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May 19, 2017

Jennifer Leclaire -- Moving in a Sneaky Squid Spirit of NAR Absurdity

By Anthony Wade

Jennifer Leclaire has again tried to attack those that correctly call her out as a false prophetess and in doing so further exposes herself as a clueless NAR adherent.


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He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sounddoctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. Titus 1: 9 (ESV)

Beloved, the Bible makes it very clear for us. Narrow is the way to eternal life and few are those who find it. We are supposed to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. These ought to be sobering thoughts as way navigate these end times. The eternal destination of the souls of men hang in the balance. This is not the time to be playing games with people seeking the Lord. It is not the time to try and figure out how to peddle God's Word enough to make your bit of coin in this world. This is also not the time to be wrong, even if your deceitful little heart keeps telling you that you are right. That is why Paul says we need to test ourselves as well as the spirits.

This brings us back to false prophetess Jennifer Leclaire. Her falseness is only topped by the absolute silliness of her "prophecies." She has claimed this year that there is a "sneaky squid spirit" that was stalking her and she wanted to warn the body of Christ to be on the lookout for it. Earlier in the year she claimed God told her that He was releasing the "angels of abundant harvest" so not to be undone, I proclaimed that God apparently had already released the angels of utter stupidity if anyone actually falls for such banal ear-scratching nonsense. Jennifer however has not only been proven to be utterly clueless and silly but also demonstrably false. She has claimed the following:

"On April 21, 2007, the Lord woke me up at midnight and I sensed Him offering this prophetic word: There is a great awakening coming to this nation. For I have heard your cries and I long to heal your land. I am a covenant God and I will not forget the covenant I made with your Founding Forefathers" - Jennifer Leclaire

Yeah, that wasn't the Lord who woke you up Jennifer. If it was, He would not have said things that are so demonstrably false. The Bible promises no such great revival, which NAR folks like Jennifer love to chase. It promises a great apostasy, of which Jennifer is leading the way. Secondly, if you read the Bible you must conclude that this is not our land beloved. We are citizens of heaven and pilgrims through this world. God wishes for His Gospel to be conveyed to the lost in this land so some might be saved; not to strive to have this fallen land "healed." Perhaps the largest error however is the conclusion. Now remember that Leclaire is claiming God told her this! Beloved, God made no covenant with the founding forefathers of this country. Not even close. We many of them Christian? Yes because that was the dominant religion of the world at the time. Most however were deists, which means while they acknowledged a Creator they dismissed the God of the Bible. Jefferson actually rewrote the Bible to remove all references of the deity of Christ. Some of them were actually atheists. This is another typical confusion that the NAR America worshipers like Leclaire possess. This was never a Christian nation. We are not Israel. God did not covenant with this country. Jennifer Leclaire is patently false. The Bible commands that we must pay her no mind now. Mark her as false.

How does one become so deceived beloved? The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) crowd believes in a paradigm that is false from the top to the bottom but the intricacies of it are what produce such worm-ridden fruit. They have some core central doctrinal beliefs that when combined result in this perfect storm of heresy. First they believe in dominionism, which means they believe Christians must take over the culture to facilitate the second coming of Christ. Thus they are always overly focused on this world instead of the actual Gospel and worship this country as an idol. Secondly, they believe in experiential Christianity, which means that what they experience trumps the Bible. They train their adherents to empty their mind and feel for God with their hearts. That they need a deeper revelation of the Spirit and whatever comes into their heads is deemed to be "from God." We see this in the prophecy from Leclaire in 2007. She said, "I sensed Him offering this prophetic word." The Bible however teaches us that the most deceitful things ever created were our hearts. That is why we cannot listen to whatever pops into our minds. Thirdly, they place an over-emphasis on the supernatural and by doing so make it ordinary. A daily occurrence if you will. The Bible however teaches us that the devil can produce great signs and wonders as well. The issue is always discernment but not for the NAR crowd. Anything that feeds their narrative is blindly accepted and anything that does not is dismissed out of hand as being driven by some legalistic spirit that is not "in relationship" with Christ. Lastly, the NAR promotes a false authority paradigm that teaches false anointings and coverings so as to keep the masses cowed into submission.

