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January 5, 2024

False Prophet Chris Reed Gave 38 Prophecies for 2023 - How did he Do?

By Anthony Wade

Examining the report card for 2023 alleged prophecies from Chris Reed...


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Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. - 1John 4:1 (ESV)

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The arrogance the falsest prophets operate under has grown exponentially in the past few decades, probably due to the expansion of social media. They simply are unafraid that the people who blindly follow them will ever check their prophecies, or for that fact, their bibles. Chris Reed is one of these apostate false prophets, who also happens to be the replacement for Rick Joyner at Morningstar. Funny story is that at the end of 2022, Chris Reed wrote an article for Morningstar specifying 38 prophecies for the upcoming year, 2023 (linked above). I remember at the time making a calendar note for early 2024 to check how he did. As the key verse teaches us, we are to test every spirit because many false prophets, such as Reed, have gone into the world. So, I tested all 38 of his prophecies and the results after detailed investigating, is below. Let us reason once more together beloved.

"The following is the result of three months of praying, fasting, and asking God to show me what is coming in 2023 and beyond. It includes trances, encounters, and things I have seen. The Lord has called us to take the prophetic to a higher level. We know in part and prophesy in part. Perhaps God will give other people other pieces to help make sense of the whole, but here is my piece:" - Chris Reed

It is important to set the stage and remember this as we start to go through the individual false prophecies. The statement from Chris Reed is this document is the result of three months of praying, fasting, and asking God to show him what is coming in 2023. He claims these false prophecies were imparted to him through trances and encounters. Then he abuses the same prophecy verse that all false prophets today use to excuse why they are wrong all the time. They try to convince people that they only prophesy in part. That God is somehow playing games with all of them and only giving them pieces to a jigsaw puzzle without giving them the box, so they know what the picture is supposed to look like. Except God does not operate like that, ever. So, as we proceed keep asking yourself, would God Almighty give this charlatan trances and encounters where so much was so wrong? The answer we must conclude at the end of this exercise is, no. He would not. Chris Reed is a ridiculously false prophet and should be marked as such to be avoided. Let us start.

"I saw an exposure of Chinese money and bribery. The beginnings of this will include a major exposure which will begin the downfall of the Biden administration.: - Chris Reed

As we will see throughout this hot mess, Chris Reed is simply parroting NAR, right wing political talking pints and pretending God showed him this nonsense. 2023 revealed no such exposure and the downfall of the Biden administration remains an elusive dream of NAR conspirators. The Republicans swore they had a witness that would verify these slanderous accusations, but he turned out to be an internationally wanted man, charged with China-linked offenses including failing to register as a foreign agent, arms trafficking and violations of sanctions on Iran. Oops.

"The Hunter Biden laptop case, which was suppressed before the 2020 election, is about to be opened. This issue will become a centerfold in the news and will tremendously hurt his father's credibility and past claims. Last year, the Lord showed me this would hurt his father to the point to where he will lose power and be out of office before the 2024 election." - Chris Reed

Another pipe dream of the lunatic fringe is the laptop story. The only significant development is Hunter Biden filed a lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani this year for hacking into his laptop. Now we cannot score this an unfulfilled prophecy yet because he claims that Biden will not fill out the rest of his term, specifically because of the laptop story. So, we stand at 1 false prophecy and one pending.

"President Joe Biden's health will continue to fail. I do not wish him harm. I pray for him. I pray for God to remove him, but I also pray for him and his salvation and for him to become a Saul of Tarsus figure. He will lose power, and it will be convenient for the Democrats to not have him leading the 2024 ticket. He will attempt to redeem his failed presidency by making a woman president for the first time. I have seen Kamala Harris at the helm, but only for a short time"weeks or months." - Chris Reed

There is a lot here and it is all false. Biden's health has not continued to fail, despite the dreams of Reed and others. The sadly ironic thing is Chris Reed apparently does not believe the bible, which says God raises up all leaders and kings and uses them for His glory. Joe Biden won by seven million votes, so he was God's choice Chris. Keep praying against the plan of God. The unbridled arrogance though to assume that Biden is unsaved because Reed disagrees with his politics is disgusting. Now Biden is Catholic, so unless Reed is saying all Catholics are unsaved, he is simply doing what we are compelled to not do. Final judgment belongs to God alone. Next up, Reed prophelies here that Biden will lose power in 2023, won't lead the 2024 ticket and that he SAW Kamala Harris briefly operating as President. NONE of that has happened. Even though this seems like about 4-5 false prophecies, he listed them as one entry. So, we have 2 false prophecies and one pending.

