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March 12, 2024

Dr. Brown's Bicklegate Eight Release Horrific Statement Regarding Ongoing Crisis

By Anthony Wade

Dr. Brown is still trying to save IHOP, along with a new Charismatic clown car...


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As Bicklegate continues to spiral out of control we still see Dr. Michael Brown trying to save IHOP. The Purpose Driven Industrial Complex is in full protect the brand mode now. Brown has gone from refusing to believe, to distancing himself from IHOP leadership when they reneged on bringing in an outside investigative organization, to covering for his boss Steven Strang to now advocating for a Todd Bentley-esque clown car of supposed respected leaders to adjudicate all IHOP matters. The problem he refuses to publicly admit is that the leadership at IHOP is just as corrupt and God is exposing them as well. As such, IHOP leadership is not playing nice so now we have yet another statement from Brown, who submits this statement along with seven other "leaders", because there is perceived safety in numbers These are, Jack Deere, Dan Juster, Patricia King, Joseph Mattera, Sam Storms, Michael Sullivant, Terri Sullivant. I can only comment on the few I know. Joseph Mattera is Brown's dominionist friend and "apostle." They have jointly put out a statement regarding the church and Christian nationalism, trying to make the case that we should somehow be Christian nationalists. I responded to their tortured logic and poor understanding of English and the bible in a different devotional. Patricia King is as false as they come and let me quote Sam Storms on Mike Bickle, just months before Bicklegate blew open:

"I know this man to the depths of his soul. I cannot think of a more biblically orthodox, humble, Christ exalting individual who lives an incredibly simple lifestyle. So, when I hear people say that he is a false teacher it angers me because I know the individual. I know the man personally. And he is not NAR that has been claimed by so many. He has openly defied it." - Sam Storms

As I said before, how's that quote aging for you Sam? Bottom line is maybe Storms, Brown and company are the wrong people to be advising us on someone who completely duped them. The arrogance of thinking people care about what Patricia King's opinion is about Mike Bickle is simply staggering. Nonetheless, onward Christian soldier, let us reason together once more:

"As elders in the Body, our hearts are broken by the allegations of spiritual and emotional devastation caused by the scandal surrounding Mike Bickle and IHOPKC. Some of us have called for an independent judicial council to hear all the evidence and responses and then render a decision. The situation is too large for the IHOPKC leadership, who have lost credibility in the eyes of many, and external leaders are needed to help judge the situation impartially. We will continue to press for this independent judicial council to be constituted." - The Bicklegate Eight

Render a decision? Regarding what? The IHOP leadership has lost all credibility with everyone not trying to protect the brand. In typical Brown fashion, he tries to downplay and deflect. Instead of saying unequivocally that the IHOP leadership is corrupt, he parses it by saying only "some" believe they are not credible. The bottom line here is that we do NOT need another clown car of alleged leaders to tell us what we already know. Mike Bickle is a serial predator covering decades. He has been enabled, protected and covered up for the entire time. The problem with leadership figures is they still will take into consideration the ministry as somehow being salvageable. Pay attention! God is destroying IHOP! All of it! Not just Mike Bickle. The 24-7 prayer model has always been unbiblical, and God is tearing that down as well. Prayer is needed but forced prayer, prayer for college credit, Kundalini prayer, eastern Mysticism, and transcendental prayer? Yeah, God is saying no. Instead, IHOP needs to bring in a truly independent investigative source, not the compromised congregant they leveraged, and have them investigate the entire organization, put out a report, make restitution to the victims, and shutter IHOP for good.

"However, since this has still not happened, despite major steps being taken to bring these leaders together, even involving some members of this team, we believe a statement is now in order. From the time that the charges were first brought against Mike, while addressing this scandal on different levels within our own circles of ministry and in various public settings, we have been waiting for proper investigations to take place and all charges to be known before making final, definitive statements. Some of us have also been working behind the scenes over these months to help ensure that a proper investigation takes place. But since this process has dragged on for so long, we can wait no longer and feel a sacred responsibility to make this unequivocal, joint statement." - The Bicklegate Eight

This is just to cover their own butts for why this is being released so late in the game. People with discernment have known IHOP was on fire since November. Brown and his gaggle of false cohorts simply did not want to believe it. I understand. It is embarrassing to have to admit you have been fooled once again by a man preaching holiness for decades while leading a secret life. If this was such a sacred responsibility though, why is it just coming out now? Dr. Brown knew in December that the leadership was corrupted which is why he stepped away from direct involvement. No, this smells like they are concerned the narrative is getting away from them. So, they want to pretend that they have all been working feverishly behind the scenes because I am sure they will be advocating for salvaging IHOP and the fake prayer ministry. Let us continue:

"The careful considerations that brought us to prepare this statement include:

We have reviewed the testimony of Jane Doe and found it to be credible. IHOPKC has also admitted to its validity.

