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Anti-Vax, COVID Denier Marcus Lamb of Daystar Dies from COVID

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A fool's lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating. - Proverbs 18:6 (ESV)

When will enough be enough? When will Christians realize that they are following false idols, hucksters and used car salesmen who could care less if they live or die? In September we saw Pastor Loren Sandford die from COVID after bragging no one in his church was sick from it. Suddenly everyone was and he never recovered. In July Stephen Harmon from Hillsong died from the virus after mocking the notion of getting a vaccine. I can rattle off countless other pastors and preachers who have faced similar fates after trusting their faith to carnal politics. Perhaps the worst part is that it is bad enough when someone charged with protecting God's flock doesn't care about their own health but to expose your sheep too is reprehensible.

When will Christians learn to stop following snake oil salesmen who are more concerned with DC talking points then the truth? Will the death of Marcus Lamb be enough? Lamb was the founder and president of Daystar Television Network. Daystar, which trafficked the worst heretics on the planet, is one of the premier networks for the apostate church with a reach of a billion people internationally. What did Marcus do with such an awesome responsibility over the past two years? He was a proponent against the COVID vaccines and a COVID denier. He caught COVID of course and died after a two-week battle with the virus he had derided so openly. Who knows how many people of the billions he reached have refused to get vaccinated because of him? How many believe inane conspiracy theories because of him? How many have died because of him? His legacy is one of false teaching throughout the body of Christ and now it is also of unnecessary death. Of all the misguided tweets I have seen today extolling his life, not one addressed his death.

There are now over five million deaths related to this pandemic. The overwhelming evidence is that vaccines work to significantly decrease the likelihood of catching it and if you get a breakthrough case you are likely to only have mild symptoms. I've said it before but it is time for Christians to stop being the stupid people. Do you have any idea how much damage has been done to the cause of Christ? Wake up! Lamb's son Jonathan recently said that he believed his father's battle with COVID was definitely a spiritual attack from the enemy. What utter nonsense. Marcus Lamb and his network did more for the enemy than we can possibly fathom. Marcus Lamb was attacked by a virus he denied existed. He died from it because he refused to take a vaccine that could have easily saved his life. A local newspaper summed it up this way:

"Daystar is the second-largest Christian TV station in the world and proved a formidable platform from which to warn people off coronavirus vaccines. And warn Lamb did, to the 2 billion people Daystar reached worldwide. As the pandemic descended, Lamb and the network preached about anti-vaccine conspiracies, hosting interview after interview with vaccine skeptics, and denigrating lockdowns designed to stem the spread of the illness." - NY Daily News

That is a secular newspaper correctly summarizing the deadly damage Lamb delivered all over the world. His legacy of heresy on Daystar will continue but hopefully some will learn from his death that his lies about this pandemic and the vaccine that can save your life are just too deadly to continue to follow. At least we can pray that some might come out from the terrible darkness Daystar and Lamb has engulfed them in.

Rev. Anthony

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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