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May 26, 2023

Which to Truly Fear - Jason Voorhees, Freddy Kruger or Shawn Bolz?

By Anthony Wade

What happens when a false prophet tries to scare people with horror movies?


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For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. - 2Corinthians 11:13-15 (ESV)

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Just to be clear, I have no affinity for horror movies or entertainment. It is not like it was decades ago when plots meant storylines and not just where you buried the victims. At some point, the blood and guts became the point. Shock and awe is not entertaining to me. There are varying arguments on the Christian spectrum from people who say we should not partake in any secular entertainment and those that think nothing is out of bounds. As usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle. For Christians or churched folk who think consuming only "Christian" entertainment is for believers I would point out that the vast majority of such is hardly biblical at all. We must realize that the forces that seek to conquer the cultural mountain of entertainment are NAR dominionist through and through. The current "Chosen" TV show is a hodgepodge of absolute nonsense added to the biblical account. The previous mini-series on the bible was equally horrific. The danger with following only Christian media is the things that are wrong can damage your walk - permanently. Horror movies are usually forgotten quickly. Most "worship" music today is not in the business of worshipping God. Once again, it can do real damage to your walk as you repeat poor theology over and over again in song. For those on the opposite side, there should be plenty of things that are out of bounds for believers. The idea here is to allow nothing to become idolatrous, to come between you and God. I say this as the backdrop for the above linked article from Shawn Bolz, yes that Shawn Bolz, lecturing us on the spiritual dangers of horror movies. I say this with a chuckle because there is nothing more ironic than a false prophet, dripping in the blood of those he has led away from Christ, advising Christians to fear the fake blood found in horror movies. So, buckle up and be aware that I will respond to the salient points in Bolz's piece and not the entire thing which was too long to begin with. Let us reason together once more.

"Ok, I have to be honest: I love all kinds of entertainment and I am not an anti-guy when it comes to a lot of films, TV shows, books and video games that are sometimes on the fringe of what Christians think are OK. But I did have a vision about horror movies that I have to talk about. The risk in talking about this is that some people are so religious in their attitude towards entertainment that they villainize everything or find a demon behind every door, that is not what today is about. This is a word you need to share with your friends who love horror movies, horror video games (even if they are simple roblox players) and even horror novels. I had a vision that I hope you will tell your kids and your grandkids because something huge is coming. The enemy is opening a portal straight to the worst demonic manifestation that we have ever seen and it's about to come through entertainment." - Shawn Bolz

The true horror show here is Bolz. Shawn is known as the smart-phone prophet as he has been caught downloading people's information to then pretending God is speaking to him about them. I want you to savor the irony for a moment. Shawn Bolz is the resident false prophet for Bethel, which one could argue is the portal to the worst demonic manifestation we have ever seen. Bethel employs a dead raising team that has claimed 15 resurrections without one shred of proof. They have pumped smoke through their ventilation systems during prayer service and pretended it was the glory of God. The operate a fake school for the supernatural, where they blaspheme God by pretending they can teach people how to manifest the gifts of the Spirit. They teach mandatory healing, grave sucking, prosperity, word faith, false signs and lying wonders and of course, NAR dominionism. Forget Freddy or Jason, run as fast as you can away from Shawn!

"The demonic has always tried to use media/entertainment/music as a doorway into our soul and emotions to bring oppression, mental illness, wrong identity, depression and to feed our hunger for the wrong kind of supernatural but this is what I saw: I had a vision of a plague of locusts and it was demonic entities filling projects that had so much "presence of evil" on them. These projects were so masterfully deployed that people were fascinated not knowing that as they were about to "partake" in these and about to drink directly from the enemy's imagination doing sometimes irreparable harm on their psyche. I actually saw people getting demons of fear, anxiety, suicide and occult demons hitchhiking into their homes from entertainment, and they were causing so much pain. This is coming in a way that hasn't happened before." - Shawn Bolz

