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January 22, 2023

God Has Sent the Strong Delusion of the Apostate, NAR, Dominionist Church

By Anthony Wade

Examining how the apostate dominionist church might be the strong delusion the bible warns us God will send...


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The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. - 2Thessalonians 2:9-12 (NKJV)

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Throughout our writings about the NAR dominionist church I have often referred to 2Thessaonians, Chapter 2, because it dispels the unbiblical notion of a coming revival. If you follow churchianity today at all, you will notice that this vague notion of a coming revival is at the heart of all of their teachings. It is what is being pursued with great fervor and zeal. It is the reward promised for following their false gods and bowing down to their nationalist idols. Along with this, the seven mountains mandate heresy says conquering the imaginary cultural mountain of government will aid to usher in this great revival. The problem with that is you cannot "revive" that which was never alive to begin with, so the NAR mangles not only scripture but American history as well. So, they reinvent the founding fathers into evangelical Christians and paint a picture of a slow moving away from God over the centuries, largely guided by the new enemy - the left. Godless, atheistic, immoral heathen Democrats have apparently been eroding this fine Christian country for over 200 years and now the apostate church has come to restore order.

Except none of that is true of course, historically or biblically. While some forerunners of this country were Christian many were not. Many were atheist, deist, or simply a version of Christianity we would not affirm today. George Washington was a Mason. Thomas Jefferson denied the deity of Christ and rewrote the bible reflecting just that. As for the NAR rewriting, 2Thessalonians 2 proves that God does not promise a great end times revival. In fact, earlier in the chapter, He promises a great end times apostasy. This is the same falling away that the NAR is leading right now. Skip ahead a few verses however and we come to the key verses for today. Now the lawless one is often interpreted to mean the antichrist, but many have also believed it refers to the antichrist system, and not just the one man, per se. This current iteration of the NAR dominionist American church may very well not be the one that survives to even see the antichrist, but it is currently laying the foundation for the system that will bring the end times forward. Dominionism already is the marrying of the church and the state, or at least one political party of the state. If we overlay the efforts of modern day churchianity over the key verses we see that they already come with all power, signs and lying wonders! They brag about it! Search YouTube for the clip of Bill Johnson bragging about how angel feathers started falling all around him in a local diner or how his fake glory clouds rained gold dust down upon the unsuspecting rubes at one of his prophecy open mic nights. They all speak of supernatural power showering their ministries. They did so in Toronto, Pensacola, and Lakeland. Ask Todd "leg growing healer" White and Shawn "smart phone prophet" Bolz. Ask organizers of the huge "Christian" events such as The Send - they all will brag about their form of false signs and lying wonders.

This is accompanied with all unrighteous deception and by embracing such, they deny the true power of salvation found in the true gospel. They are like King Ahab listening to the 400 prophets with a lying spirit while punishing the one telling him the truth and by doing so, he perished. Beloved, convincing people to worship politics, legislation, judicial appointees, or anything carnal in this world is spreading unrighteous deception among those who are perishing! The writer linked above is on record as saying that people who do not vote as he does, are hell-bound. What a satanic deception! By choosing the myth over the truth, God sends them a strong delusion, that they should believe the lie! There is no question that the leaders of this false church believe they are correct. They have believed the lies they sell. Maybe some might be motivated for greed or power but in the end, they have bought into the delusion God has sent them! That is why it is so sad to hear followers swear allegiance to and belief in the false teacher by extolling their sincerity. As my pastor has said - you can be sincere and sincerely wrong! With this long backdrop exegeting 2Thessalonians 2, let us reason together again through the deluded mind of Mario Murillo and his latest article, linked above. Hopefully we can gain further insight into the seeing the delusion manifest.

