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A Quick Response to Dr. Michael Brown's Quick Note Trying to Duck Responsibility

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Dr. Michael Brown is a notorious gatekeeper for the NAR, which of course he denies. He initially tried to pretend there was no such thing as the NAR but once that silliness was debunked he shifted to outright denial. Mind you, outside of extreme Charismania, Brown himself was once a pretty sound theologian. These past four years have seen him devolve into a full blown dominionist water carrier for the president and shameless apologist for some of the worst heretics on the planet. He insisted to me on his radio show that Benny Hinn and Joseph Prince were good brothers in the Lord. He attacked me for even daring to suggest that Bill Johnson, NAR extremist and false teacher, had anything wrong with him at all. So while most false teachers are rebuked for their teachings, Brown is primarily rebuked for his associations, which do matter. Who we share the stage with is someone we endorse, period-full stop. With a platform as large as Dr. Brown's, it is even more incumbent upon him to watch who he shares his credibility with but he simply refuses to do so. As we see from his Tweet today:

"A quick note to the honest critics & the hyper-critics: I'm neither the pope nor the policeman of the charismatic movement. So, feel free to hold me accountable for what I teach & believe & practice. But I'm not accountable for every charismatic church & leader in the world." -- Dr. Michael Brown

Sorry Dr. Brown but it does not work that way. The bible says to mark those who teach contrary to the gospel and avoid them. You insist on doing the opposite with the likes of Bill Johnson, Jennifer Leclaire, Joseph Prince and Benny Hinn, just to name a few. Let me cut through your usually tactic of casting strawmen and appealing to piety you do not deserve. No one is suggesting that you are accountable for every church leader in the world. That is silly. However, when you provide a public platform to Jennifer Leclaire so she can defend her ridiculous sneaky squid false prophecy you are now responsible for it. That is how life works and the cost of leadership. When you defend Joseph Prince as a good brother in the Lord with some holes in his theology, you are now accountable for his antinomianism. When you do a Scooby-Doo investigation into Todd Bentley's most recent sexual escapades but ignore the fact that his insane punching people ministry disqualified him from ministry anyway -- you now own it. When Hymenaeus and Philetus, strayed from sound doctrine Paul did not muse that they were good brothers. He called them out for being false and shunned them. So nice try Doc. There is no ducking responsibility for your continued defense and provision of shelter for the most reprehensible false teachers alive today. You will answer for every person you lead to them.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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