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August 21, 2022
Missouri Sheep Beating - Pastor Mocks the Red Lobster Money of His Flock
By Anthony Wade
How in the world does anyone follow this clown?
shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. - 1Peter 5:2-4 (ESV)
God designed His church to be led by pastors/preachers who would understand the enormity of their call. The solemn discharge given to them by the creator of the entire universe should never be forgotten, let alone marginalized. Paul once lamented woe was him if he did not preach the gospel! It was a burden he needed to share! We have become so enamored with this world and life because of the false theologies of the NAR, dominionism, and prosperity gospel that we no longer act with any reverence towards the eternal. That comes from the pulpit down to the flock. The bible warns us of hirelings in the pulpits who care not for the sheep. The purpose driven church teaches up and coming pastors to be CEO's of their church instead of shepherds. Mega-heretic Andy Stanley once complained that we should stop using the term shepherd because it no longer had cultural significance! As if God cares what Andy Stanley thinks about what He has said!
The key verses today are just a sampling of the qualifications God has outlined for pastors that we seemingly pay no attention to anymore. Pastors are not to feel their work is under compulsion. In other words, joy comes from doing the work. Pastors should approach their role as God would have them - not for shameful gain, not being domineering over the flock, but rather being an example to them. Then the chief shepherd will give them the unfading crown of glory! Not a bad retirement package! The sad truth however is that far too many pastors take their role explicitly for shameful gain and are routinely domineering over their sheep. This brings us to the link above and Pastor Carlton Funderburke from Kansas City Missouri. Let's have Pastor Carlton weigh in on these matters:
"This is how I know you're still poor, broke, busted, and disgusted, because of how you've been honoring me. I'm not worth your McDonald's money? I'm not worth your Red Lobster money? I ain't worth y'all Louis Vuitton? I ain't worth your Prada? I'm not worth your Gucci?" - Carlton Funderburke
I kid you not. This is what a pastor said, from the pulpit, during a sermon on August 7th. A more perfect example of domineering over your sheep and browbeating them for their money you cannot find. Mixed in though is a certain level of contempt and disdain Mr. Funderburke clearly has for the people God has entrusted to him. Mocking their level of money to only be fast food money. While considering the subject of being a good example, I would be remiss to not point out the repeated usage of poor English as well. Ain't ain't a word, even when being used to fleece your flock. Notice the prosperity garbage thrown in. He actually accuses them of being poor specifically because they do not "honor" him. Unfortunately, this is how many pastors feel these days. As if they are doing a favor for the sheep. The sense of entitlement is pervasive in the pulpits of America and we routinely export it through "missionary" work to all the countries of the world. The truth is that Carlton Funderburke is not worth the McDonald's money of any of his congregants. He actually complained in this rant about not receiving a Movado watch he had apparently asked his flock to buy for him:
"And y'all know I asked for one last year. Here it is all the way in August and I still ain't got it, Y'all ain't said nothing. Let me kick down the door and talk to my cheap sons and daughters." - Carlton Funderburke
Excuse me? Imagine the nerve to ask your sheep for a watch that routinely costs thousands of dollars and then complain and call them cheap and poor for not getting it for you! I found one website that has Funderburke's net worth at 350 million dollars. If that is true, he should be buying Movado's for his entire congregation. Regardless he has proven himself to be disqualified for ministry and was probably never qualified to begin with. It is worth noting that he "apologized":
"Though there is context behind the content of the clip, no context will suffice to explain the hurt and anguish caused by my words. I've spoken to those I am accountable to and have received their correction and instruction. I have also privately apologized to our church, who has extended their love and support to me," - Carlton Funderburke
He tries to split the bill by inferring that there is some context to explain his cruel remarks. Thankfully he backs off of that quickly. There is no acceptable context to excuse mocking your sheep about their standing in this life. Lording yourself over them as somehow being more worthy of nice things than they are. Beloved this is not a matter of forgiveness. If Carlton had said one comment in frustration that can be forgiven. What happened here is that Carlton Funderburke revealed to his sheep who he really is and what he really believes. He said the quiet part out loud. The part that he usually only laughs about with fellow ministers who fleece their flocks as well. Maya Angelou is credited with saying that when someone shows you who they are, believe them. Carlton Funderburke showed that he is but a hireling pretending to be a pastor and I believe him. I can only pray his sheep do one day as well.
Reverend Anthony Wade - August 19, 2022