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August 17, 2016

False Prophetess Jennifer Leclaire Defends False Prophet Schools & Opens One

By Anthony Wade

Jennifer Leclaire opens a School of the Prophets. Let me save you $300. She is shameless false prophetess.


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Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. -- 1Thessalonians 5: 19-22 (ESV)

We have seen the rise over the past decade of schools of the supernatural in the Charismatic landscape. These "schools" pretend they can actually teach the gifts of the Holy Spirit despite Scripture being very clear they cannot teach what the Holy Spirit dispenses as He sees fit. Nonetheless, these schools are usually associated with churches that teach the false signs and lying wonders heresies. IHOP teaches this drivel. Bill Johnson at Bethel Church operates a School of Supernatural Ministry. It is at schools like this where nonsense such as "prophetic worship" and other unbiblical notions are taught to unsuspecting and gullible youth. This experiential Christianity insists that doctrine seeks to place God into a box. The most ardent supporters of this new breed of heresy are the very false prophets that profit from it. Enter Jennifer Leclaire, false prophetess and editor of Charisma News.

Jennifer has long defended things such as False Prophet Schools because it is an intricate part of her racket. If doubt is cast upon such things it eventually casts doubt on her brand of false prophecy as well. Thus it is in her interest to manipulate the Bible to try and defend what is patently unbiblical and absurd. Let us reason together and analyze her statements from this article in the light of Scripture.

"One of the primary mandates of a New Testament prophet is to equip the saints to hear from God and to prophesy accurately." -- Jennifer Leclaire

Says no biblical text anywhere. There are in fact no mandates given for "New Testament prophets" because that is a fictional creation of people engaged in this racket. The truth is prophecy and prophets remain the same. In the Old Testament prophets were needed because there was no proliferation of the written word of God. So God would often speak to His people through the prophets. As New Testament believers, we have the final revealed will of God in the Bible. He did not forget to tell us something that now requires a prophet to come and deliver the message. So why do today's false prophets make such a delineation? Jennifer reveals it in the second half of the pretend mandate. The true standard of a false prophet is based upon accuracy. The standard is set by Scripture:

But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.' And if you say in your heart, 'How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?'-- when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lordhas not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him. -- Deuteronomy 18: 20-22 (ESV)

One wrong prophecy and we can conclude the person is a false prophet and pay them no mind. Thankfully we do not have to stone them to death anymore but one and done. This presents a major problem for the false prophet community because try as they may to be general and vague, their false prophecies are often proved false. Benny Hinn once prophesied the death of Fidel Castro "somewhere in the 1990s." Considering age and health, this was an attempt to look like a prophet when you actually gave yourself a ten year period for it to come to pass. As silly as this was, Castro survived the 1990s anyway. Pat Robertson once said the Lord showed him that the upcoming summer would produce the worst hurricanes for the eastern shoreline of the United States in history as judgment. That summer, not even one hurricane made landfall. God will not be mocked beloved. Remember, these people are pretending to hear from God. He does not stutter and He is never wrong. So if you are claiming to hear from God you better be right or else you are false.

"But many believers do not discern the voice of the Lord, which is one reason there is an unhealthy dependence on prophets. Indeed many treat prophets like psychics - or at least cheap gumball machines that take money for prophecies. Many believers, by contrast, put unhealthy pressure on prophetic people to "gimme a word" or get sucked into pay-for-prophecy scams on the Internet." -- Jennifer Leclaire

The shameless audacity of Leclaire to blame the victims of false prophets for being victims is staggering here. The reason why so many people are fooled into seeking pay for prophecy is that is how the industry represents itself. Even the itinerant prophet who goes from church to church does it for money. There is either a call to "sow into" their ministry or a "love offering." Then the chutzpah to play the victim herself is simply nauseating. There is an unhealthy pressure put on prophets? Seriously? What does that even mean? So you will fake a word from God because of peer pressure or performance anxiety? If people are desperate for a word or from hearing from the Lord then we ought to direct them to the Bible as that is the final revealed will of God.