"Unfortunately, we will see a continued rise in inflation and a nosedive in residential and commercial real estate values. There will be a significant housing mortgage crisis, but not as bad as 2008. Precious metals and land will become better, safer investments." - Chris Reed

Yeah, no. January saw inflation at 6.4 and it has done nothing but DECREASE since. Currently inflation sits at 3.1. Chris Reed just is not very good at this is he? Real estate values have increased in 2023, and certainly not "nosedived." Realize Reed put this out in December of 2022 to smear Joe Biden and plant fear in the hearts of his readers. The problem is he did so while pretending God told him these things and God will not be mocked. Reed is now 0-3, with one pending.

"There is coming a naval conflict in the South China Sea, which will cause the world markets to plummet. China will be involved and might claim it was an accident. The U.S. will be affected by this and will be in the middle of this growing China-Taiwan conflict." - Chris Reed

Once again, yeah, no. 2023 saw no such conflict in the South China Sea, which the Chinese claimed to be an accident that sent the world markets plummeting. It was a good gamble because that is one of the most contested waterways in the world but again, God will not be mocked. It reminds me of when Benny Hinn prophelied that God showed him that Fidel Castro would die in the 1990s. Hinn gave himself an entire decade to look like a real prophet figuring it would come to pass because Castro was famously unwell. Castro of course died in 2016, oops. Reed is now 0-4.

"Gas prices are down temporarily but will go back up." - Chris Reed

Well, this is too vague because prices always go up and down. January, we saw prices at 3.339. It did go up, but not drastically over the next few months, hitting as high as 3.84. November however saw a decrease to 3.318, which is lower than at the start of the year. So, prices did go up but have now come down. I would rate this prophecy a push. Record is now 0-4-1, with one pending.

"Crime will get worse. Rioting will hit the streets again, and people who are unhappy and fed up with their government not protecting its citizens will engage in serious protests." - Chris Reed

This is just absurd. There were no riots in 2023 that I could find except a riot in Union Square, NYC but that was due to the visit of a YouTube gaming sensation. The silly narrative talking point Reed is parroting here is that crime is festering and good law abiding (and white) citizens have had enough! So, he claims God showed him that these people would riot? There were no such protests. Move along. Nothing to see here except an 0-5-1 record.

"Revealing the drastic divide between the Left Coast and Middle America, we will see bizarre weather extremes which will be blamed on climate change. We will see extreme fires in the Western U.S. and extreme flooding in the Eastern U.S." - Chris Reed

It is not too much of a leap to predict extreme weather since that has increased rapidly over the past few decades, driven of course by climate change. This is not a debate. It is an established scientific fact. Christians do not serve the cause of Christ to constantly appear as morons. That said, 2023 did not see anything out of the norm. Three major fires I could find, average acreage burned. Yes, there was flooding in the east but prophesying that is like saying God showed me the sun would rise in the east. The real problem here is the inane comparison and division of people. Is Chris Reed claiming that "middle America" is somehow stupid and unscientific? Who does this division serve? Certainly not God unless Reed thinks only those wholesome folks in middle America are worth saving. Record stands at 0-6-1.

"I saw a significant-sized building being damaged by extreme wind or a weather phenomenon which caused its crumbling and collapsing. This will be a major news story. This could happen in the Northeastern U.S."

I poured through the Google machine and could not find any significant sized building that collapsed in 2023 as a result of weather conditions. Not in the East Coast. Not in the west. Not in the north. Not in the south. Keep in mind that Reed claimed God gave him these visions and trances, yet he stands at 0-7-1.

