Some Friday night satire...
Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.Avoid worthless, foolish talk that only leads to more godless behavior.This kind of talk spreads like cancer, as in the case of Hymenaeus and Philetus.They have left the path of truth, claiming that the resurrection of the dead has already occurred; in this way, they have turned some people away from the faith. -- 2Timothy 2: 15-18 (NLT)
The following dialogue never occurred. If it strikes you as somewhat snarky then I only did a somewhat job.
:::Coming back from commercial break:::
And we are back on the air taking your phone calls today. I see we have Paul from Rome on the line. Thanks for holding Paul and welcome to The Line of Fire.
Thanks for having me Dr. Brown.
Michael please, we are all one family right Paul.
Well Jesus said who is my family except they that do the will of"(cut off)
Let's not drag the Bible into this, what's on your mind Paul?
I am increasingly concerned for the body of Christ as we continue to see an increase in worthless, foolish talk that only leads to more godless behavior.
Do you have an example?
Sure, the recent false teaching arising in the body that the resurrection of the dead has already occurred.
Absolutely Paul! I just published a new book about that very subject! It is the latest in my Charismata Error series because I believe we must police ourselves!
Oh, that is reassuring to hear because I was afraid you would defend Hymenaeus. He has led many ast".(cut off)
Hymenaeus? From Ephesus? Whoa brother hold on there. Are you saying he is a hell bound reprobate? Because that is what it sounds like you are saying when you judge his eternal destination.
I did not say hell bound, you did.
Didn't you just accuse him of being a false teacher? Aren't they all hell bound? Of course they are. Thank you for agreeing.
Dr. Brown, Hymenaeus teaches that the resurrection has already occurred and he is leading many believers astray from the real Gospel.
Hymenaeus believes no such thing. He is a good brother. I have preached at his church. He has been a guest on my show. He helps market my books. I think he was being allegorical and you must have misunderstood. You don't know him! I know him! I know his heart!
Ok, I didn't realize Hymenaeus would be such a sore spot. We do not have to deal with him. There is also Philetus who is teaching the very same heres"(cut off)
Brother I am worried about your soul. You are just filled with slanderous gossip. Have you tried speaking to Phil?
Sorry, Philetus. His friends call him Phil. Have you prayed for him or do you just go around the world attacking him.
I do not see anywhere that we are to reach out or pray for wolves Dr. Brown.
Are you consigning Phil to hell as well? I taught a semester at Phil's school for the supernatural. I have broken bread with him and his family. He loves Jesus and I have seen that love in his eyes.
Well, optometric testimony aside, I just do not understand you Dr. Brown. How can you not be concerned about a heresy so damaging as teaching the resurrection has already occurred?
Whoa, hold on there. I am very concerned. We need to police our own. I just wrote an entire book about this very subject. I also addressed it in two other books I had written 20 years ago.
What good is an entire book if you refuse to call out those who actually teach what you write against?
Well, thanks for calling Paul and stepping into the line of fire! I gotta tell you. No one is doing more to help clean up some of the false teachings in Charismania but I will not do it by playing judge, jury and executioner to my brothers and sisters. I know their hearts. Sure maybe a slice of doctrine here or there might smell a little funky but who is perfect, right? The Bible says to pray for them, I think it does. Well, prayer is always recommended, isn't it? Please tune in tomorrow when I will be revealing plans for my new book on antinomianistic greasy grace and don't forget that next week I will be a guest at Joseph Prince's church in Singapore"
Authors Bio:Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.