Sounds horrible until you realize there is no way God would use this false prophet to warn His people. Depression, wrong identity, oppression and mental illness? That is what the purpose driven church has given to America. Most churched folk identify with their pastor and not the body of Christ. Doesn't matter what they do either. Just take a gander at the Hillsong drama. The recently released documentary only confirmed the absolutely evil behavior of their leaders over these past years. Whether it is Lentz and his multiple affairs or Houston and his addiction issues along with covering up for the sins of his father, Hillsong personifies the presence of evil. Look, I am not saying that horror movies are good, but Shawn Bolz is going to speak to us about occult demons? After Bethel's involvement in Christalignment, which are considered "Christian" tarot cards? The occult? What about lying on the tomb of dead heretics in order to suck some of their residual anointing? So, keep your demonic dreams to yourself Shawn.

"A shift in popular culture has brought about an unprecedented fascination with horror through movies and video games. Video games and movie titles such as Five Nights at Freddy's, Dead by Daylight, the Evil Dead or the Exorcist franchises, can appear to some as harmless, but can potentially usher in spiritual dangers we might not fully grasp. One thing to note is that the enemy intends to use these kinds of works against us, and just that thought alone should make you wonder "is this the right choice I am making for myself or my child to flirt with something that is so obviously not what God wants?" I think so many spiritual leaders have cried wolf over a lot of secular entertainment that we have been desensitized to actually discerning if this is something that we should be including in our lives. The Bible warns us about the spiritual realm and the dark forces that occupy it. We have to look, as Christians, how horror-themed entertainment can invite negative spiritual influences and open doors to fear, anxiety, mental illness and an unhealthy fascination with the occult. Most importantly, we will discuss the hope and power that come from seeking God and filling the void in our lives with His love and presence." - Shawn Bolz

Are you kidding me? People need to ask themselves why they idolize false teachers when it is so obviously clear to not be what God wants! This entire article seems to be a form of projection. We see this a lot in the purpose driven industrial complex. False prophets try to expose other false prophets. Jennifer LeClaire is known to do this, and we recently saw Mario Murillo try the same nonsense. It is nothing more than sleight of hand to say look at all those evil horror movies as a way to not have people look at what you are doing for the kingdom of the enemy. While I agree that if anything causes you fear, anxiety or mental illness that you should probably not partake of it. Just be aware that avoiding Friday the 13th while attending Bethel solves nothing spiritually for you.

"First Corinthians 10:21 says, "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons." This Scripture warns us about the dangers of straddling the spiritual line. When we entertain fear and horror through movies and games, we risk exposing ourselves to demonic presences and attachments.

Ephesians 4:27 admonishes us, "And give no opportunity to the devil." Demonically influenced horror movies and games, despite their fictitious nature, can unintentionally create a space or 'landing strip' in our minds for dark thoughts and potential oppression. This opens the door to the enemy and can bring agreement between us and demonic powers, going against the instruction provided in this verse." - Shawn Bolz

Ephesians 4:27 is in the middle of exhortations for us to behave well as Christians. Put away all falsehoods. Do not let the sun go down on your anger. Let no corrupting talk come from your mouths. Put away all bitterness, wrath and anger but rather be kind, tenderhearted, and forgive one another. In the middle of that God says, give the devil no opportunity. So, what is being taught has little to do with horror movies. Rather it teaches us that anger, bitterness and unforgiveness are tools the devil will use to gain a foothold in our lives. The Corinthians verse has nothing to do with demonic attachments. Paul was literally teaching that we cannot drink or eat that which has been offered by pagans in sacrifice to demons. Sure, we can stretch that to anything idolatrous because idolatry gets between you and God. So, if horror movies for some reason becomes an idol to you, then take no part in it.