"In the middle of rising gas prices, I saw a costly oil spill in the Southeastern U.S. I saw oil-saturated beaches in Florida. This will be a difficult challenge for Ron DeSantis to navigate. This will be a third test for him, and he will have a literal mess on his hands. Please pray for him in this situation." - Chris Reed

I did find one oil spill in the Port of Manatee in September of 2023 but unfortunately for Chris Reed it never reached the beaches and was not a "mess" for Ron DeSantis. He is claiming here that God showed him oil saturated beaches but once again, we have to grade this as false because it never happened. I remember after Hurricane Katrina, Pat Robertson prophelied that the next summer would see several major hurricanes hit the eastern shores of the United States causing great damage. That summer, not one hurricane made landfall. These guys simply refuse to learn - God will not be mocked.

"I had a unique vision, twice confirmed, of an airplane that mysteriously disappeared in the skies like the Indonesian flight a few years ago. This plane will carry sensitive intelligence information. Its mysterious disappearance will make the news, then it will reappear or be found." - Chris Reed

That is unique Chris. Uniquely false that is. He is aware that we can easily fact check things these days right? No plane mysteriously disappeared with intelligence information that then suddenly reappeared. These are just the false musings of a deceitful heart. Record stands at 0-9-1.

"As part of the major flooding in the Eastern U.S., I saw a dam burst which caused even more severe flooding. This will be a natural sign of another dam about to break in government corruption and lies, which also can no longer be contained." - Chris Reed

You probably guessed it already but there were no significant dams bursting in all of 2023 across the United States, let alone specifically in the Eastern US. The point of this prophelie was to get the talking point out about government corruption, which does exist in both parties. 0-10-1 for the record.

"The "Ronald-Donald" battle. I saw in a vision Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis battling it out for the Republican presidential nomination. A nasty battle will unfold in the primaries. Trump will accuse DeSantis of not being loyal to him and will express betrayal because DeSantis refused to bow out, just so he can have another run at Trump. Just when it looks like DeSantis is creeping ahead of Trump, dirt will be dug up and cold evidence will be used against him. I saw this in a news headline. Despite this, Ron DeSantis will become a leader in Washington D.C. and a future President of the United States." - Chris Reed

This has to be graded as wildly false. You can say that Trump has been nasty to DeSantis but he is nasty to everyone so that is not much of a prophecy. The notion however that these two have been "battling it out" is absurdly false as the latest poll shows Trump at 67% and DeSantis at 11%, tied with Nikki Haley. If this was a prize fight the ref would have stopped the fight in January. The notion that God showed him DeSantis would be creeping ahead of Trump only to be brought down by a scandal is completely false as well. DeSantis is not a leader in DC as he is barely one in Florida. 0-11-1 is the record.

"I also saw a woman of color, which I predicted last year. I do not know her ethnicity, but a woman of color will carry a word and will carry Trump to the top of the ticket and help restore his credibility which was lost with voters over the last two years. This woman of color will come alongside him and bring to light the corruption in social media and the American election system. She will help vindicate his claims of election fraud." - Chris Reed

Reed is looking at 0-12-1, as there has been no woman of color to exonerate the now four times indicted former president. His dangerously false claims of election fraud remain nothing more than the big lie and we just saw Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani be ordered to pay 148 million dollars for defaming two voting workers in Georgia. Trump remains with little to no credibility in these areas and Reed knows it.

"Chinese influence and bribery will be exposed, and it will be shocking how much China's tentacles have reached to many nations around the world. This will include American politics and helping swing the 2020 election. This will come to light, will be undeniable and will again be tied to the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, which will be fully exposed and tie Joe Biden to everything. Three times, I saw boxes being opened and I saw the words "smoking gun," which will prove beyond a doubt Chinese money and involvement in Biden's campaign and secrets being exposed even through the courts and House of Representatives. This will shock the world. Remember: boxes, Biden, and billionaires. Even suppression, manipulation, and intimidation in our courts will be exposed, revealing they knew more than what they were willing to say." - Chris Reed

This seems to be a rehash of an earlier false prophecy, but it remains nothing more than a wish list of corruption that does not exist. The laptop scandal is nearly non-existent now and never was much of a story. The compromised House of Representatives have started to examine impeachment but openly admit they have not a shred of proof of anything. God did not show this false prophet boxes of smoking guns. The Chinese did not help swing the 2020 election. Donald Trump lost by seven million votes. Do not fall for the big lie. Reed stands at 0-13-1, with one pending.