We have reviewed the testimony of Tammy Woods and found it to be credible, and Mike Bickle has not issued a denial of this testimony.

The investigation conducted by Rosalee McNamara of the Lathrop Law Firm for IHOPKC has confirmed some of the allegations.

Mike has publicly admitted to some of the allegations, at least in part in a general and non-specific sense.

Some members of this team have personally attempted to approach Mike to ask for full disclosure, but at present, after several attempts, he has not agreed to meet, nor has he categorically denied the growing number of charges coming against him. Some members of this team have been deeply involved in meetings with leaders of both the Advocacy group and IHOPKC leadership to hear their hearts and concerns." - The Bicklegate Eight

Where is the testimony of the third victim? The one that started when she was 14 or 15? Remember, the Jane Doe testimony and admission has been public for a couple of months now. I want to point out here a real problem we have that has gone unreported. People like Brown and others only fully came on board with chucking Bickle under the bus when the two allegations arose involving minors. While it certainly made everything more despicable, where was the concern for Jane Doe number one? Why was her story not enough? She was 19 when Bickle started falsely prophesying to her that God said his wife was going to die so they could be together to lure her into an adulterous relationship for four years. He was 42! She was the daughter of a family friend! He got her an apartment! He did all of this WHILE building IHOP! Yet until the other two stories came out, Jane Doe was somehow not enough to move the needle. Steven Strang called Bickle exonerated and said he should be restored! Jane Doe number one should have been enough to completely disqualify Mike Bickle from ministry. The McNamara Report should not have been used at all. It lends credibility where there should be none. She is a congregant of IHOP! Are you kidding me! While it did validate some truths it also continued to cover up many.

"First, we are deeply grieved for those who have presented testimony that they were manipulated and sexually abused by Mike Bickle. We can think of few sins more damaging and destructive than that of manipulative, clergy sexual abuse, all the more in the case of a minor. We are also deeply grieved for those whose personal faith has been shattered and whose worlds have been turned upside down because of the alleged agonizing events. This is a spiritual tragedy of international proportions, affecting millions of believers worldwide and bringing great dishonor to the name of Jesus as well as disgrace to the reputation of the Spirit." - The Bicklegate Eight

Yes, which is why it deserves better than a clown car trying to save an institution built upon lies and predatory practices. The victims deserved better than to be smeared and disbelieved. The advocates deserved better than to be maligned and have their motives questioned. I think it is important here to recognize that while Dr. Brown pulls this faux-piety fiasco off, he still remains a shill for Steven Strang, who literally exonerated Bickle months ago, and continues to spread the lie that this was just a nasty church fight. He had Brown on his podcast recently where these and the spurious accusation of the devil trying to tear IHOP down were met with Kumbaya instead of correction. Sorry, but until Dr. Brown rebukes Strang and stops doing business with him, he has zero credibility on this issue.

"Second, after considering the reports we have reviewed, we must state categorically that he is, sadly, unfit to lead a ministry. Even with full repentance and personal restoration in the Lord, he is disqualified from public ministry. (Restoration to full fellowship is of course possible.) Mike himself, in his statement of December 12, 2023, acknowledged that his stepping down from ministry "may be long and it may even be permanent," and that was before the most serious charges against him had even been raised. We say this with agony of heart, as Mike has been a dear friend to some of us and a respected co-worker for years, and it is hard to believe that the man we knew was capable of leading such a double life. Yet we cannot deny the evidence that spans many decades and which continues to accumulate, some of which has been confirmed and some of which awaits a formal investigation and the adjudication of a panel of elders We also write these words aware of our own shortcomings and failings - as Solomon said, each of us knows the affliction of our own hearts (1 Kings 8:38) - walking in the fear of the Lord as daily recipients of His mercy. But there are lines that cannot be crossed without severe consequences, and tragically, it appears that Mike has crossed these lines time and again." - The Bicklegate Eight

