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January 26, 2024

Dr. Brown Declares War Against Those That need the Gospel the Most

By Anthony Wade

Dr. Brown's new focus on culture wars reveals he is now fighting against the lost...


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Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God's will, than for doing evil. - 1Peter 3:13-17 (ESV)

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A few weeks back, Dr. Michael Brown announced that he was abandoning the "Ask Dr. Brown" portion of his ministry so he could attack the NAR culture wars full time. In his estimation, teaching believers how to understand God's word is simply not as important as try to change the behavior of non-believers through the carnal political process. While he may not characterize it in those terms, that is the reality of the insanity he now represents and embraces. So, when yesterday he had a radio show entitled that there can be no neutrality in the culture wars, I knew I had to listen and of course it was chock full of NAR errors, which is so ironic because Dr. Brown insists that the NAR does not exist. So let us reason once more through the above link. I will comment specifically in order, individual points that are simply wrong.

"We are called to be the moral conscience of the world and have so for 2000 years." - Dr. Michael Brown

This is the problem when you have a certain carnal opinion, and you try to leverage the bible to provide confirmation bias. There are absolutely zero scriptures supporting the notion that God has assigned us to be the moral conscience of the world. None. It is only the staggering arrogance of sinful man that assumes they have arrived and can now provide moral clarity for people who still think the things of God are utter foolishness. Look throughout history and see what has happened when sinful man thought they could be the voice of moral clarity, as Dr. Brown calls himself. That is what gave is the Crusades, where we saw 1.7 million people die. Or how about the Spanish Inquisition and the targeting of the Jewish people? Pious people used the bible to justify slavery. The Salem Witch Trials were deemed at the time to be a holy undertaking. The bible was used to justify the various wars we have undertaken against Communist countries and drove the Red Scare here at home. Even more recently the criminals who attacked our Capital on January 6, 2021, killed cops, destroyed property, defecated in the Well of the Senate and then stopped to pray, giving thanks to Jesus for their success. So, we have not been called to be the moral conscience of the world for the past 2000 years. The problem is we thought we were.

"First some spiritual truths. We are to be in the world but not of the world. We know why we are here." - Dr. Michael Brown

Here is the crux of the problem with NAR dominionism. If this statement was only related to believers understanding the nature of sin in their own lives, I would say fine. The problem is that all of the solutions Dr. Brown would employ in his culture wars are carnal in nature. Passing legislation is carnal. Appointing activist judges is carnal. Demanding Christians vote blindly for one party, as if they were more righteous, is entirely carnal. The best argument Brown and the NAR can make is the lesser of two evils argument but then you end up advocating and defending evil. Good luck explaining that when you stand before Christ. Let me provide an excellent historical example. The Temperance Movement was very pious. The believed that drinking should not only be prohibited in the lives of Christians, but that God established that it also should not be allowed in the lives of everyone. They eventually achieved their desired goal of outlawing alcohol in American society through legislation. The result was the explosion of organized crime as people who want to sin, will always sin. Passing laws to try and change moral behavior does not work due to the sinful nature of all men, including Christians. So, it may sound pious to say we are not to be of the world, but all of the solutions Dr. Brown would employ, including the blind voting for Republicans, is entirely of the world. It also ignores what God has provided for any and all problems - the gospel. That is what Dr. Brown should be focused on. Spreading the gospel so that the Holy Spirit might draw more people to salvation, which is an entirely supernatural act of God. Temperance may have indeed stopped million of people from drinking, but it saved not a single person.

"You are here for a purpose. You are here for a reason. I try to pray that God shows me what it is like to think like an atheist but then I think, there would be no purpose, no sense of destiny. Everything would be randomness." - Dr. Michael Brown

Here we see the corruption of the Purpose Driven Life from Rick Warren. Generations of false teachers have weaved this nonsense into sermons for the past two decades. First of all, the assertion that the unsaved live without purpose is flawed and arrogant. Many live their lives in awe inspiring, albeit carnal purpose. What they lack is any purpose or hope beyond this life, which is truly sad. The vehicle to address this, given to us by God, is the gospel. Not changing laws or judges. This was an important point to highlight because too many in the apostate church system today have this muddled confusion. As if their ordinary existence is somehow beneath God. The true reality is that the vast majority of us will live very normal, ordinary lives. It is how we live them that matters to God and for eternity. We always hear about how the praying grandmother led someone to Christ over their lifetime. Was her life meaningless and without purpose just because she was a grandmother? The bottom line here is we do not come to Christ to discover our purpose. We do not come to Christ so we can have a sense of destiny. We come to Christ because we are sinners in need of being saved.