"As predicted last year, I saw food shortages in 2023. This will be a year of revolution around the world. Third world countries, Mexico, and South America will be hit hardest by food chain and food supply shortages." - Chris Reed

C'mon. God showed you something that everyone knows for the past ten years? As world population continues to grow and climate change affects food production it is only expected that food shortages will continue worldwide. I will give him this as true, but it was true before he opened his mouth. Record stands at 1-13-1, with one pending.

"I saw a worsening immigration problem across our Southern border. The illegal immigrant situation will culminate in an epic border crisis/showdown." - Chris Reed

I guess Chris wanted some gimmees as this is another "duh" prophelie. So, God showed you that the immigration problem, which has worsened every year for the past four decades, would get worse again? The heck you say. As absurd as this is, I will give him his second true statement, that again existed before he uttered it, so it is hardly "prophetic." The tally is now 2-13-1.

"I saw African nations experience severe food shortages and migrants coming to America not only from Central and South America but also from Africa and Europe." - Chris Reed

Just another duh prophelie. Of course, as things get worse across the world, people from every country will increase in their legal and illegal immigration patterns. That said, African illegal migration is only about 2% of the total and that is double from what it was in 2010. There is nothing that stands out for 2023 regarding this group so I do not think this qualifies as a correct prophecy. 2-14-1.

"There will come a tipping point for the U.S. Something"or some ones"will cross the U.S. Southern border, and when what they are doing is brought to light, it will be so terrible and horrendous, it will force both political parties to get aggressive in protecting our borders." - Chris Reed

I think it is safe to say this has not come to pass. Neither party takes this issue seriously. There has been little movement on the matter. Not a bad guess from Reed but God will not be mocked. Note however that the NAR talking points being passed off as what God is saying continues.

"I saw the January 6 Hearings, which are now wrapping up, will be seen as a clandestine operation from foreign money peddling and influence, particularly Chinese and Russian money. Even the courts will be challenged again for their manipulation and for blaming everything on Trump. They did this because their nations suffered from Trump's policies." - Chris Reed

Yeah, again no. This is another fabricated dream of the right that has never come to pass. The January 6th Committee has been fully vindicated and their work had nothing to do with Chinese or Russian money. This is a staple of Trump politics. To take what you stand credibly accused of and try to claim that your opponents are the real perpetrators of that. Russia and China did not suffer under Trump but rather the opposite. The longer this nonsense goes on the more it is clear that Chris Reed is simply making things up to try and get his political lies to be swallowed by believers as prophecy. At 2-15-1, it is clear how false Chris Reed is, but I fear it is only going to get worse.

"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will not be the leading Democratic Party ticket in the next election cycle. I saw a man winning the Democratic nomination, but it was not Joe Biden." - Chris Reed

As of this writing, there is zero change in the ticket, so this is false for 2023. Again, it was a good guess as Biden's age and the general disdain for Harris is well documented and reported. Let us not lose sight of what prophecy is. Chris Reed is saying God showed him that for 2023, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would not be leading the ticket during the election cycle, which we are now in. Yet there they are. So, did God lie? Of course not. Chris Reed did. 2-16-1.

"I saw a revolution of unrest, upheaval, and violence happening in Sweden. Sudden acts of terrorism will take place involving guns against citizens, and it will be led by a demon of anarchy. Lawlessness and anger will cause certain individuals to harm and destroy lives. People will become angry over the massive illegal immigration in Europe. Racism will also be a motivating factor in this violence in Sweden. Terrorists are taking advantage of this worldwide immigration crisis." - Chris Reed

It appears that Chris Reed was relying on his readers being suckers and not bothering to fact check him. What he did was take a problem in 2022 and pretend God is telling him it was going to happen in 2023. You see, in 2022 Sweden saw a rise of Trumpian politics that demonized immigration and they won some political gains. So, it would not be surprising if this anti-immigration rhetoric continued into 2023 but that is not prophetic. There does appear to be some very minor protests after a Koran burning incident in September but hardly unrest, violence and upheaval. Those are right wing talking points again. By the way, Sweden finished 6th overall in the Happiness Index for 2023. Oops. Reed stands now at 2-17-1, and one pending.

