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Blaspheming the Way -- Paula White & NAR Dominionism Exploiting the Sheep

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But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. -- 2Peter 2:1-3 (ESV)

The above linked article is from Newsweek, a most secular source. It seems when Paula White is not doing photo ops praying for miscarriages of Satanic pregnancies, she returns to her favorite pastime, fleecing God's flock. I am always dismayed at how cavalier Christians are regarding their NAR dominionism and how it negatively affects their witness for Christ and the cause of the Gospel. As long as they get this restriction repealed or that judge appointed, who cares what damage is wrought against the church. This Machiavellian Christianity is not biblical. Our primary concern and function on this earth is not to affect culture but to see people saved from it. That becomes harder and harder to accomplish if Christians sell their Savior out for thirty pieces of political silver while Newsweek has to report on what a disgusting charlatan the president's spiritual advisor is. Let us reason together once more:

"President Donald Trump's spiritual adviser and longtime personal pastor warned thousands of Florida congregants to pay God and their churches before paying any personal bills. Televangelist Paula White told members of the congregation at King Jesus Ministry's Supernatural Ministry School last Friday in Miami that she was able to rise from "trailer trash" to a job in Trump's White House because "God kept opening doors" for her. But as Mother Jones reported, White said much of her transformation was owed to tithe-paying churchgoers and TV viewers who put God before their own financial needs. White cautioned congregants not to pay their one-tenth income tithes to their church with "leftovers" from what they didn't have to spend on mortgages, electricity and other mundane bills." - Newsweek

This is how Paula White has made five million dollars beloved. It is not from honest work. It is not even from preaching the Gospel. It is from robbing God's people blind. Speaking at yet another bogus supernatural school, White not only propagated the age-old tithing lie, but she put forth the most egregious and repulsive version of it. This is the theology of Robert Morris, another member of the Trump Evangelical Board. This lie instructs congregants they must pay the huckster first before even paying for food, bills, or medicine. This denies the Master as the key verses teach. Paula White is the huckster the bible warns us about. Many follow her sensuality, her carnality, and because of Paula White the way of the truth will be blasphemed. Make no doubt about it. Jesus is blasphemed because of this garbage. Here are some comments from the Newsweek article online:

"Jesus loves you and needs money. George Carlin"

" have mercy! and the trump-cult will do just that! Talk about brainwashed and proving how far bad-religion goes to get rich and use politics to get what they want"

"If he knows all and Is broke. Why not relay the lotto numbers to the church?"

It doesn't sound as if these folks will be patronizing their local church anytime soon. They see the scam while the Christians all feign ignorance or worse, approve of it! In fact, here was a "Christian" response to one of the above comments:

'Be mighty careful what you say about God's annointing as well as, what you clearly Do Not Understand! Proverbs 6:2 "Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth"'

It is so sad when the unsaved people clearly understand God better than those who wield scripture they do not understand while claiming the mantle of Christianity. This is how blinded the NAR dominionist is. Newsweek continues:

'White, an adviser to the White House's Faith and Opportunity Initiative, placed shoes on her hands and pants over her head to provide a visual metaphor for why it is backward and out of "divine order" to pay one's bills before paying one's church. "So let's just say I get paid $1,000 and I pay my mortgage first or I pay, what's the electric company here? FPL. I pay FPL first instead of bringing the first tenth to the house of God every week, which clearly is instructed throughout the word of God," White said last week, referring to the Florida Power & Light Company. "Then what I'm saying is, 'FPL I just made you chief. I just made you fundamental. I just made you the basis to support all structure. So FPL, heal my child. Find my children that are lost. FPL, open the door for me to get a promotion. FPL, I serve you. I honor you to redeem off of me the curse that is upon all mankind. Because you have just made FPL the first - because you gave the first $100 to pay your electric bill."' - Newsweek

First of all, it is most definitely NOT instructed in the bible that Christians are to bring the first tenth of anything to the church each week. This is a flat out lie. The tithing system was an agricultural system that existed solely as a part of Israel's law. This requirement was nailed to the cross. This notion of a divine order of paying bills with Paula White getting paid first comes straight from her evil black heart. Think about what she is saying to the unsaved! Think about Newsweek's readers having to digest that God will not heal your child if you don't pay Him first! That He will not find your lost child unless He gets paid first! That He would have been willing to redeem you from a curse that is upon all of mankind if only you had paid Him first. What kind of mafioso, knee-breaking, money grubbing god is Paula White selling? The way is blasphemed.

'"You see, there is a divine accurate order. People pay tithe but they pay it in leftover," she said.

A "tithe," which means "one-tenth" in Hebrew, is the 10 percent of one's earnings that is set aside for religious people's respective houses of worship. Christians and Jews from many denominations practice the contribution, which is similar to a compulsory tax given to a secular government body. White told the packed church, which seats about 7,000 predominately Latino members, how Trump first called her in 2002 after seeing her preach on a local Florida TV station. "He said, 'You have the it factor.' I said, 'Sir, we call that the anointing,'" she recalled.'

Lies, lies, lies. Now let us use scripture to debunk this nonsense. The New Testament model of giving is found in 2Corinthians, Chapter Nine. There it is clearly stated that "each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." Note the "not under compulsion" caveat and compare directly to the admission from White that her tithing is similar to a compulsory tax paid to secular governments. Thus, she is admitting that it is wholly unbiblical. Given that White's work is clearly not the Lord's, her alleged anointing must not be from Him either.

"White returned to the topic of Christians needing to give church officials and God a significant amount of their first week's pay or first month's pay as an offering of one's "First Fruits." White told the audience that in 2009, which she described as a tough year, God told her to donate her entire $8 million salary, Mother Jones reported in an article published Monday. "You can't just bring a gratitude offering. It has to be a First Fruits offering! If it is one week's salary, if it's a month. If it's a day, it's got to be the whole of something. Quickly! Bring it up--do you need an envelope?" she said, pointing members of the congregation toward "Apostles" holding baskets.

"Instead of writing [that check] to the house of God as I'm instructed to, then what I'm saying spiritually is, 'FPL, I have now established a spiritual law that put you first. So, FPL, save my family, FPL, deliver my drug-addicted son. FPL, kill this cancer that doctors say is in my body.'"

"I told you about the trailer to the White House because I'm not here by coincidence," White declared Friday. "God's about to do something!" Although tithes are not intended to be mandatory to struggling members of a congregation, White has previously warned 'Christians of consequences from God should they not donate enough to their houses of worship." -- Newsweek

How utterly disgusting. The notion again that God will not deliver your drug addicted son or heal your cancer unless you pay him first is a mockery of everything God does stand for. To prey on people who have such desperate needs for sheer greed is one of the primary reasons that the way of truth is blasphemed. It is the primary reason why people resist Christianity, Christians, and the church. It is bad enough the world has to see this fraud as being accepted in the White House but to see her equally if not more accepted by those claiming the mantle of Christianity is simply repugnant and unacceptable. Be careful in your idolatry for this country that NAR dominionism does not blind you from what truly matters.

Rev. Anthony.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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