"1John 2 says don't love the world neither the things in the world for the things in the world, such as the pride of life are of the world." - Dr. Michael Brown

The disconnect Dr. Brown cannot see is that his solutions for winning the culture wars he insists Christians must engage in, are all of this world. They are all entirely carnal. Dr. Brown creates this extra biblical example of how a tide can carry you and that the evil of the world is a tide and thus we have to consciously strain against it or be carried away. This might be able to be applied to our own life but what the NAR advocates for is applying our solutions to the unsaved masses, whether they want it or not. This busybody Christianity extends their bony finger of accusation at people and screams sinner. It draws not one single person to Jesus Christ. In this radio show the first question he asks from callers is if their church prepares them for the culture wars or if they consider these things too "hot." This is another fundamental disconnect and strawman argument from the NAR. There are still some pastors who correctly realize that the pulpit is for the gospel, not carnal politics. It has nothing to do with it being to "hot." This is a common argument from dominionists. I hear it from pastors like Shane Idleman all the time. That if people disagree with his belief of preaching politics, then they must be too scared to do so. It never even occurs to these idolators that they might in fact be wrong. Dr. Brown actually says in this broadcast that we are not in a game, we are in a war. This is textbook dominionism. The theological problem of course is the enemy in this NAR declared war become the unsaved. It becomes people who vote Democratic. In most cases, the very people who need to hear the gospel the most, are now our enemies in a war. This hyperbole is what leads many churched people today to be so arrogant and downright mean to the lost. They have been taught that they are the enemy. The reality beloved is we are in a war for the souls of men and the enemy is the devil, not who we have determined to be leftist, woke, or democratic.

I will close with a memory Dr. Brown shares about someone asking Franklin Graham why he talked about political and cultural issues more than his father did and he said because when his father went to school, they read the bible in public school. So, in Graham's estimation, there was more reverence for scripture in society. What utter nonsense on many different levels. First of all, forcing children to recite prayers they do not understand is not more "reverent." Secondly, the level of sin and depravity has not changed. What has changed is the media saturation through which we can view our sin. Sure, it may be more severe now, but the overall metrics have not really changed all that much. Thirdly, the reason why more people are falling away today is directly the fault of the apostate church system, not the world. When you spend your spiritual capital on screaming sinner while changing laws to force people to adhere to your beliefs, is it any wonder why so many would become hostile to those beliefs? This is the Crusades all over again only with legislative swords instead of real ones. Franklin Graham talks politics because he is an NAR political shill disguised as a Christian, earning a million dollars per year for running two charities. He is the one who took Mormonism off the Billy Graham Association list of cults in the run up to the 2012 election because Mitt Romney was a Mormon and Graham always demands everyone vote Republican.

Brown closes by saying things have shifted now and we need to be ready to give an answer. This is an utter butchering of the key verses today, which includes relevant context. Providing an answer does not mean changing the laws to form a theocratic government. Suffering for righteousness' sake means suffering within the unrighteousness of the world and shining the light of Christ into it. Through this people are saved out from it. Dr. Brown and the NAR however do not wish to save anyone out of the culture - they seek to change the culture itself. In doing so they chase a false sense of revival based upon a false history where they believe America was once righteous. Does it say in your culture to honor Christ as Lord as holy? No! It says in your hearts! When the NAR dominionists such as Brown speak about culture wars their desire is to change the culture to honor the righteousness of Christ, but it does not work that way. We are not a vehicle of righteousness beloved - only God is. Only through the preaching of the gospel. We are to be prepared to give an answer for our own faith! Not changing theirs! God works the supernatural change in a sinner's heart. Yet, even in this demand to be prepared to give our own reason God is careful to make sure that we understand this is to be done with gentleness and respect. There is zero gentleness and respect with how the NAR carries out their dominionism. According to the key verses the slander we can expect is based upon our good behavior in Christ in our own lives, not forcing the unsaved to behave better in theirs. That means we do not steal at work. It means we do not curse when someone cuts us off on the highway. It means we are kind, humble, and turn the other cheek. It means we do not seek vengeance. It means we behave differently not that we demand they do. I tell this story a lot, how I had two people working for me that couldn't stand each other. One was a Christian sister who wore Christ on her sleeve. The other an angry unbeliever who constantly tried to get her Christian peer in trouble with Human Resources. Every time, the Christian woman just treated her with love. Every time. After a year of this, including trying to get the Christian peer fired, the other woman's life went seriously sideways. Who did she turn to? Her Christian peer who had only showed her love. The other woman became saved and serves God to this day.

Dr. Brown can declare all the holy wars he wants to, but he will remain wrong. At the end of the day, he will advocate for Christians to vote for people just as evil as the ones on the other side. Rabid dominionists like Greg Locke and Mario Murillo have preached that anyone who votes Democratic is going to hell. That they are beyond redemption. I would imagine Dr. Brown would not agree with those sentiments while refusing to call Locke and Murillo false teachers, but the larger point is they are enabled by Dr. Brown. It is easy to point to the raving lunatics, but someone is paving the road for them and one of those people is Dr. Michael Brown. He does so by insisting that we are in a war against the very people that need us to represent Christ to them, not change their school board members. They need the church to behave as God intended again. The Crusades did not work thousands of years ago, and they will not work now. Attempts to legislate morality and Christianity will have as much success as the Temperance movement did. I understand that it is easier to just tell people they are wrong rather than show them what right is in our own lives. The lost are not our enemies beloved. Their culture is at odds with our faith because they do not know God. That dilemma will never be solved in a courtroom or the halls of Congress but only through the gospel and prayer. Dr. Brown should know better.

Reverend Anthony Wade - January 25, 2024

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
