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Christians Fleeing from the Truth to Parler Need to Stop

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For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. - Romans 1:16 (ESV)

Let's start with the basics. Jesus Christ gave us one directive and that was to spread the Gospel to the corners of the earth. It is the only thing that matters because as the key verse states only the Gospel has the power of God unto the salvation of man. Translation? No one gets saved without the Gospel. This is the imperative of the kingdom. It is not to conquer seven cultural mountains. It is not to take up the mantle of any worldly cause, no matter how much we think it is righteous. It is not to become cultural warriors or try to change the behavior of those who are lost. Convincing someone to behave better, either through speech or legislation still saves no one. The NAR has done a masterful job of infiltrating the church and leading it so far astray from the Gospel while still thinking they are doing God's righteous work. The enemy has many schemes he leverages against the people of God for the sole purpose of preventing or even slowing the spread of the Gospel. Why? Because that is all that matters. That's the whole game. This is why the bible implores us to not be ignorant of the schemes the enemy uses.

One desired goal of the enemy is to damage our witness of Christ. He uses many schemes to achieve this goal. One of the growing methods that is proving very successful is the wholesale abandonment of the truth by people professing faith in Christ. The devil loves to muddy the waters and throw everything into shades of grey but we know absolute truth because of the word of God. It is one of the primary reasons the world hates Christianity. As such we need to guard the truth closely and not let the elements of this world skew it. If the unsaved see that we care so little about the truth regarding the things of this world, why would they ever believe us when it comes to the Gospel? That witness damaging end is the result of considering our carnal leanings instead of our eternal responsibilities.

That brings us to the election last week and the definitive call for Joe Biden as the winner. This is what is known as the truth. There is no widespread voter fraud. There are no court cases that will overturn the will of the people. There is not secret sting designed by Trump to place watermarks on the ballots any more than there was a pedophile ring operated by Hillary Clinton out of a Washington DC pizzeria back in 2016. When you post such nonsense or insist that up is down or black is white you only set yourself up to look deranged and damage whatever witness for Christ you may have.

Along with this we are seeing an exodus from Facebook and Twitter to a new platform known as Parler and it seems many who call themselves Christian are leading the way. Parler is a new alternative to mainstream platforms that markets itself as friendlier to free speech but in reality it simply will not fact check what is currently conducted by the Facebooks and Twitters of the world. This will be the new source for absurd conspiracy theorist outfits like Qanon, who swears that there is an evil cannibal/pedophile underground run by Democrats and Donald Trump is secretly warring against them. Please stop and realize how crazy that sounds. That is what Parler is going to be. That cannot be what any Christian should be. Be very careful beloved. Parler is just a natural end result of a carnal desire to distort the truth. It is at worst a scheme of the enemy to ruin your witness for Christ. At best, the enemy will use it as such. Come out of the sewer of this world and its politics and come back to the truth and the Gospel. It is the only thing that should matter.

Rev. Anthony

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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