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September 25, 2018

Understanding the NAR Government Mountain Theology and Why It Is Unbiblical

By Anthony Wade

Deconstructing the NAR Government mountain theology using the Word of God.


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We are watching the wholesale takeover of the American church by heretical forces that worship this country over God. In our zeal for mega-church stardom, we have lost sight of the fact that God has said that narrow is the way that leads to eternal life and few are those who find it. This apostasy has been expected because it is prophesied within the pages of God's Holy Word. Consider that the majority of people who call themselves Christians do not even flinch when rank apostates such as Paula White and Cindy Jacobs publicly accuse attempted rape victims of lying to protect their preferred political choice for the Supreme Court. Jacobs who fancies herself a "general: and White on her third marriage after fleecing the flock of God for her five million dollar fortune.

The apostate church strongly desires to conquer the cultural mountain of government. This is a core teaching of the New Apostolic Reformation. They believe a theocracy should be established and have rewritten American history to pretend that we were once under covenant just like Israel. Except we never were. The church has a role beloved and it is not to infiltrate this carnal government and force Jesus upon the lost. They tried that once during the crusades and it did not go so well. Christianity is not a forced belief. No one will be going to heaven because someone demanded they convert. Let us not lose sight of the key fact that most in the NAR, America-worshipping crowd keep forgetting. It is the eternal life we are to value, not this one. Getting your favorite politician into office, your pet legislation passed or even that conservative judge appointed to the highest court in the land is little more than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The above linked article brilliantly lays out the NAR position on government. I do not know if Shane Idleman is consciously NAR or not just that this teaching was taught to him by someone. The roots are pure NAR and we need to be able to spot it, mark it and avoid it. Every day we spend fighting for our carnal view of this country is another day wasted because the Gospel was not advanced. I understand that for many readers, this nationalistic theology is central to what you have been taught as well. Take that hat off beloved and consider the scriptures. Consider what God has to say.

'"Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do" (1 Chron. 12:32). We don't have to compromise our principles to be involved in politics--what good is salt left in the shaker, or a light that is hidden? "Politics" is not a bad word. In simple terms, politics refers to governing or leading a group of people. Politics won't save America, but in order to implement change, honor God, and help others, we must take action. To suggest that God does not want us to elect godly leaders and promote godly legislation runs contrary to His nature (see Rom. 13). Silence is not an option.' -- Shane Idleman

This is usually the first call for the NAR when it comes to action -- we must get involved! Yet what Scripture does Idleman base this on? The Chronicles verse simply mentions that the tribe of Issachar had an understanding of the times. Some have speculated this means discernment, which would be terribly ironic or even astrology which would be terribly sinful. The reason why there is no definitive answer is that this never occurs anywhere else in the entire bible. Thus it is biblically irresponsible to try and make doctrine out of it as Shane is doing here. The even larger point is the subtle assumed juxtaposition of the church and Israel. This is the same trick that the Rabbi Jonathan Con plays all the time. Just because Israel was under covenant does not mean America was as well. What of these men of Issachar beloved? Does the text even remotely infer that they rose up politically, conquered governmental mountains or even ran for some civic office? No. Then Idleman misuses the salt and light verses. These have absolutely nothing to do with politics. They are in fact the opposite! We are to stand out like a shining city on a hill because we are different than the world. Nowhere does the bible command us to implement change on a societal level. Likewise, Romans 13 does not instruct us to seek public office so we might pass "godly" legislation. If our message is not the Gospel than silence is our only option.

"1. Government is God-ordained. "We the people" are to lead according to God's Word. Many say, "We don't need to get involved. God will take care of everything." Ironically, I've never seen that mindset when it comes to work and income. We work, or we don't eat. God blesses hard work and diligence in financial matters; why wouldn't He when it comes to leading a nation?" -- Shane Idleman

Citing his first point, relying on the Romans 13 verses, Idleman erroneously states that all government is God-ordained, which means God decreed it. This is American myopia at work. Does anyone think that God decreed the government in the Sudan? Nazi Germany? The Stalin-led Russia? Now He allowed them just like He allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to reign. There is a vast difference between allowing and decreeing. As the church we are supposed to lead our lives according to God's Word, not the country. For the record, I am not suggesting we should not be involved. We need to pray for our leaders but remember why?

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. -- 1Timothy 2: 1-4 (ESV)

So that we can lead activist governmental lifestyles? No beloved. So that we might lead quiet and peaceful lives. Notice the result of not getting tangled up in the ways of this wicked world -- so people can be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth! This verse does not say that it is pleasing to God that we all run for office. Idleman then resorts to a strawman argument. No one is suggesting that you cannot be president and Christian. We are saying stop tasking the entire church to pursue it over the Gospel.