Beloved if I ever had a vision, dream or inkling about a sneaky squid spirit I would make sure to not eat so close to bedtime again. When you are taught however that everything is supernatural and everything must be a sign or wonder from God, you start looking for them in something as benign as squid. Every thought that pops into our heads from our deceitful hearts is not from God. It is not meant to "be released" to the body of Christ. I say this as a backdrop to reviewing the latest article by Jennifer Leclaire from Charisma News, where somehow she has become an editor. Let us reason together and take a walk inside the mind of a false NAR prophetess:

Since I was first born again, God has allowed me to witness spirits of error and full-blown deception over and over. And He's called me to confront it more times than not. I've wept over souls falling headlong into pits of deception and been persecuted for walking away from ministries where strong delusions were leading people away from Jesus. -- Jennifer Leclaire

One of the first trademark signs of an NAR adherent in leadership is an overblown sense of self. Isn't Jennifer special? God has allowed her to witness and confront error. This is a common starting defense point for false prophets. They all claim immediately that they correct false teachers so how could they be one! I just wrote this week about Dr. Michael Brown and sure enough one of his own defenses is the many times he has rebuked those who were in error. What Jennifer and Michael miss is that it is irrelevant. Correcting one false prophet does not change that you prophesied that America and God were once in covenant! The last card to point out here that Jennifer plays in her opening is the sincerity card. She wept over souls falling headlong into pits of destruction but still wants to sell them her book on the angels of abundant harvest? That's right beloved. She claimed God have her a dire word for the body of Christ and then withheld it so she could write a book about it and make some coin. Sincerity is not enough beloved. Mormons are sincere. Jehovah's Witnesses are sincere. That is what is wrong with experiential Christianity. It takes the surety of the Bible and replaces it with our sincere belief that this time our heart is telling us the truth.

But make no mistake, there's a huge difference between discerning a spirit of error that keeps people from a full understanding of Jesus and accusing people of full-blown heresy that keeps people from receiving salvation. Even though deception is running rampant in the body of Christ, I shun the work of heresy hunters who have made it their mission to discredit anyone and everyone with whose theology they some small a point of contention. -- Jennifer Leclaire

Actually there is not a huge difference at all Jennifer. Error is heresy. Heresy is defined as someone who teaches contrary to correct doctrine, period. Now, there is a difference between making an error, or misspeaking, and teaching error consistently. For example, two years ago Brian Houston said in a sermon that Muslims and Christians serve the same God. I heard it but I did not write about it because while Houston is one the biggest heretics on the planet, he had never espoused such a thing before and I wanted to give him a chance to correct himself. Within a week he did say that he had misspoken. Good enough for me. But Houston also preaches the prosperity heresy, which teaches that God wants everyone rich beyond their dreams of avarice. He has been corrected about this multiple times and insists he is right. That is not a "spirit of error" Jennifer. That is heresy. What Jennifer is trying to do here is present exaggerated arguments to poison the well and thus dismiss all criticism. I have never seen true discernment ministers attack minutia or small theological points of contention. She continues:

I get emails from heresy hunters every day suggesting I expose some ministry or another (and sometimes calling me foul names for hitting "delete"). Most of the Christian personalities these heresy hunters are working to expose aren't heretics at all, though most flow in a measure of error because none of us have it all right all the time. Some are clearly deceived, but they still don't quality as heretics. I also get emails from heresy hunters who sometimes disagree with what I write. But an email last week from a woman named Yvonne took the heresy hunting to a hellish level. -- Jennifer Leclaire

Flow with a measure of error? What the heck is that? What Biblical reference are you using? It is interesting of note here that according to Jennifer, even a teacher who is clearly deceived does not qualify as a heretic! This is the same position Dr. Brown takes whenever someone talks about false teachers. He can say he is against the teaching from an academic standpoint but not when the person is actually named. I guess when you have that sneaky squid spirit stalking you the idea is to just flow in that spirit of error and avoid him. Whatever. Jennifer than presents an alleged email from someone who was trying to convince her that IHOP run by Mike Bickle is a cult. Considering Jennifer was a regional director for IHOP, I wonder how she will take that"

The Holy Spirit prompted me to take the time to click the link and read the material. It was utter nonsense. Noteworthy is the fact that the author of the piece quoted extensively from Pastor John MacArthur's work to discredit the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City, a 24/7 prayer and worship movement led by Mike Bickle. Also noteworthy is the fact that McArthur is organizing a "strange fire" conference in October, claiming that the charismatic movement "offers to God unacceptable worship, distorted worship. It blasphemes the Holy Spirit. It attributes to the Holy Spirit even the work of Satan."- Jennifer Leclaire

