
For Tag "Spirit"
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# Date Link
#1 6/9/2012 Matters of Edification and Unity (Anthony Wade) A look at what the Bible says about how we are to build each other up and under what principle we should seek unity in the body of Christ.
#2 6/4/2012 When Calls for Unity Disguise Deeper Problems (Anthony Wade) How does the church deal with disagreements from within the body?
#3 6/1/2012 Self-Control Within Our Reactive Nature (Anthony Wade) How do we cultivate the fruit of self discipline in our walk...
#4 5/24/2012 Confusing the Doctrines of Justification and Sanctification (Anthony Wade) A lot of the feel-good theologies that are out there seem to confuse two very different doctrinal points...
#5 5/18/2012 Psychics, Horoscopes and Mediums -- Oh My! (Anthony Wade) A look at the arcane arts and why Christians should have no part in them.
#6 5/15/2012 Godly Sorrow -- A Personal Testimony (Anthony Wade) A look at Godly sorrow, repentance and salvation through my life.
#7 5/5/2012 False Messiahs and The Importance of Correct Teaching (Anthony Wade) A look at false messiahs and teachings and how to better protect ourselves.
#8 4/21/2012 Jesus Teaches Us How to Avoid Spiritual and Ministerial Burnout (Anthony Wade) It's a walk, not a sprint...
#9 4/18/2012 A Reminder When Things Don't Seem To Go Our Way (Anthony Wade) A Word from God when we get a bit down about things not going the way we thought they would or should...
#10 4/12/2012 A Quick Guide to Christian Maturity (Anthony Wade) The Book of Acts provides us with a quick outline for successful maturity in the life of a believer.
#11 4/11/2012 Walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit (Anthony Wade) There is unlimited power available to us as born again believers but we have to learn to walk in it - both personally and corporately.
#12 4/8/2012 Seeking The Living Among The Dead (Anthony Wade) This is the most important day of our faith; when Jesus conquered hell and death to bring us eternal life. He is alive!
#13 4/4/2012 Pharisaical Warnings from Jesus (Anthony Wade) With the cross looming on His horizon, Jesus takes detailed time and great effort to warn us what to be wary of in the leaders we follow in the church...
#14 4/3/2012 A Lesson on Fruit-Bearing (Anthony Wade) The lesson of the fig tree. Powerful application for our lives and the life of our church.
#15 3/31/2012 Confusing Righteousness and Arrogance (Anthony Wade) Peter displays the spiritual pride that can so easily infect our lives and our churches even today...
#16 3/29/2012 Love As Christ Intended (Anthony Wade) Continuing on our walk with Jesus to the cross, we see one of His final teachings on love - the 11th commandment...
#17 3/27/2012 Swallowing the Camel of the Super-Spiritual Spirit (Anthony Wade) Appearances are only imortant if they are in alignment with the larger issues in our walk.
#18 3/26/2012 Telling God, "Never Ever" (Anthony Wade) The prideful, super-spiritual spirit lives on today as the secularizing of the church continues. Let the Master wash your feet today.

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