Why is it sad that Mike Bickle cannot return to ministry? Why is he being treated as a brother when he was obviously a wolf? These are questions that deserve answering. So, in the Dr. Brown Bicklegate Eight's mind, Mike Bickle has always been saved and trying to do God's work, while first luring a 14-year-old into a sexual relationship when he was 20. A few years later, he lured a 15-year-old into the same, when he was now married. This included visiting her at her high school as her boyfriend and having the girl's father drive to KC to tell him stay the hell away from his daughter. Then, he lied with two other false prophets/sexual predators to pretend God spoke to him about starting the 24-7 prayer model that would become IHOP. While starting this up, he lured a 19-year-old sheep, a friend's daughter, into another adulterous affair that lasted four years including false prophecies of his wife dying, spiritual manipulation, and life bullying. Oh, and after fooling around with the wife of an IHOP Manager, he apparently passed her off to his son to have an affair with, while telling the husband to basically deal with it. Keep in mind there are at least seven other women in the advocate group who allege abuse. Where exactly do you see fruit in keeping with repentance Dr. Brown? This is not a one-off. It is not an oopsie. It is not a mistake. This is a pervasive, continued lifestyle opposite of Christ. Can Mike Bickle be saved? Absolutely but he would need to hear the gospel first and actually repent. It is painfully obvious here that the Bicklegate Eight seem not equally torn about Bickle being disqualified than they are for the victims.

"Third, while we know that many fine believers and leaders have served at IHOPKC and are part of the related, global prayer movement we recognize that the evidence points to some dangerous cult-like tendencies that emerged over the years that need to be addressed and adjusted. There has also been a lack of a formal structure of accountability for those serving in various capacities at IHOPKC, overseen by local elders, resulting in a failure to deal properly with serious sexual sins, and not just pertaining to Mike. We do not deny that the broad outline of the IHOPKC history was credible, but it appears that, in some ways, it has crossed over into areas of spiritual elitism. IHOPKC has also admitted that its structure was woefully deficient in handling serious sin allegations and now professes to be changing its whole structure to address this. We acknowledge that many faithful intercessors and worshippers ministered before the Lord over the years in IHOPKC with purity of heart, great sacrifice, and authentic passion for His purposes who were totally unaware of what was transpiring behind the scenes. We want you comforted and encouraged. Your hours of prayers and devotion were heard, regarded, and honored by God." - The Bicklegate Eight

At least it took them to the third point to completely go off the rails. Spiritual elitism? Is that the best you can come up with? The broad outline of IHOPKC was not credible at all! That's the entire point here! Bob Jones and Paul Cain were two other false prophets who turned out to be sexual predators, just like their buddy Bickle. They all conspired to lie and say God gave them this vision when He obviously had not. IHOP was a carnal idea by carnal men. The fact that so many were duped does not change these facts. It was not God's idea or His plan and the fact that He is utterly destroying it now should give everyone pause but not when you are trying to protect the brand. It is also very difficult to believe that no one knew behind the scenes. You mean no one dared question the cult leader. These were not "tendencies." IHOP was a dangerous cult, period, full stop. The good thing about the authentic people, with pure hearts, caught up in all of this is they can find a real ministry and be just as passionate. We see here that the Bicklegate Eight are issuing this statement in a clear attempt to save the 24-7 model and IHOPKC.

"Fourth, we recognize and grieve over the lack of accountability structures in the larger, independent, charismatic church world, where there are no real courts of appeal, few, if any, boards of city-wide or trans-local elders to consult, and no formal structures in which serious allegations can be heard and adjudicated. We have been aware of this need for many years, and it is our hope that now, at last, a united, biblically based, Spirit-led effort can be made to address this gaping hole in our midst." - The Bicklegate Eight