"I saw a new sense of patriotism in European nations"France, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, and Italy"where people will redevelop national pride and a love for country. Some nations will begin their own "Brexit" processes from the European Union." - Chris Reed

This is Republican coded language. "Love for country" means hate for immigrants. It is true that a lot of European countries have seen spikes in immigration and inevitably there are those that would prefer they not be allowed in. 2023 however did not see any countries even slightly hinting at a new Brexit and even England appears to regret their own Brexit. So sorry Chris, but this is another stale political talking point disguised as a false prophecy. 2-18-1.

"I saw a housing and homelessness crisis increasing in Europe which will lead to instability, uncertainty, and fear in the hearts of many European nations. People will respond to this with national priorities and protests over immigration policies in Europe. The massive illegal immigration coming into Europe from the South will become unsustainable and European nations will demand their national borders be observed and patriotism will become a priority. This will set the stage for destabilization of the European Union, inflation, immigration, food shortages, and an economic downturn. This will cause unrest across Europe." - Chris Reed

Sorry again Chris. I know these are your NAR fantasies but the official word on European economics in 2023 was, "The EU labour market continued to perform strongly in the first half of 2023, despite the slowdown in economic growth. In the second quarter, activity and employment rates in the EU reached their highest level on record, and in September the unemployment rate remained at 6% of the labour force, close to its record low." Oops. Once again, the NAR right wing political message Chris was selling is that immigrants are bad, and racism is just good ole fashioned patriotism. None of it is remotely Christian however and none of it was prophetic. 2-19-1 with one pending.

"I saw one European nation"I believe Germany"caught in a financial scandal involving Chinese bribery and cheating through banks and involving Hong Kong, which will be another example of China's tentacles." - Chris Reed

I tried. I searched for Chinese bribery in 2023. I searched for Germany and Chinese bribery. I searched for Europe and the same. Mixed in some Hong Kong banks into the searches and they all concluded the same thing. Chris Reed is a lying false prophet. His score card now reads 2-20-1.

"I saw the beginnings of a new French Revolution. Last year I shared about Emmanuel Macron, not that he is the antichrist, but he will have a choice to make. A significant health crisis will weaken him and his power for a time, then he will reemerge with a heroic façade for overcoming the health crisis. Paris will become a hotbed of unrest and riots. The French people will become weary of unsustainable illegal immigration." - Chris Reed

Yeah, no again Chris. There was no health crisis for Macron. So, he never remerged as a heroic façade for overcoming this crisis that never happened. Paris is hardly a hotbed for unrest. What is happening is the same that is happening in many countries. There is a small minority of folks, just like in America, who blame everything on immigrants and fuel radical policy preferences. It is a real problem politically but the entire premise Chris prophelied here is simply untrue. 2-21-1.

"Resistance will also be shown to Italy's newly elected prime minister, Giorgia Meloni. She ran a campaign theme of God, family, and country. A major drug bust scandal involving drug cartels and money laundering through Italian banks will be revealed. Somehow, the Vatican will be drawn into this through a low-level cleric in the Catholic Church. It will make international headlines, but it will also become a picture of an international drug ring that was caught through Italy's banking system." - Chris Reed

What is breathtakingly obvious here is that Chris Reed has no shame. It is one thing to make vague assertions and call them prophecies knowing that the underlying facts already exist. That is not what Reed does. He keeps embellishing to the point that he can be easily debunked. There was a major cartel drug bust but it was Chinese banks, not Italian ones. The Vatican had nothing to do with it, let alone a low-level cleric. Do you see the point here? Reed could have made a broad generalized comment on drug cartels, but he triples down by pretending God is showing him the Vatican and low-level clerics. He is now 2-22-1, with one pending.