The concept of a school of the prophets is certainly legitimate. Samuel launched the school of the prophets in Old Testament days"Again, you can't make yourself into a prophet. But reputable school of prophets can help you discern the voice of God, discover ways He may be speaking with you and equip you in the realm of dreams, visions and spiritual warfare. Schools of the prophets can teach you how to wage war with the devil and wage war against your flesh. These schools can help you develop your prophetic voice, build accuracy, and operate with safeguards that protect your prophetic credibility." -- Jennifer Leclaire

Pay close attention beloved to the ole false prophet two-step that Jennifer just pulled off. Her opening statement is technically true. Samuel did have a group of prophets of which he was their teacher. What most false teachers and prophets do is they scour the Bible for anything that lends credibility to their false teaching and they simply add to it. They expand upon what is in Scripture and add to it things that are not. Everything after this opening is false. It is not contained anywhere in the Bible. Jennifer simply made it up in her deceitfully wicked heart. Remember, her premise which is reiterated here is that prophets have to be trained to discern the voice of the Lord. That concept is flat out unbiblical. Nowhere in the Bible is a prophet unsure that they have heard from the Lord. There are no secret ways the Lord speaks to us. Nowhere do these verses in 1Samuel indicate that Samuel was teaching his students in the realm of dreams, visions, or spiritual warfare. Nowhere is it indicated that they were being instructed to wage war with the devil and their flesh. They were likely students of Scripture with Samuel more than "prophecy."

Then we enter into the big three things Jennifer teaches that are completely heretical. First of all, there are zero biblical examples of a prophet needing to "develop his prophetic voice." You are either hearing from the Lord or you are not. Likewise, there is no such thing as "building accuracy." This is placed here as self defense because Jennifer knows full well she is a false prophetess. So like all of the false prophets today, she pretends that prophecy is something that needs to be practiced so that accuracy can be built. Absolute unbiblical nonsense. The third consideration for Jennifer is protecting the racket. Above all else a false prophet must protect their credibility. Translation? Do not do things that would lend to accusations of false prophecy. The two-step is breathtaking here. She takes one vague biblical concept and translates it into an entire doctrine that is not supported.

"I don't believe most false prophets start out as false prophets. I've waited. I've processed. And I'm committed to doing whatever small part I can to help raise up true prophets with balance, humility, and accuracy in this hour. That's why I just launched a School of the Prophets that people can sit in live in South Florida or watch online at any time. I don't think I can solve the problem, but I hope to be part of the solution." -- Jennifer Leclaire

I am sorry Jennifer but you are the problem. Sure the false prophets who are more obvious hucksters are part of the problem too but they do not excuse you. The foundational problem is stated here. Jennifer Leclaire thinks that false prophets do not start out false. She believes there is some kind of sliding scale. That is because to her, a prophet can be wrong even though the Bible says that is what makes them false! I hope you noticed too the subtle "I am God" dilemma she admits to here. Her claim is that SHE can raise up true prophets. Not God. How blasphemous.

And how does she propose doing her small sacrificial part in this endeavor? By starting her own school of prophets! So she just finished an article that was supposed to examine if prophet schools were legitimate when what she was really doing was using the topic to launch her own school. That's not too terribly self-serving now is it? She even provided a link to her new school in the article. There she explains her goal:

"My goal is to train and mentor prophets and prophetic voices who are accurate and will stand for truth. In my school of prophets, you'll be taught, trained, and have an opportunity to exercise your gift in a safe setting. Impartation and activation will part of every session." -- Jennifer Leclaire

Jennifer also promises one personal session with her during the nine month course. This session will see team members call you directly to ask God live what He is saying about you! This followed by 6-8 minutes of prayer and prophesying that information out. It is so convenient for Jennifer that she has the red phone in the throne room on speed dial! And just look at the litany of other unbiblical things she will teach you:

