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December 30, 2022

Shawn Bolz Prophesies Acquiring Haunted Properties through a Real Estate Anointing

By Anthony Wade

Did you know there was an architecture room in heaven? Me neither...


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The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. - Psalm 16:5-8 (ESV)

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There are some stories that I come across that are so dimwittingly stupid that I wonder if I really need to give any further oxygen to it. Then I realize that it is being pushed by someone with a large following. Someone like Shawn "Smart Phone Prophet" Bolz from Bethel Church and the above linked nonsense. For the sake of not numbing my brain too badly, or yours, I will only jump around to the more "salient" points so come let us reason once more together understanding up front that God does not anoint anyone to buy, sell, or promote real estate.

"God is speaking to me about a real estate anointing that is coming on many people right now and increasing on others who have already operated in this. Land was always one of the promises of God over His people. There are so many stories and Scriptures about land and about not moving boundary lines. It is still one of the most contentious resources to this day. Israel itself has always been in a land battle against the agendas of other nations. God is re-establishing His intention over lands and boundaries and that is why so many Christians are feeling led to buy land or to sell and possess land that will more clearly serve their families, callings and careers." - Shawn Bolz

Yeah Shawn, that isn't God speaking to you because He would not say anything so vacuously ridiculous. The "land battle" you refer to is over the Promised Land, which has absolutely nothing to do with a real estate anointing. Only someone as empty scripturally as Bolz is, can take the fundamental promise of God to His people and turn it into a cheap parlor trick to enrich himself today. So, according to the man who cannot prophesy without reading his smart phone, God is "re-establishing" His intention over some vague allusion to land and therefore you are feeling "led" to buy that empty lot in Bensonhurst. Beloved, if you are considering a property purchase you should submit it into prayer but do not think for a second that you can possess some form of holy anointing from God over the transaction because, you know, God gave the Promised Land to His people thousands of year ago in Genesis.

"We are coming into a time of financial instability that the world won't be able to define. But for many kingdom people this is going to be a time of great real estate prosperity or a time that will set them up for one in the future. God is shifting land ownership around the globe in this season and within the next 10 years. It will cause people who are walking in obedience to Christ to own some of the most key and pivotal properties in multiple nations. Even in this time of uncertainty in financial stability, God is going to have significant real estate projects for families, churches and commercial purposes." - Shawn Bolz

Here are two of the hallmarks of wickedly deceitful false prophets and teachers. The first is a retread of the great "wealth transfer" lie that so many traffic in. The general premise here is that God is about to steal the wealth from the unrighteous and give it to you, the faithful Christian! Why? Because you know, God likes stealing from people? Seriously, God is not orchestrating a worldwide land transfer from the wicked to the saved. The second hallmark is the use of wildly vague timelines and standards for success. Here Bolz gives himself ten years for some kind of global land shift, which remains completely undefined. It is only logical that SOME Christians will indeed have significant real estate projects for families, churches and commerce during a ten-year period! Are you serious! This reminds me of Benny Hinn at the start of the 1990's "prophesying" that Fidel Castro would die that decade. Ten years for a man who was reported to never be in great health and aging at 65 years old at that time. Quite the gutsy prophesy there Benny. Because God will not be mocked, Fidel hung around until 90 years of age, 16 years after the 1990s.

"Someone needs to hear this: God is giving you land for your purpose. Sometimes when you understand your purpose it releases the faith for the land that you would need. Other times when you purchase a land you come into a purpose that you didn't know or couldn't have imagined before you owned it. I saw a picture in heaven of a large desk and on it were architectural plans, deeds, land grants, development plans and favors for processes like inspections and rezoning. God is about to move on so many people over land because He wants to plant roots into specific places in culture. When you own land that you are apprehending for spiritual purposes, it brings about a blessing to the surrounding communities and lands." - Shawn Bolz

No Shawn, no one needs to hear your insane rambling. God did not show you a picture in heaven with architectural plans, deeds and land grants. Is this supposed to be the property office in heaven? Did Kat Kerr tell you this was there next to the extra body parts room and the place where we can reunite with our departed pets? Why not just dye your hair pink and get it over with? Beloved, perhaps God is allowing through His permissive will the transfer of great property to you. As a Christian you should handle it accordingly to give the unsaved no reason to blaspheme the way of Christ but do not think for a minute that God was secretly in His "Architecture Room" in the west wing of heaven making sure the deal went through. No offense, but you are not that important and neither am I. When you worship this world like Shawn Bolz and Bethel does, it is no wonder that your theology is also about you.

"Ultimately I feel like God wants to give Christians the sense that real estate and the land itself is important to own and occupy. God wants to bring an anointing to define the identity of property and to be able to redeem it if things have not been stewarded well there. I even believe that we are going to see Christians have the faith to buy some large properties that the world says are "too demonized" to own or "too haunted" to dwell in. God is going to give a real estate anointing to send people into dark territories to own castles and houses that have superstition around them because the enemy knew what would happen if they were used for the kingdom." - Shawn Bolz

I have skipped over quite a bit in this long piece because I only have so much tolerance and can only point out the pure inanity of this so many times. I had to stop here though because if I read what Shawn is saying here, he believes God will be "repurposing" some ancient castles that have previously been left alone due to the ghosts that have taken up residence. These plans must reside in the Haunted Division of the Architecture Room in heaven. Beloved, you cannot make stupid like this up. It takes work. Shawn then tries to leverage scripture on the way out of this disaster of an article:

'Psalm 16:

"Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken."' - Shawn Bolz

Shawn was probably just happy to find a verse that referred to a "lot" as if it were property but of course, that is not what the Psalmist is saying here. The lot here refers to the inheritance we have coming from the Lord. Allow me to let you in on a little secret. That inheritance is not property. It is not the riches of this world. In fact, it is not even of this world. God is our portion beloved. He is the inheritance. The Lord is not planning on giving you properties, haunted or otherwise. There is no secret real estate office in heaven. These things only reside in the wickedly deceitful heart of Shawn Bolz and if you believe them, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Don't worry, the deed comes straight from heaven and is being repurposed just for you.

Reverend Anthony Wade - December 30, 2022

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