"I saw a sudden airstrike from Israel against Iran, and the target will be a nuclear development facility in Iran. Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership will strengthen Israel's resolve to defend themselves from the growing threat of the Iranian government." - Chris Reed

Politically, Netanyahu is the Donald Trump equivalent in Israel, which is why the NAR is so ga-ga over him. The fact is that many believe he is not a good leader for Israel at all, especially within the context of the current war. Oh, and as for the actual prophecy here? Israel did no such air strike on an Iranian nuclear facility. 2-23-1.

"I saw a bizarre cosmic event in the heavens. The Bible says there will be signs in the heavens above. It could be a solar flare or comet breaking through the Earth's atmosphere. It won't bring major destruction, but it will affect technology worldwide, cause power outages, and make international headlines." - Chris Reed

I could find no such event in 2023 that Chris describes here. Never lose sight that these predictions are being referred to as prophecies, which means he is claiming God told him all of these lies. I think we can be sure of who is lying. Spoiler alert, it is not the creator of the entire universe. The record is now 2-24-1, with one pending.

"The Russian-Ukraine situation will lead to Vladimir Putin using something like a dirty bomb"not a nuclear bomb." - Chris Reed

Now here is a clever one. You see Putin started talking about using dirty bombs in October of 2022, so it appears Reed "prophesied" based on this threat. Putin of course did not actually use a dirty bomb in 2023, so the record is now 2-25-1.

"The food shortages in 2023 will happen for several reasons: harvest issues, strange weather patterns and phenomena, and bizarre sickness in cattle and animals. This will also lead to more mass illegal immigration." - Chris Reed

I am going to call shenanigans on this one. It is not prophecy to say there will be food shortages when we are in a global food crisis. It is also not prophecy to give the top three reasons why there would be shortages as "God showing me." The truly bizarro, can't be proven, NAR, dominionist right wing talking point is to somehow correlate this all to illegal immigration. Remember though this is a political document disguised as a prophetic one. Record is 2-26-1, with one pending.

"King Charles III will have his coronation in May 2023. Every British coronation for the last 1,000 years has included the "Stone of Scone" or "Stone of Destiny" set under the monarch's chair during coronation. This stone is believed to be one of the stones upon which Jacob laid his head when he had his dream. There will a bizarre mystery or uncertainty surrounding this stone at the time of Charles' coronation." - Chris Reed

This one is pretty vague. The stone is generally considered a mystery because the origins are not really known but Reed certainly is not pretending something so widely known is prophecy. I traced the news for this stone and the coronation of Charles III and found no anomalies whatsoever. Record is now 2-27-1.

"Prince Andrew, King Charles' brother, will fall into a deep depression because of this, and legal troubles will arise because his mother is no longer there to protect him. A mental health crisis will make him suicidal. Pray for him. I saw him in a plea of desperation." - Chris Reed

Once again, Reed is trying to be cute. It was reported in 2022 that Andrew was very depressed because he was shut out from the Royal family over his involvement with Jeffrey Epstein. So, it is hardly prophecy to say in 2023 someone who is already very depressed in 2022 will be very depressed. I found nothing about being suicidal and it appears that in August of 2023 King Charles welcomed Andrew back into the Royals, so oops again. 2-28-1, with one pending.

"Regarding King Charles, I also saw a hot mic recording incident where the king made a tremendously embarrassing statement that will be used by other nations as propaganda. I saw on a headline the phrase, "loose lips sink ships." Royals will experience much humility, embarrassment, and contrition over this and will be apologetic as King Charles wrestles with his own humanity." - Chris Reed

I found a hot mic incident from 2005 but nothing from 2023 that would make Charles wrestle with his humanity. This is getting tiring, 2-29-1.

"I have also seen in a vision more than once, and I do not wish this on anyone, but Prince Harry and Meghan will not stay together. When Meghan Markle pulls away from Prince Harry, he will see he was "played a fool" and will be repentant and contrite towards his family and heritage.

Again, the easily debunked specificity is overwhelming. Harry and Meghan did not appear to have problems, let alone not stay together. Not sure why God would waste His time prophesying something so inconsequential, oh and wildly wrong. Reed is now 2-30-1.