How to discern a prophetic call on your life

Determining your prophetic expression

How to cultivate an accurate prophetic voice

Protocols for prophetic ministry

The statesmanship of the prophet

Battling jezebel and casting out devils

Wow. Let me save you some money beloved. The way one determines a prophetic call on their life is if the Holy Spirit give your prophetic utterance. There will be no ambiguity about it either. You do not have to guess when you are hearing from the Lord and it will always line up with Scripture. Secondly, there is no such thing as a "prophetic expression": Jennifer made it up. Thirdly, if you are wrong about one prophecy you uttered then you are a false prophet. You have spoken presumptuously on behalf of the Creator of the entire Universe. You may want to repent, ask forgiveness and never try it again. The protocols for prophetic ministry can be found in the Bible. It starts and ends however with one truth -- be correct. Do not try to hear from God, interpret dreams, cast visions or pretend to be a "statesman"; whatever that means. As for Jezebel, Jennifer has an unhealthy obsession with her and has written multiple books about her so I assume this is more shameless self-promotion. Lastly, I would be very cautious about running around trying to cast out devils. Do a search for "The Seven Sons of Sceva." This is not a game Jennifer.

Did you also notice that in her goal, Jennifer promises a "safe place" to "exercise your gift." Translation? You can pretend to prophesy as part of the school and not worry if you are wrong! So it is OK to say thus sayeth the Lord when He actually did not say anything. How profoundly sad beloved. And for all of her grandstanding of "just wanting to do her small part" Jennifer is clearly doing this for Jennifer. Each enrollment costs $300. How much do you want to bet that the course work is largely her own books, which may have to be purchased above the "school" cost? It is not a school of course. It is a room at the Ft. Lauderdale Holiday Inn. The entire thing is a sham from a huckster teaching what she should not for shameful gain. As if there is not enough proof yet, the endorsements on her website include Steve Hill, Dutch Sheets, James Goll, General Cindy Jacobs and Rodney Howard Browne. That is a virtual who's who of false prophets. Hill was falsely prophesying at Brownsville. Sheets is twisted up with the New Apostolic Reformation. Browne is the purveyor of the Holy Ghost bartender heresy that teaches people to be drunk in the spirit. And Jennifer proudly lists these people as endorsing her prophetic bonafides. Unbelievable.

Beloved. I am not a cessationist. I believe in the gifts of the Spirit, including prophecy. Whereas Old Testament prophecies were revealing what God directly was saying, New Testament prophecies should be revealing the truths contained in the final revealed will of God, the Holy Scriptures. It is not this clairvoyance and psychic tricks we see today. The key verses are very straightforward regarding how believers should approach prophecy and thus, people who claim to be prophesying. First we need to recognize that this is a very important matter to God. We should be careful about not quenching the Spirit. We should not be dismissive but rather follow these guidelines. The first is we are not to despise prophecies. There are many today who do not believe in the gifts of the spirit. They in essence despise prophecies. Many others are dubious to anything supernatural. We should not be in the habit of assuming just because there is so much false that everything must be false. Instead, we ought to test everything. Well, what does that mean? The first test is simple. Is the prophecy true? If so, then we hold fast to it because it is good. If it is false, we dismiss the person as a false prophet and know we should never consider anything else they have to say. The second test is equally simple. Is the prophecy biblical? God would never give a prophetic word to someone that violates His Written word. Someone once told me God told them that they were going to marry a certain individual. The problem was both parties were married and not to each other. We can safely dismiss that word as not originating from God. The key verses end with a stark reminder that what is false is evil. This is nothing we should be dabbling in or playing around with. The tests are simple for a reason. There is no room for alternate interpretations. Test everything and hold fast to what is good. Is it accurate and is it biblical? If not then discard it as false because that is what it is. To do anything else, including taking one small story in 1Samuel and create entire swaths of doctrines regarding a false school for prophets you want to start so you can rip people off at $300 a pop, is simply evil.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- August 17, 2016

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