A golden opportunity is churning amid America's moral and physical disaster. The call from God is clear and strong: "Come and let Me make you fit to seize this golden opportunity." The Spirit of God is telling us it is our turn now. Political, corporate, and media villains have had their day and their say. It is our turn now." - Mario Murillo

The spirit of God is saying no such thing, nor would He ever. This is not a game. It is not "our turn." When you focus on the world and worship people in it, that is how you create the political, corporate and media villains in your own mind. To Murillo, the Republicans are the party of God and righteous and thus the villains are the Democrats. With this strong delusion already set up, any company that does not agree is now also labeled a villain and any source of media that does not side with him is likewise. This is how Murillo and the NAR create a stigma of victimhood within the apostate church. If you ask their followers, they are persecuted because they removed the nativity scene from the town square or because they are not allowed to force Muslims to recite Christian prayers. As if that would matter to God.

"It is our turn now because the misery caused by the Left and Wokeness will ignite the largest influx of conversions to Christ we have seen in our lifetime. The billions of dollars spent to erase the Christian faith will prove to be an utter waste. We are entering a season where Christian influence in America will greatly increase. He who holds power to reverse plots, make plans backfire, and boomerang the wrath of man has been quietly working. Soon His handiwork will be revealed. It is a massive harvest of souls that are being ripened by misery, corruption, and tyranny. How do I know this is true? Because I have already seen it." - Mario Murillo

If you want to understand Matthew 7 and how so many "churched" people will stand before Christ only to say "Lord Lord" let us break this down here. The influx of conversions Murillo speaks to is as false as his teachings. I read a recent interview with a former ministry leader from Steven Furtick's apostate church, Elevation. He admitted that they would plant people in the congregation to raise their hands and pretend to want to be saved to encourage others to do the same. This level of manipulation is rampant throughout the apostate system as all one needs to do to be told they are heaven bound, is raise their hands, and repeat a trite, silly sentence that is passed off as a salvation prayer. In Joel Osteen's church this is about three sentences. In Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life, it is eight words. There is not some billion-dollar plot to eliminate Christianity from America. That is just plain stupid. There is however a coordinated push back against the dominionist apostate church that seeks to inject theocratic norms within the melting pot society that is America. There is no massive harvest of souls coming beloved and we know this because of the bible. What Murillo has witnessed is a massive influx of people raising their hands to say eight words and thus receive the great delusion that Mario is teaching. They may very well go on to great ministry works within that apostate church. They may witness great signs and lying wonders in Jesus name only to stand before Him and discover He never knew them!

"The Spirit of God is telling us it is our turn now. Political, corporate, and media villains have had their day and their say. It is our turn now. I wrote this book, "It's Our Turn Now" (Charisma House, 2023) because something shocking and unexplainable started happening in our tent crusades. At the height of a pandemic lockdown""in California, the bluest state in America""thousands were being converted to Christ. You can barely get Californians to a Christian meeting when it is convenient. But then they started coming during a lockdown. It filled me with questions: Why were they overflowing the tent now that leaving their house was almost impossible? What was happening? Why was it happening?" - Mario Murillo

Ahh, the grift. To be honest I was not expecting this as Murillo is not usually this transparent but this entire "it is our turn" nonsense was designed to sell you a book. How pathetic. The larger spiritual answer is found in the key verses. They were coming because God had sent them a strong delusion because they did not want the truth. On the ground however, is it so surprising that people faced with a worldwide plague would reconsider God? This is akin to the observation that there are no atheists in foxholes. Remember though, filling Mario's tent only means they got to hear about how evil Democrats are and how voting Republican can save your soul. Then they raise their hands. Then they said whatever quick and dirty "prayer" Mario offered up while Murillo's workers were eagerly counting the hands so they could announce how robust their revival is! Narrow is the path beloved and every raised hand only further populated the apostate church. I might add here that many of these churches, opened way too soon and against government orders for public health and safety. Many sheep were led to the slaughter of COVID by their own shepherds. Many of the shepherds themselves died after mocking the disease. But it's our turn now, right?