"The danger also extends to our children, who are impressionable and vulnerable. As parents and guardians, it's crucial to protect them from influences that could potentially harm their mental and spiritual well-being." - Shawn Bolz

First of all, I hope no one is bringing kids to see the horror movies of today. That aside, children are indeed vulnerable from all sources. At Bethel, they teach kids by "activating" them to prophesy over each other and other teachers as well as learning to listen to whatever nonsense comes into their hearts and pretending it is God speaking to them. It is crucial that we protect our kids from Shawn Bolz and Bethel first and Halloween V after.

"But there is hope. While it may seem that the enemy is using demonic horror, it's essential to understand that it's a counterfeit satisfaction. This space is where God wants to nourish our spiritual hunger. When we set aside horror-themed content and invite God into this space, we create room for an increase in His presence and empowerment. This shift provides a satisfaction that transcends any transient thrill or scare. It opens up a realm of divine peace, wisdom and guidance, providing a profound sense of contentment. By allowing God to fill this space, we invite love, peace, joy and all the fruits of the Spirit into our lives, which stand in stark contrast to the fear, anxiety and unrest that horror-themed content can incite." - Shawn Bolz

This is what we call - entirely made up. So according to Bolz, there is an undefined "space" within us that is reserved for either spiritual nourishment or horror movies. It is odd that God would create us as such but then again, this is mentioned nowhere in the bible so I am guessing Shawn must have made it up. God so wants to give us divine peace, but we insisted on seeing The Ring last week? He so wants to impart wisdom and guidance to us but we had to go watch "Smile" the other day? What nonsense. The reality beloved is God is always there. He is always willing to lead us, guide us, and give us wisdom if we would be obedient and read His word.

"In the realm of spiritual warfare, there's a widely-held belief that whatever we focus on can gain a foothold in our lives. Horror films, with their focus on fear, violence and often the demonic, can serve as an invitation for oppressive forces. As a result, spiritually sensitive individuals might feel oppressed or burdened after consuming such content." - Shawn Bolz

This is an oversimplification. The spiritual issue is not what we focus on but what we place ahead of God. What we idolize. That can gain a foothold in our life and drive us further away from God. Theoretically it could be horror movies, but a far more deadly enemy is false teaching. That can gain a foothold and soon take over completely. Have you ever tried reasoning with Joel Osteen follower? How abut a Joseph Prince adherent? Ironically, it may be easier to reach a fan of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies than a Steven Furtick follower. By the way, the horror movie may only give you nightmares but following false teaching? That could cost you eternity.

"Despite these findings, it's important to remember that there is a solution. By creating a space in our lives for positive, inspiring and faith-based content, we can counteract these negative influences. It's not about shunning the entirety of popular culture, but rather making discerning choices that align with our faith, values and mental health needs." - Shawn Bolz

Or we could not go to horror movies if they present problems in our lives? Not everything has to be resolved so piously. The real problem here, which we have been discussing, is what "faith-based content" is Bolz recommending? Bethel produced garbage? Modern churchianity IS popular culture now. They have spent decades seeking relevancy and now they have it! Maybe instead of watching Terror Train I should attend a Friday Bethel Prayer Service where anyone can falsely prophesy, and we can hear Bill Johnson tell us about the time angel feathers fell all around him in a diner. Or instead of attending that "Scream" Festival we can take the weeklong "School of the Prophets" at Bethel and be taught how to pretend to be a prophet! Now I am no fan of Scream, but I would wager that the Bethel "faith based" activities will do far more damage to me. That is the point.

Listen beloved, this is not an exercise in defending horror movies. This is about true spiritual warfare, waged against the enemies of God. The bible is replete with warnings against false teaching and prophets which can lead people away from Christ and shipwreck faith. Just one example of such a warning is found in the key verses today and exemplifies Shawn Bolz and Bethel Church. For Shawn Bolz is a false apostle, deceitful workman, disguising himself as an apostle of Christ. Do not fall for the disguise. Jason's machete is just a prop. Freddy's claws are not real. Shawn Bolz's theology is far, far more dangerous.

Reverend Anthony Wade - May 26, 2023

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
