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December 19, 2013

The Calling Card of a False Prophet - Cindy Jacobs and the NAR

By Anthony Wade

A look at real prophecy and the signs of the false prophet...


The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of Samuel's words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba recognized that Samuel was attested as a prophet of the Lord.  - 1Samuel 3: 19-20 (NIV)

The spirit of the Lord has shown me that we need to pray for the nation of Grand Cayman. Somewhere in the next decade something is going to happen. That something is either going to be great in power or troubling in tribulation. But I prophesy that something, at some time, somewhere will occur...thus sayeth the Lord.

I pray you recognize snarky sarcasm when you see it. The above is no more prophecy than the likes of Cindy Jacobs are prophets. It is being widely circulated by supporters of false prophet band known as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) that the self proclaimed prophetess predicted the recent devastation visited upon the country of the Philippines. While Ms. Jacobs herself has not claimed such credit she allows her minions and sycophants to prop up her alleged prophecy, which dates back to 2009 and her appearance on the 700 Club. Jacobs and the NAR fancy themselves prophets even though they are on record as saying that prophets do not always have to be right, which is in direct contradiction to the Word of God:

"But you may wonder, "How will we know whether or not a prophecy is from the Lord?' If the prophet speaks in the Lord's name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared.  - Deuteronomy 18: 21-22 (NLT)

So we need not fear Cindy Jacobs and the NAR but we are compelled to expose them for the charlatans they are. In 2009, Jacobs appeared on Pat Robertson's show where she offered up the prototypical false prophecy:

"I want you to pray. The next two years, the Lord is showing me, are going to be extremely significant for the Philippines. Either you're going to go into greatness, it's going to be that transformed nation, or, I see that there's going to be some troubled times."

The first calling card of the false prophet is that they simply are not accurate. While many around the NAR are propping up this "prophecy" as being fulfilled with the recent Typhoon that hit the Philippines it does not pass the test of simple math. Jacobs in 2009 is prophesying that within two years something was going to happen. This being 2013, is four years removed from the prediction. This is one of the staples of the NAR crowd as "close enough" warrants prophesy for them. This despite the key verses where God ensured that "none of Samuel's words would fall to the ground" so that all would know that he was a prophet of the Lord. The Bible simply does not matter to the false prophet crowd. Jacobs, Chuck Pierce, and Rick Joyner are all on record as stating that 100% accuracy is not required to be a prophet. One quote from Joyner sets the acceptable bar at 65% accuracy! We often here the complaint that if 100% accuracy were really required then everyone would be too afraid to prophesy. 

Good! They should be afraid to pretend they are speaking for God when they clearly are not! They do not have sufficient fear of the Lord to begin with! The second calling card of the false prophet is found in the generality of their alleged prophecies. Look at the prediction from Jacobs. Something is going to happen. What? I don't know but it will be something. Then she hedges all her bets by saying it is either going to be great times or troubled times. Well hallelujah! So something is going to happen and it is either going to be great or troubling? What kind of prophesy is that? I saw a weatherman one time say there was a 50% chance of rain today and I thought, "Isn't there always?" Not only does Jacobs cover all her bases but then she applies a ridiculous period of time for her "prophecy" to come through. So somewhere over the next two years, something is going to happen to the Philippines and it could be good or bad? Wow, talk about going out on a limb!

The last calling card of the false prophet we see here is in the attacking of low lying fruit. Do you know what country in the entire world is hit by the most storms? You guessed it - the Philippines. I remember there was a false prophet visiting my church once and when she started to do individual prophecy she first went to a woman in the choir who had been crying the entire service. She singled her out because it was obvious something was going on and that she could count on a reaction from her. She started talking about how God was showing her that she was sensitive to the Spirit and hallelujah, the woman broke down again! Prophesying that something might happen to the top country for fierce storms and giving two years for that something to come to pass is akin to prophesying that the sun will come up tomorrow. The great thing about God is that He let her words fall to the ground anyway as it took four years for the typhoon to hit. 

Yet that is good enough for those who are seeking to follow someone other than Christ. The New Apostolic Reformation is made up of false prophets, Cindy Jacobs the self proclaimed "general" of them. Beloved, if we want a word from God then we need only to pick up our Bible. It contains all the prophecy we could ever want. It is complete and authoritative and its accuracy has remained at 100% throughout history. Do not follow self proclaimed prophets and prophetesses who are clearly operating in a spirit other than the Spirit of the Living God. 

They have lied about the Lord;   they said, "He will do nothing!   No harm will come to us;   we will never see sword or famine. The prophets are but wind   and the word is not in them;   so let what they say be done to them."  - Jeremiah 5: 12-13 (NIV)

No offense to the "general", but I will take the word of Jeremiah over hers. Let what they say be done unto them. Amen.

Rev. Anthony.

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