"2. Apathy is not biblical. A believer should be involved in running for office, voting and/or monitoring those in office to assure that they perform their duties. The welfare of society often falls into the hands of the Christian community. I challenge those who believe we should remain passive and silent to read the writings of the Old Testament prophets. They lamented, shed tears and pleaded with the people and the leaders to turn from their sins and to turn back to God--they spoke the truth in love. Even Jesus wept for Jerusalem when He saw its destruction was near. Martin Luther King Jr., in "A Letter From Birmingham Jail" on April 16, 1963, wrote, "We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people." I hold the same opinion today." -- Shane Idleman

Here is the fundamental disconnect. Shane Idleman is directing this towards the country and not the church. The Old Testament prophets were not weeping over the Amorites or the Philistines. They were weeping over the sinful, backslidden people of God and if Shane Idleman is calling for the body of believers to stand up again and be the church -- count me in! That is not what he is saying however, is it? Jesus wept for Jerusalem because they were like sheep without a shepherd, as are the majority of people who line the pews today in this country. Do you know why? Because the one day of the week they should hear the Gospel from their shepherd they instead hear about conquering the world and those grubby sinners living in it. Or about how their evil political party is really the righteous pick.

Here is a news flash for the NAR adherents who ascribe to this teaching. Jesus was apathetic towards the government of His day. So claiming apathy is not biblical makes for a nice sound bite but in and of itself is unbiblical. The apathy Jesus had towards the Roman occupation even drove His disciples nuts. They always wanted to know if He was going to deliver them from their worldly oppression much in the way the NAR teaches that we have to fight the same worldly oppression. In both cases the true mission is lost and that is the preaching of the Gospel to drive out eternal oppression. How obsessed were they with their worldly situation?

And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, a man who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how our chief priests and rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death, and crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things happened. -- Luke 24: 19-21 (ESV)

This is after Jesus had died and they are still lamenting that He did not deliver them from Rome! They still did not see the bigger picture of deliverance from sin! When we insist on focusing on trying to cure this fallen world we do the exact same thing.

"3. We engage the culture or we lose. There is always a fight; the tides of evil will always wash against the shores of hope and peace. Silence is not an option. We can no longer hide behind the excuse, "I don't want to get involved." As citizens, we are given the privilege, for now, to place people in positions of leadership. Like it or not, we are involved. Millions are not registered to vote, and millions of registered voters stay at home. We'll stand in line to see a movie, but we won't stand in line to vote and elect leaders who will affect the direction of our country. This makes a statement about what we value--and isn't it sad? During this election cycle, register to vote and then vote your values. It really is that simple." -- Shane Idleman

What Idleman never considers is that the true righteous choice might be to not choose between one evil or the other. He includes the coy "vote your values" tag line of the NAR which is code speak for voting for the Republican Party. The value Idleman omits to mention is the abortion issue. Beloved, it was six republican judges that gave us Roe V. Wade and many more have affirmed it over the years. It is not a matter of not getting involved but rather truly voting our values. In 2014 the choice was between a hyper-liberal Christian and a member of a satanic cult. Do not think for a second that is not what Mormonism is beloved. Faced with this impossible choice the NAR and apostate church insisted that the satanic cult member was "God's choice" that more closely represented our values. I am sure Shane was in the front of the pack cheering Mitt Romney on in the name of Jesus Christ, who Romney believes is the brother of the devil. I am not saying do not vote just that we need to stop dragging God into our evil choices so we can feel better about therm.

"4. All laws impose morality onto others. The real question is whose morality prevails? You can't legislate morality, but you can restrain evil and deter wrongdoing. God doesn't need a supermajority, but He does need a humble minority. God's call is not to Washington or Hollywood--"if My people humble themselves" (2 Chron. 7:14)." -- Shane Idleman

The referenced verse from Chronicles is dealing with Israel! Today it would mean the church! Yes, if the church would humble itself and repent then the land could be healed because the church would be out of the politics business and back in the Gospel business.