I have read the CARM expose of IHOP and find it to be quite accurate. They are fully sourced and use direct quotes from Bickle so I am unsure what Jennifer thinks is nonsense. IHOP is a cesspool of heresy on the level of Bethel Church and Bill Johnson. IHOP is led by a false prophet named Mike Bickle who claims direct auditory revelations from God. IHOP is a huge NAR organization that mixes in Eastern Mysticism such as soaking prayer and emptying oneself. Their worship vacillates between the over-sexualization of Christ to chanting mantras over and over again. They openly brag about supporting such heretical teachings as the Bridal Paradigm and the Joel's End Time Army. Beloved, these are not opinions. They are established facts as corroborated by some people who have escaped from under IHOP's abuses and teachings. Some of those tales do indeed paint IHOP as operating like a cult, sorry Jennifer.

Dr. Michael Brown has been pleading with Pastor MacArthur's ministry to sit down and discuss his inflammatory claims about the charismatic movement. Brown has appealed to him to embrace God's true fire. Brown noted how Pastor MacArthur's scathing indictment names "fine godly leaders like Mike Bickle and Lou Engle, claiming that they are guilty of blaspheming the Spirit."- Jennifer Leclaire

Remember earlier we outlined the false authority paradigm set up by the NAR and now we see it in action. Mike Bickle and Lou Engle are two of the most egregious false prophets/teachers on this planet. Dr. Michael Brown is a gatekeeper for such men as well as for Jennifer who he had on his radio program this past week.

Yvonne seems to be coming from the same spirit. Again, after I reviewed the material she sent I told her it was nonsense. Her response to me: "Depart from me I never knew you, is what you will hear when you stand before Him, for promoting and profiting from a heretical cult. I should have realized you were part of it." Yvonne's indictment doesn't bother me a bit. I just look back to the introduction of the Jesus' Sermon on the Mount: "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you" (Matt. 5: 11-12). -- Jennifer Leclaire

So we come full circle back to the bloated sense of self importance. To Jennifer Leclaire, a random email trying to get her to see the errors in what she supports is akin to the persecution that Jesus warns the church is coming for them. Wow. I think beheaded saints in Iraq and underground brothers and sisters in China would disagree with you Jennifer. That's ok; you can just say you were flowing with a spirit of error. Jennifer finishes:

As much as I respect those who are faithful witnesses to the truth--and as much as I acknowledge there is strange fire in the charismatic movement and deception (and even heresy) in some camps in the body of Christ, we have to be extremely cautious in flippantly condemning someone to hell because they don't agree with us. When it comes to heresy we expose it and refuse to fellowship with those propagating it, but even then we don't chase them down and persecute them. We pray that God will break in with light and expose the darkness that has clouded their minds. To take any other approach is simply a wrong spirit that could ultimately lead you into a deeper deception than the one you believe they are exposing. -- Jennifer Leclaire

Note the not so subtle shift Jennifer tries here. She presents ONE person who has emailed her and suggested that her refusal to see IHOP as a cult means she will go to hell and she has now applied it broadly as a problem to make herself appear to be the victim! Her final point is not only ridiculous but it is unbiblical. The key verse makes it beyond clear that those in leadership positions in the church are required to rebuke what is false so her notion of taking no other approach but prayer sounds pious but is actually in violation of Scripture. This reveals however some of the deeper insidious problems when you compromise the Gospel within the NAR and their false authority paradigm. We don't chase down and persecute the wolves that are tearing apart the sheep of the Lord? Seriously? She is speaking here about heretics by her own admission! People who lead people away from Jesus Christ. She uses the term "persecute" to make the wolf the victim and then calls for prayer for the predator. Wow again.

No Jennifer. I will pray for your victims. I will pray for the people you fleeced for $300 to attend your "prophet school" that you run of a hotel room by the Fort Lauderdale Airport. I will pray for those who sent you an additional $300 to join your bogus "prophet network" so they could be under your "covering." I will pray for anyone who believed your prophecy about a great awakening coming to this country. I will pray for anyone who shelled out the ten bucks for your book about your false prophecy regarding the angels of abundant harvest. If you happen to read this and feel badly just realize that your feelings are from God so He must want you to feel badly. But take heart because you released the angels of abundant harvest so I am sure they will beat back that sneaky squid stalker you got. Unless you are moving in a spirit of error that is.

I suddenly have a craving for calamari"

Reverend Anthony Wade -- May 20, 2017

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