No, no, a thousand times no. We do not need more oversight from blind men. This is the same problem with organizing the second clown car. This reference by the way, is to a few years back when uber-huckster Todd Bentley was caught in yet another extra-marital sexual abuse scandal with his sheep. Dr. Brown organized a panel of what he called respected leaders but in reality, they were just other compromised church leaders, to evaluate the situation and decide Todd's fate in ministry. This clown car took a few weeks to determine the guy sexting with his sheep, should be disqualified from ministry. With an open bible, that should have taken all of a hot minute but there were bigger problems. First, Bentley basically thumbed his nose at them and is still ministering today. More importantly, is how someone like Todd Bentley was even in a position to be a minister in the first place. As if kicking little old ladies in the face to "impart healing" was not somehow disqualifying all on its own? Either way, we do not need another clown car. Why? Because this is not just about Mike Bickle. It is about IHOP as an institution and the apostate church. Bringing in people like James Goll, who was in the first clown car, or Patricia King, who is part of this statement defeats the purpose. We already know they will find all things Charismatic just fine, maybe some good old accountability will be recommended so everyone feels like they were properly critical. Oh, and Bickle has to go. Once minors were involved his fate was sealed. Do not be deceived beloved. This proposal is designed to protect the brand of IHOP and the 24-7 prayer movement, no matter how ferociously God is currently tearing it down.

"Fifth, we recognize that many younger believers now feel disillusioned with our generation of leaders, feeling let down by us or, worse still, perceiving us to be part of the "old guard" that is determined to protect our interests or, even worse, enabling serious clergy misconduct. This, too, breaks our hearts, as we have spent decades investing in the younger generations - right until this day, considering it a sacred privilege - and we carry a fatherly (or motherly) burden for your wellbeing. God Himself knows!" - The Bicklegate Eight

Yes Dr. Brown. God Himself knows and this should no be a source of comfort for you. Feeling sad for the wolf who tore apart the lives of so many sheep should not result in sympathy for the wolf. The youth feel disillusioned because of responses like this. It is because they see people like Dr. Brown or Steven Strang trying to bury this, smear the victims, disparage the advocates and cover everything up. They have a father in heaven. They do not need you to play daddy or mommy for them. They need honesty and transparency. They deserve the truth that while you may have intended what was best, clearly you all missed the mark when it came to Bickle and his false 24-7 prayer heresy. It is because you refuse to do this however, which will lead to losing this generation. You must understand Dr. Brown that the days of anecdotal Christianity ended with the advent of television and recording devices. In the 50's you were able to spin yarns about revival and miraculous miracles but nowadays there are receipts all over the Internet. So, while you regale the youth with tales of how holy Brownsville was, they can Google it and se that it was utterly demonic. They can You Tube Toronto and see the utter stupidity of so-called holy laughter. They can see Mike Bickle falsely prophesying. Through all of this what do they hear from you? Oh, it was just about a lack of formal structures and spiritual elitism. You are not merely a part of the problem. You are the problem. Mike Bickle can only do what he did, for forty years, because people enabled it. For the love of God Almighty, stop enabling it.

"We, like you, are jealous for the name of Jesus and the kingdom of God, jealous for the health of the Church, jealous for righteousness and justice along with mercy and compassion, jealous to see the Spirit poured out mightily worldwide.

We, like you, have spent hours on our faces, weeping for the lost, crying out for revival, interceding for the purposes of God.

We can also say to you - to Millennial and Gen Z believers (and now, to Gen Alpha believers too) - that we carry you in our hearts. In the words of Paul, "For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy." (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20) Where we have failed to provide clear voices during this crisis or have let you down in any way, please forgive us. And know that we are committed to you for life." - The Bicklegate Eight

Forgiveness has to be predicated on repentance. I do not mean repentance from a lack of structure either. You see Dr. Brown, these are mere words, spoken by someone who still works for a man who says the advocates are organizing a coup and the victims are tools of Satan. You do realize they can see you on Strang's podcast refusing to call him out for his vile and disgusting positions. You need to read your bible more Dr. Brown. There is no promised revival. There is only a promised apostasy, and you are leading its way. If I may dare to speak for the flock, I would venture they would say stop committing yourself to us and start committing yourself to God and His word. The issue is not just the misleading and deceptive representation during this crisis but that it persists even now. Stop asking for the clown car. Stop issuing silly statements about how much you weep. Stop trying to split the bill. Advocate for a truly independent investigation and step down from Charisma News for the harm they have wrought throughout Bicklegate. Then maybe you can be taken seriously.