"5. The pulpits are not called to be passive. Granted, not everyone is called to the political arena, but all of those called to preach God's Word must provide practical application on difficult matters. I often wonder if those who remain silent now would have also been silent in the 1800s in regard to slavery? Are these silent men truly filled with the Spirit of God? If so, where is boldness, where is righteous indignation that the Spirit provokes in us? When God gives people authority to passionately and lovingly proclaim His Word, souls are converted, lives are changed and families are restored. Sadly, this is lacking in our day. As the church falls deeper into self-reliance and further from reliance on God, our need for bold leadership has never been greater. Change will only occur when there is a strong conviction of sin, genuine faith, humility and sincere repentance. May God grant us the wisdom and strength to proclaim these truths. We must stop confusing God's patience with His approval and preach with conviction from the pulpits again." -- Shane Idleman

More preachers used the bible to justify slavery. That is why the pulpit is not to be used for social engineering or politics. It is an insult to a holy God to waste His holy desk with anything other than what can save a man's soul:

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. -- Romans 1:16 (ESV)

Only the Gospel saves beloved. That is not what Shane Idleman is professing here. He believes the pulpits should speak to the carnal issues of the day and take sides. Did you ever see Jesus lamenting the Roman occupation? You want my taxes? Go catch a fish. It is amazing that Shane can see the church falling further away from reliance on God but cannot see how he is leading the way. Preach the Gospel Shane and let Sodom rule itself. We are not charged with saving the world but saving people out of the world. The pulpit should be holy, set apart, and consecrated.

"6. God's Word is very clear on controversial issues. From "thou shalt not steal from citizens and future generations" to "thou shalt not murder innocent children." If God is clear, why are many Christians vague or indifferent?" -- Shane Idleman

Wow. Nowhere does the bible say thou shall not steal from citizens and future generations. I cannot believe Idleman had the nerve to put out his call for lower taxes as if it were biblical. That is reprehensible and biblically criminal. As for the indifference I have a better question. Why are so many ideologues willing to take liars at their word and think that means they have done their Christian duty? I think a lot of the indifference is from the fact that politicians have been promising the end of Roe like Lucy promises she won't pull the football away at the last second. But Lucy is always Lucy and politicians are always politicians. They say whatever they have to in order to get elected. There is nothing wrong with a Christian deciding to not take a run at the football and instead focus on being Christlike, representing our Savior to a lost and dying world and doing the work of a Berean.

7. "I'm not voting for the lesser of two evils." This statement is often used by those who want to remain silent, but it's a flawed argument. We are actually voting for principles, not people--all candidates are sinners. In what direction will they lead our country? Even more importantly, what country will we leave for our children? A third party is not a bad idea, but at this point, it has little influence. When they receive votes, they take away votes from others." -- Shane Idleman

It is not used by those who want to be silent Shane. It is offered when a Christian properly assesses the evil nature of the two choices presented. The sheer carnality of the argument here is staggering. So Idleman first says that we should vote principles but then says to not vote for a third party candidate because it takes votes away from the evil candidate? Wow again. I worry far more about what kind of Gospel we leave for our children. Are we leaving them an empty shell of a Gospel that promises them all of the goodies this world has to offer but can't save any of them? It seems pastors ought to be more concerned about that than which lying sinner is telling them the political lies they long to hear.

"Some time ago, I sat speechless as I listened to a man recount his trip to a Holocaust museum with his young daughter. As they walked by photos of the death camps, gas chambers and countless bodies piled one upon another, his daughter silently contemplated the horrors that were unfolding before her eyes. When the tour ended, they drove home without saying a word. The father wondered if she truly understood the significance of the event. Was she too young to view such depravity? Was she too fragile to cope with the truth of the Holocaust? Would it make a negative impact on her life? Would it leave her fearful and wounded? Would she begin to doubt God? His questions were answered nearly two hours later when his daughter finally spoke. She looked at her father and asked, "Daddy, why didn't someone do something?" Will we hear those same haunting words from our children and grandchildren? Yes! If we fail to contend for what is right, we may see a time in our history when our children will ask, "Why didn't someone do something?" Sadly, we will know the answer. Has the United States lost her mind?" -- Shane Idleman

Shane Idleman has just compared not voting republican to the Nazi Holocaust. Has he lost his mind? No, it has just been corrupted by NAR teaching. I know that not being involved politically will seem like anathema to many churched folks but you need to ask yourself why you feel that way. Who taught you that theology and more importantly, is it at all supported biblically. The action we are called to is the Gospel. Jesus did not contend with Rome. Once indwelt with the Holy Spirit neither did Peter. When Paul stood before King Agrippa he did not use that precious time to discuss the brutal occupation:

Then Agrippa said to Paul, "Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?" -- Acts 26:28 (ESV)

He preached the Gospel to him! That is our role beloved. That is our charge. Let the NAR storm their cultural mountains because they all will bow the knee to the King of Kings upon His return. Let us be found doing the work of the Master at that time.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- September 25, 2018

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
