there are ten people with higher sounding titles asking -- what's the problem with Joel Osteen? That is the name of the above linked article, found on Did you get that beloved? A website for leaders in the church, ran this article assuring the sheep of the Lord that one of the most ravenous wolves today is toothless and lovable. Let us reason together with the Bible and try to dissect this offering from someone named Philip Wagner. Because the article is so long, I will try to summarize as best I can without missing the crucial points and avoiding the many strawman arguments Wagner offers up.

Point One -- The importance of the full Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Joel Osteen, controversial? How could that be? He preaches the most clear and simple gospel message a person could hear."

One local pastor said to me later, "I hear you are supporting the Joel Osteen Crusade."

I said, "Yes I am. He reaches thousands of people for Jesus Christ, he's in our city, I want to be a part of it."

What is the positive gospel? 1. Our sins are forgiven? 2. God loves us -- just like we are? 3. God has something special for each of us to do? Just sounds like the 'regular-amazing-outstanding-full of mercy- gospel' to me! You know" 'Amazing Grace' and all that.

So in the last year I've discovered there are many outspoken Christians and leaders who don't like Joel Osteen. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion -- even if it is ill informed. The disappointing thing to me is that Christian leaders speak out publically against Joel and thereby encouraging other Christians not to respect him or to doubt his authenticity. They feel the liberty to publically attack those whom they don't really understand or know. It's embarrassing.

Joel is focused on reaching the lost and the unchurched. He does it really well. Joel Osteen is criticized for everything. What he says. What he does not say. (That's my favorite one).

It would not take long for one of these self appointed 'judges of all other ministries' to listen to one of my messages and find flaws. I leave things out. I mis-speak. I don't say what I was going to say and sometimes say what I should not. But that does not make me a liar, a hypocrite, a fake or a false prophet.

As a Christian, I'm discouraged by the behavior of leaders who criticize, attack or diminish the significance of other Christian ministers.

Our church has a 'shallow end of the pool' -- it's an entry point- we don't teach everything we believe every time we speak. There is a 'deep end of the pool' as well -- it's discipleship. Much more is taught to people in those areas of our church ministry. -- Philip Wagner

The Bible cannot be clearer on this subject. Only the Gospel has the power of God unto the salvation of man according to Romans. In Acts 20 we see Paul proclaim he is innocent of the blood of the Ephesians because he did not hesitate to proclaim the whole counsel of God. Paul taught Timothy to guard only two things -- his life and his doctrine. The reason he was to be so careful with his doctrine is because the very salvation of his listeners was at stake. The Bible says that preacher and teachers of the Word will be held to a higher standard. This is not some game. The eternal destination of the souls of men hangs in the very balance of what we preach.

Joel Osteen does not preach the Gospel, simple or otherwise. He openly admits that theology is not his gifting, which disqualifies him from the position he holds. He openly says that everyone already knows what they do wrong, so he will not preach on sin. Now beloved, let me say that I do not doubt the sincerity of Joel Osteen. I can live with the fact that he perhaps thinks he is doing the Lord's work but I am not called to evaluate his sincerity -- only his doctrine. Why? Because his sincerity will save no one. He does not hold "crusades" -- that is absurd. He holds shows where he presents a motivational seminar chocked filled with bible twisting. We see however that Wagner himself has no clue what Gospel is. God does not love us just like we are, which is why He gives us a new heart and a renewed mind. Yes Jesus died for our sins but Joel Osteen never preaches about that. God does not have something special for each of us to do. That is Rick Warren Purpose Drivenology that has spread like a cancer through the churches in this world. Amazing Grace is amazing because of what a wretch I was. That wretchedness is never discussed at Lakewood Church. That is the entire point.

It is not a matter of doubting Joel's authenticity. His defenders will try to make everything personal. Claim that critics dislike him. Nonsense. Joel seems like a very likable wolf. Yet a wolf he remains because of what he teaches. The fact that we are sinners is not deep end theology. It is salvation 101. You cannot get saved without realizing why Christ had to go to the cross, which Joel Osteen never preaches about. You cannot disciple someone who is unsaved. While Wagner mocks the notion of being criticized for what is not said it is actually a very crucial and salient point. If you preach a gospel that never examines sin and the need to repent but instead focuses solely on love and word faith doctrine you may very well grow a church but you are not growing the kingdom. Joel is very good at reaching people but what is he reaching them with? Jesus rebuked the Pharisees likewise for traveling to world to win a single convert but in doing so making him twice the son of hell that they were. Please also understand here beloved we are not talking about misspeak or saying something one should not. We should always have mercy for people. We are dealing with repeated and unrepentant false teachings. That is what heresy is.

Lastly here, wolves are not part of the body of Christ. This is always the refrain from wolf defenders. That they are just part of the family and we are devouring our own. No they are not. Who are my mother and brother except him who does the will of my Father? The key verse today reminds us that we are to mark those that cause division by presenting contrary doctrine! We are not to coddle them, pet them, or pretend that they are in any way redeemable. What about the sheep? That is who we ought to be concerned about -- not the wolves slaughtering them.

