Jul 12, 2021: Canadian Pastor Released from Prison Continues Victimization of Church
Update on story about Canadian pastor who orchestrated his own arrest for publicity... |
Mar 22, 2021: John Gray First Fruits Tithing Lie Turns the Gospel Into Law
This week in horrific tithing teaching is upon us... | |
Mar 19, 2021: Falsely Prophesying the Military is Organizing a Coup to Reinstate Trump - Wow
Jeff Jansen is now prophesying that the military will overthrow the government to reinstall his idol to the White House. 6 |
Mar 10, 2021: Jeremiah Johnson Pretends to Quit Ministry Over False Prophecy
Jeremiah Johnson is quitting the false prophet business to become a false teacher...sigh |
Mar 5, 2021: Move Over Sneaky Squid Spirit - It Is Time for the Wild-Ass Spirit
Are you controlled by the wild-as spirit? Come find out... |
Feb 12, 2021: The Calamari Queen Venturing into New Seer Dimensions of Glory, Seriously
Did you know that God was getting ready mantle seers in a new dimension of glory? Yeah, me neither... |
Jan 26, 2021: Kris Vallotton - A Deceitful Heart of a Carnal Man, Pretending to Hear From God
Vallotton's apology tour continues... |
Dec 22, 2020: Charismatic Wealth Transfer - 4.4 Million to Joel Osteen Through PPP
Joel Osteen's church recently thought nothing of taking 4.4 million dollar in government funding through the PPP Program |
Dec 14, 2020: The Election That Won't End - When the Church Leads the Way to Crazy
I time to reflect before moving on with the cause of the Gospel... 4 |
Nov 9, 2020: Christians Fleeing from the Truth to Parler Need to Stop
There is a recent exodus to a new social media platform marketed for free speech but in reality is just a scheme of the devil to get Christians to damage their witness for Christ. |
Nov 7, 2020: False Prophet Jeremiah Johnson - Shut Up
Jeremiah Johnson is trying to fight back against the correct criticism of being a false prophet following the election. |
Sep 1, 2020: The Cruel Church - Trampling on the Dead with New CDC 6% COVID Lie
Charisma News has now taken up the latest conspiracy theory charge and continues to butcher the cause for Jesus Christ. 2 |
Aug 25, 2020: The Charlie Brown Politics of the NAR, Jerry Falwell's Pool Boy and Voting by Platform
it is time for Christians to stop being suckered and used... 1 |
Aug 17, 2020: The Christian Election Season Appeal - Please Tell The Truth
as we head into another election season Christians need to remember that their witness is worth more than the outcome... 2 |
Jul 30, 2020: Todd White - Matters of True Repentance and the Gospel of Jesus Christ
So Todd White has claimed repentance... |
Jul 12, 2020: Dominionist Leaders Among Those Receiving Million Dollar Payoffs from Their Master
The books were opened on the PP loan program and it revealed which churches were paid off for their allegiance to this president. |
Jul 9, 2020: Rebuking the NAR Experiential Counterfeit Christianity and Revival Chasing
The final battle of the church age is underway... 4 |
May 18, 2020: Whitewashing a Whitewashed Tomb -- Liberty Counsel Lies for Rodney Howard Browne
The Rodney Howard Browne saga seems to have come to an end with the same dominionist lies it began with... 2 |
Apr 21, 2020: The Self-Delusion and Faux Righteousness of NAR Dominionism
New week, new insanity in the NAR apostate church dealing with COVID... 3 |
Apr 13, 2020: When Will It Be Enough - Pastor Who Held Defiant Church Service Now Dead From COVID
Another defiant pastor dies from COVID. How much is enough? |
Apr 9, 2020: Viral Christian Hypocrisy -- Obey Your Authorities Unless I don't Like What They Say!
It is time for Christians to stop playing expert at things they do not understand... |
Apr 6, 2020: Profiles in Arrogance, Recklessness and Stupidity -- More Churches Hold Services
With each passing day there are more idiotic hirelings risking the lives of their sheep upon the altar of NAR dominionism. |
Apr 1, 2020: A Quick Response to Dr. Michael Brown's Quick Note Trying to Duck Responsibility
Quick response to Dr. Michael Brwon's latest attempt to pretend he is not responsible for the false teachers he defends... |
Mar 20, 2020: Billionaire Whore Kenneth Copeland Demands Your Tithe Even if You Lose Your Job Due to COVID
Another day, another sick preacher trying to profit off of COVID... |
Mar 19, 2020: Trump Spiritual Advisor Trying to Profit From Global Pandemic
It is far past time to connect the heretical dots between a raving heretic and the president she serves... |
Mar 9, 2020: Something Smells - Poverty Mindset and The Anatomy of an Unbiblical Scam
Debunking the poverty mindset scam... |
Feb 28, 2020: Denying You Are NAR is Not Compelling Evidence
After recent blowback from calling out an NAR teaching, we take a second look... |
Feb 20, 2020: Dr. Michael Brown -- Appreciates the Sincerity of Practicing Demonic Divination
The Master Gatekeeper was at it again, denouncing a demonic practice while refusing to rebuke those that practice it... |
Feb 19, 2020: Blaspheming the Way -- Paula White & NAR Dominionism Exploiting the Sheep
What damage to the cause of the Gospel is your NAR dominionism wreaking? |