We will continue to see more and more famous people suddenly die, and there will be a reason for this. It will be something in their bodies. A major well-known Hollywood star will unexpectedly die, and this will result in further investigations into the COVID vaccines." - Chris Reed

Only far right-wing lunatics like Chris Reed are investigating whether the COVID vaccines, which have saved untold number of lives, are somehow a diabolic government plot. Or maybe it is a Bill Gates plot. No wait, it's a Dr. Fauci plot. Whatever. The only celebrity death in 2023 that I found linked to vaccines was Matthew Perry who had admitted to having multiple health problems due to years of drug abuse, 15 rehab stints, 14 surgeries, and a two-week coma. Sadly, people with no moral compass such as Reed seized on the grief his family must have been going through to maliciously try and link his drowning, to the vaccine. These are debunked NAR dominionist talking points and Reed should be ashamed of himself. 2-31-1, with one pending.

"China will continue down the road of internal revolution which I first prophesied on October 1, 2022. It will lead to the end of Xi Jinping's rule. Then, I saw perhaps in five to ten years, China will devolve into region states or sections, and democracy and a whole new way of life will come to China. When Xi Jinping's power comes to an end, know that judgment has come to the Chinese Communist Party and its power hold on China will finally be broken." - Chris Reed

Another tired dream of the right-wing crazies is to bring democracy to countries that are clearly not going to embrace democracy. There are no inklings of revolution in China. Xi's reign did not come to an end in 2023, so the record is now 2-32-1, with one pending.

"The same judgment is coming on Vladimir Putin, though he has taken a stand against the LGBTQ agenda. In recent years, Putin lost his godly influencers, and a vacuum has been created in his life. In 2023 or shortly after, we will see the end of Vladimir Putin's rule in Russia. Fear and paranoia will overcome him, and his worst fears will be realized. Those in his inner circle will even turn against him," - Chris Reed

This is how corrupt Chris Reed and the NAR dominionist are. When exactly was Vladimir Putin under godly influences? When he was the brutal director of the KGB? 2023 did not end Putin's reign, so this is yet another unseemly, disgusting, false prophecy, leaving Reed at 2-33-1.

"Two new energy sources are emerging. A new development and energy source will emerge that will not be stopped by big energy." - Chris Reed

I can find no such development of new energy sources. Just another bizarre false prophecy. Chris Reed is now an embarrassing 2-34-1.

"Senator Ted Cruz will be faced with a critical decision and a health issue which will influence the direction of his life. Please pray against this health crisis." - Chris Reed

I do want to thank Reed for being so specific in his false prophecies that they are easy to debunk and dismiss. Cruz faced no such health crisis in 2023. That brings the final record for the 2023 prophecies from Chris reed to a staggering 2 correct, 35 wrong, and 1 pending the 2024 election. The two correct were very generous by me as well. Beloved, I went through this arduous fact check for a reason. The Chris Reed's of the world make their living off of gullible Christians and people who simply do not understand their bibles. Most of these things were not even prophecies. They are what passes for prophecy in the modern apostate church today. Psychic parlor tricks and clairvoyance. God did not give us His revealed will in scripture and then remember in 2023 that He forgot to tell us 38 other things that He is now using Chris Reed for. It is biblically and factually stupid to think so. According to the bible, if someone gets one prophecy wrong, he should be marked as false and, in many cases, stoned to death. Now the death penalty is not carried over to today for these grievous sins, but the standards have not been lowered since Christ, as the gaggle of false prophets would tell you. Just stand back and process this. At the end of 2022, Chris Reed told you that the Lord had spoken to him 38 prophecies for 2023. One of them was really about 2024, so we cannot judge that. Of the remaining 37, he got 35 flat out wrong, in spectacular fashion most of the time. The two I give him credit for were really him claiming something for 2023 that started in 2022. Let's be as kind as possible and say 2 of 37. That would mean he was wrong on 95% of these alleged prophecies. That means 95% of the time he either did not hear and was lying or cannot tell that he speaks to demons and not to God. Either way beloved, mark and avoid before he tells you another 38 false predictions for this year.

Reverend Anthony Wade - January 5, 2024

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