Point Two -- Misusing the Bible confirms your idol worship

Have these very public leaders, who take the liberty to bring these unfair assessments of Joel Osteen, spoken to him or one of his pastors in private about their concerns? I may be wrong -- but I don't think they have. "If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. Matthew 18:15 NIV. Look at this situation that the disciples brought to Jesus and notice His response. "Master," said John, "we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us." "Do not stop him," Jesus said, "for whoever is not against you is for you." As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. And he sent messengers on ahead, who went into a Samaritan village to get things ready for him; but the people there did not welcome him, because he was heading for Jerusalem. When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, "Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them? But Jesus turned and rebuked them. (But He turned and rebuked them, and said, "You do not know what manner of spirit you are of -- NKJV) Luke 9:49-55 NIV. -

As I stated earlier, the main thing leaders should be "called out for" is publically attacking the authenticity of another's ministry. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:29-31 NIV

This behavior and attitude is why many people do not want to be a part of Christianity or go to church because they feel that when they go to church they will be criticized the way our leaders do to each other. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself" 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. Gal 5:14-15 NIV -- Philip Wagner

When your premise is false, it is only a matter of time before it manifests in how you handle scripture. Why? Because when you have a point you are trying to prove you end up proof texting. This means you scan through the Bible to find any verse fragment that might vaguely support your pre-conceived point. You can find them but they will be transparent and clumsy to those who can discern and divide the Word of Truth. That is because you are really listening to what God wants to say through His Scripture. For example, Matthew 18:15 is most assuredly not about bringing our concerns about the bloody sheep to the wolf who is devouring them. First of all this Scripture is about when someone sins against you. Joel Osteen has not sinned against me. Secondly, it is dealing with believers only -- not false teachers. When your idol is a cult of personality preacher like Osteen everything is blinded.

Why exactly Wagner cited Luke 9 is unclear because I can only assume he is casting Osteen in the role of the unbelievers who reject Christ? Sometimes even the false accidently trip over the truth. Either way this story has zero to do with false teachers but is rather about having mercy for the unsaved. The Ephesians verses he cites have even less to do with calling out false teachers. Titus commands us to rebuke false teachers! The connection Wagner is trying to make is any legitimate criticism of Joel Osteen is actually bitterness, anger, rage brawling and slander when in reality is it simply the truth. Ironically because he was proof texting he cannot see the irony that God provides. The Bible does teach that we are to love our neighbor as yourself. The problem for Wagner is he seems to think that only Joel Osteen counts as his neighbor. Those 55,000 people that shuffle into Lakewood each weekend; ehh not so much. The millions that tune in to watch Osteen? I guess they are not neighbors either.

Point Three -- Personal anecdotes do not trump Scripture

What's the problem with Joel Osteen? I know Joel Osteen. I consider him a friend. I'm not a 'Joel Osteen fan' -- I'm a friend. I know him to be a genuine man, a humble man and know that he has a desire to lead people to become followers of Jesus Christ. He believes the same fundamental truths about the Bible and Christianity that main stream Christianity teaches and preaches from the pulpits of America. -- Philip Wagner

Inevitably it always comes down to this. When I was on Dr. Michael Brown's radio program discussing Bill Johnson, all Brown could offer is that he knew Bill Johnson. Likewise here, Wagner knows Joel Osteen. To which I say -- who cares? The heart is the most wickedly deceitful thing ever made. I do not trust your heart anymore than my own and thanks to the inerrant Bible, I do not need to. Joel Osteen can be genuine and genuinely wrong. The most dangerous wolves are not as obvious as people like Mike Murdock or Benny Hinn. They do not come to you with neon "wolf" signs around their neck. They come to you as a friend with a great big smile. They encourage you. They may even help with some problems you have in this life all the whole denying you the eternal life that is only found through the preaching of the entire Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Beloved the Bible says that narrow is the way and few are those who find it. Heaven rejoices when a single sinner repents. We are living in the end times and doing battle for the few souls that still might come out from among them. The vast majority of "churched" people will stand before Jesus Christ one day only to discover that He never knew them. That is because they gathered around themselves those that would scratch their itching ears. Those who would tell them this is their best life now. Those who would draw them away from the real Gospel and the real Christ to follow them. Joel Osteen is one of the most dangerous and ravenous wolves today. Saying so does not bring me any joy. I say it with complete indifference towards him and complete love towards the lost. I do not "hate" Joel Osteen. I hate what he preaches because it will lead millions of people to hell. The fact that he has an army of defenders, even on alleged church leadership websites, will only facilitate and provide cover for his ministry. He is not my brother in Christ but the bloody sheep lying all around him? They are.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- October 6, 2017

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