"Having said this, we decry the exalting of people and personalities. There are no superstars in the Body, only servants. And no matter how much fame or public influence any of us may have, we are all utter wretches outside of God's transforming grace and there is not a single thing we can do of eternal value that has not been birthed and empowered by the Spirit. Apart from the Lord, we can do nothing and we are nothing (John 15:5; 1 Corinthians 3:5-9). It is one thing to give honor and respect to spiritual leaders who walk worthy of God's high calling. It is another thing to turn servants into celebrities and to look to them as if they were in a different category from the rest of the Body. This is not only dangerous, but it is another form of spiritual idolatry." - The Bicklegate Eight

C'mon. all Charismania does is create cult of personality preachers. We all saw the quote from Storms above, extolling Mike Bickle himself as the humblest, biblically orthodox, Christ-exalting persons he knows. In that same segment just last year, Dr. Brown called Bickle a fine man and said anyone calling him false would be out of line. Dr. Brown is right that this is nothing more than spiritual idolatry, but he just cannot see how he is guilty of what he is condemning. You don't believe in exalting people? Your buddy Mattera heads an international organization of people who call themselves apostles! You are on their board! Please, just stop embarrassing yourself and the cause of Christ!

"At the same time, we encourage you to guard against cynicism or skepticism. Even though in the coming days there will be further public exposure as God cleanses His church, scandals like this current one are not the norm. Ministry leaders engaging in the manipulative sexual abuse of those under their care are the rare exception to the rule. Most pastors and leaders are neither famous nor rich, let alone sexual predators, laboring quietly behind the scenes and doing their best to serve their flocks. As they prove worthy of honor and respect, they can earn your trust. We know of denominations and apostolic streams that have good government and have had no major leadership scandals. Most importantly and above all, be assured that the Lord is utterly and completely faithful, trustworthy beyond imagination, and an ever-present help in times of trouble. We urge you not to let anyone or anything steal your crown (see Revelation 3:11) or rob your faith, remembering that Jesus never failed any of us. It is not in His nature to do so! Take refuge in Him, pour out your hearts to Him, and lean on Him with all your being. He will see you through." - The Bicklegate Eight

Yeah, not helpful Doc. Do not presume to lecture people about daring to be skeptical. Maybe some healthy skepticism would have helped in Kansas City over the past four decades. Maybe someone should have been skeptical about why Bickle had a deadbolt on the inside of his office. Maybe someone should have been skeptical about him always being around young girls. Just like maybe some in Ravi Zacharias' ministry should have been skeptical when he would bring his own female masseuses with him on international ministry trips. I mean, what is this argument essentially? Hey, we don't sexually abuse everyone! It is only a small amount of people who end up with their lives destroyed! Trust us! Obviously, every pastor is not Mike Bickle, thank God. The problem is his enablement system was massive and encapsulated most of so-called leadership. The cynicism arises from watching people defend the wolves. It is from watching leaders anoint the man (Bentley) who punched a stage four pancreatic cancer patient in the stomach a prophet. The cynicism arises from watching people try so hard to save an institution founded on lies, false prophecies and sexual abuse and what is worse is to do so in the supposed name of the Lord. Mercifully, this statement ends now:

"Please keep praying for those who have been sinned against, along with all those who have been hurt, and pray also for IHOP, for Mike and his wife and family, and for the church globally that has been impacted. God desires to bring repentance, cleansing, healing, and restoration to all. Know that we are praying for you and we are here to serve you, believing that somehow, God will bring good out of evil and light out of darkness, for the purification and healing of His people and for His honor and glory. May the name of Jesus be exalted and may His hurting people be made whole. Lord, we cry for Your mercy! We desperately need Your help in this hour.

"Heal us, LORD, and we will be healed; save us and we will be saved, for You are the one we praise." (See Jeremiah 17:14)" - The Bicklegate Eight

No Dr. Brown. God does not desire for this cesspool to be saved. He does not desire for IHOP to be restored. You do. I get that but stop blaming God for what you want. I understand that false prophet Jeremiah Johnson already declared that Bickle is still heaven bound without losing any favor or reward but perhaps if people do pray for him, they should start with a prayer for the unsaved. This statement from the Bicklegate Eight did not exalt the name of Christ. It only exalted the need to save an evil institution built upon the bones of shattered lives. We do not need more false leaders telling us to save the cause. Bring in a truly independent outside organization and get out of the way. Denounce Charisma News, Steven Strang and anyone who continues to defame the victims and advocates. The community there in Kansas City needs to hear the gospel so that they might be saved from this cult. The body of Christ does not need any more self-serving statements from wannabe leaders who are just trying to protect the brand.

Reverend Anthony Wade - March 12, 2024

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