'"It's our turn now." That phrase kept repeating in my heart. It was a clue of some kind. The feeling kept growing within that I would witness some great event. Then the scales fell off my eyes. I realized that, as glorious as our tent crusades are, they are only a small part of a great and widespread phenomenon brewing nationwide. That is why I believe there is an urgent warning from the throne of God to get ready for harvest. The church has been through so much these last few years. The last thing we need is a book that raises false hopes. This book's message is not another case of prophetic wishful thinking about some future event. This is happening now.' - Mario Murillo

No Mario, it is not. It is true that we are in the end times and the harvest is ready, but the fields are within the tents of Mario Murillo. The church has been through so much? Seriously? Tell you what, let's blow up this false teaching right here. Notice how he claims this fantastic revival is only brewing in America? There is an urgent warning from the throne of God to get ready for the harvest but only in America? Why is there not an equal revival in China? Where is the plea to get ready for the harvest in the Middle East? What about our brothers and sisters in poor third world countries around the world? Are they not part of the church? Why is God only "reviving" America? Because that is the end product of worshipping America. The NAR Dominionist cares only about this country. He is laser focused only on this country. Thus, all of the prophecy, warnings, teachings and aspiration are germane only to this country. God does not operate that way beloved. You see, while Mario Murillo is getting his followers all jazzed up about the faux persecution of the Ten Commandments in front of courthouses, real persecution is going on in the countries that do not have the government this country enjoys.

"Yes, evil is exalted in America. Yes, it looks bad for the church. Indeed, those who control the teleprompters have a clear message: "Christians have no place in the America we are building. You are not wanted""and soon you will be discarded." But listen to Jesus in John 4:35: "Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" Jesus is telling anyone who will listen that the harvest is now. Do not think more must happen before we harvest souls. Do not look at the frightening pictures. Look with spiritual eyes to the fields. I will show you why all the armies in the world cannot stop a vessel of God whose time has come.' - Mario Murillo

Evil is exalted throughout the world because man is evil. Notice however the victimhood again as Mario sets up his false war. Somehow, we are to believe that in a nation with 63% Christian people, that Christians are being persecuted. That some unforeseen power (hint hint, it's the Democrats) is recreating America without Christians. This is patently absurd. I will tell you what is happening, however. The false church Mario represents keeps trying to force their beliefs on the rest of society, regardless of their own beliefs and they continue to push back on it. So yes, society is telling the apostate, dominionist church they are not wanted. Mario is right about one thing - the harvest is getting ready. The problem is that people like Mario Murillo have planted weeds throughout the wheat and both will grow side by side. The harvesters know the difference and those that have believed the strong delusion will stand before Christ and lament, Lord, Lord.

"The images of hatred and rejection do not tell the real story. You can see something wonderful if you look beyond the stage props. My claim that Leftists and atheists are setting us up for a harvest of souls is not a knee-jerk outburst; it is a settled conviction. The evidence is all around us. There is no need to set the thermostat to hyperemotional. There is no need to embellish this book with buzzwords or play the "God-told-me" card to get the point across. I do not want to make a motivational speech. I want to make an airtight case. I will show you why all the armies in the world cannot stop a vessel of God whose time has come." - Mario Murillo

Here is the encapsulation of the strong delusion. Mario admits to believing in a settled conviction. There is no debating Mario Murillo, nor anyone else leading the apostate church. He admits here that his enemy is not the devil but rather "leftists and atheists", commonly referred to by him as Democrats. Note here that he actually claims he does not need to play the "God told me card" even though in this very article he claimed God told him! He will now take his settled conviction and believe that it makes him a vessel of God whose time has come. The bible did say it was a strong delusion. He will present this to those seeking superiority, not God. Murillo's message is so scratching to our ego. That we are basking in settled conviction against those who would dare to have a different political opinion. That we are trying to save the poor wretches in America who are deceived by evil leftists and the billion-dollar conspiracists. Like the Blues Brothers before them, they hide all fears, logic and sound biblical thought behind the false notion that they are on a mission from God. They never hear about their own sinfulness. They never hear about the need to repent. Why would they? They are the good guys in this false war that Murillo sells.

Yes Mario, you have made an air-tight case - that the delusion runs very deep and is very strong.

Reverend Anthony Wade - January 18, 2023

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
