
# Date Link
#1 9/17/2024 Charisma News False Prophet Joey Z "Encourages" by Declaring - Your House is on Fire! (Anthony Wade) Two more articles from Charisma today burying their readers in political propaganda...1 1 Comment Count
#2 9/16/2024 Mark Driscoll Selling Books by Claiming God, Satan and the Wicked All Do Politics (Anthony Wade) The disgraced discipline evader is back selling books by butchering the bible to co-opt your vote.1 1 Comment Count
#3 9/14/2024 Snacking on Fluffy - Why Christians Should Stop Being Used for False Racist Politics (Anthony Wade) It is time to stop allowing ourselves to spread disgusting disinformation...3 3 Comment Count
#4 9/13/2024 Charisma Fake News Now Says You are an Idiot Unless You Vote as They Want (Anthony Wade) The latest attack by Charisma is to call people who do not vote as they demand useful idiots...1 1 Comment Count
#5 9/11/2024 300 Evangelical Leaders Speak Biblical Truth Against the Idolatry of Politics (Anthony Wade) Finally, Christian leaders have spoken out against the NAR dominionist political idolatry...3 3 Comment Count
#6 9/8/2024 Charisma News Continues to Bury Their Readers in Political Propaganda (Anthony Wade) A political article dump over the weekend by Charisma News continues to reveal the utter disdain they have for the truth and their readers...1 1 Comment Count
#7 9/7/2024 Charisma News Propping Up Brian Houston and Ed Young in Absurd Articles (Anthony Wade) Reviewing two short article from Charisma trying to prop up Houston and Young...1 1 Comment Count
#8 9/6/2024 New Barna Research Reveals Little Difference Between the Churched & the Lost (Anthony Wade) New research reveals how utterly compromised the churched are today...1 1 Comment Count
#9 9/1/2024 Jonathan's Latest Con - The Prophetic Mystery of Being an Idiot (Anthony Wade) The Con-Man is back, doing Charisma's political bidding by butchering the bible...3 3 Comment Count
#10 8/30/2024 Charisma News Deceitfully Edits 1988 Article as if it Were Written Today (Anthony Wade) Charisma News always traffic in deception but this was something more...1 1 Comment Count
#11 8/29/2024 Tales from the Stupidnatural - Werewolves, Shapeshifters and Witches - Oh My! (Anthony Wade) Charisma took a break from demanding Christians vote their way to return to the insane ramblings of false signs and lying wonders charlatans...1 1 Comment Count
#12 8/28/2024 From Hillsong to Bethel to Elevation - What Worship is and Should Never Be (Anthony Wade) An in depth examination of what is so wrong with worship music today...1 1 Comment Count
#13 8/27/2024 Strang and Dr. Brown -Dancing with the Devil and Embracing Their "Lesser Evil" (Anthony Wade) The onslaught from Charisma News marches on with two more article demanding your vote...1 1 Comment Count
#14 8/25/2024 Shane Idleman Consigns to Hell Anyone Who Does Not Vote As He Dictates (Anthony Wade) The onslaught form the NAR dominionist Charisma News continues. Vote as they say or you are going to hell...2 2 Comment Count
#15 8/17/2024 Charisma News Using Russel Brand to Continue Holy Rebellion Narrative (Anthony Wade) As Charisma continues to try and steal your vote, they now turn to Russel Brand...1 1 Comment Count
#16 8/16/2024 Mario Murillo Compares Trump to Christ to Spiritually Bully the Church (Anthony Wade) The NAR is ratcheting up the biblical abuse to try and co-opt the votes of the church...1 1 Comment Count
#17 8/13/2024 Jenny Weaver's New Jedi-Mind Trick Grift Will Net Her Millions of Dollars (Anthony Wade) Not content with fleecing three million dollars per year through her "core" scam, Weaver is opening her own academy...1 1 Comment Count
#18 8/9/2024 Jonathan Con Selling Rides to Tarshish by Pretending Rebellion Can be Holy (Anthony Wade) You read that right, if you rebel against candidates Con doesn't like, then it is now "Holy."1 1 Comment Count
#19 8/8/2024 Kathryn Krick Continues to Whine About Discernment Exposing her Demonic Agenda (Anthony Wade) Krick is back again to call discernment unloving...1 1 Comment Count
#20 8/7/2024 Perry Stone Butchers Scripture and History to Sell America as Being Cursed (Anthony Wade) Perry Stone making the NAR false argument about America being under covenant...1 1 Comment Count
#21 8/5/2024 Greg Laurie's Turn to Repeat the Big Lie, Trying to Force the NAR Outrage Narrative (Anthony Wade) Goebbels once said to just repeat the big lie until it becomes truth and the NAR is doing just that...2 2 Comment Count
#22 8/2/2024 The Olympic Sized Scheme of Satan to Have the Church Hate the Lost (Anthony Wade) Two pieces of disinformation sold as outreach to the church from Paris and we keep buying it...2 2 Comment Count
#23 8/1/2024 Dr. Michael Brown Continues to Use Unequal Weights to Minimize Church Scandals (Anthony Wade) The latest article from Dr. Brown offers that the opposite of greasy grace is holding people accountable, as if they both are bad...1 1 Comment Count
#24 7/30/2024 Mario Murillo and Jonathan Con Continue to Try and Christianize Donald Trump (Anthony Wade) The Charisma election onslaught continues with two more charlatans trying to manipulate Christians...1 1 Comment Count
#25 7/29/2024 Dr. Michael Brown and Charisma News Continue to Stoke Outrage about the Olympics (Anthony Wade) Now Charisma is joining the grievance merchants demanding the church hate the world...3 3 Comment Count
#26 7/28/2024 NAR Grievance Merchants Selling Heavenly Fire Upon the Olympics to the Church (Anthony Wade) Before we utter one more ounce of rage, let us turn to the bible for what God says...3 3 Comment Count
#27 7/27/2024 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony Controversy from a Biblical Standpoint (Anthony Wade) Enough with the selective outrage and victimization from the NAR...1 1 Comment Count
#28 7/27/2024 Steven Strang Gaslights Charisma News Readers to Co-Opt Their Vote (Anthony Wade) The assault from Charisma News and Steven Strang upon Christian voters has begun in earnest...3 3 Comment Count
#29 7/26/2024 Charisma News Pulls an Andy Stanley and Rejects the Inerrancy of Scripture (Anthony Wade) Charisma News refuses to look in the mirror and instead blames the bible for losing this generation...4 4 Comment Count
#30 7/25/2024 Charisma News - Mocking God with False Apocalyptic Prophecies to Sell Books (Anthony Wade) This bizarre article on Charisma highlights there is nothing too absurd for them to publish...2 2 Comment Count

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