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Defending Creflo Dollar, Well Kinda

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You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth? - Galatians 5:7 (ESV)

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It feels dirty defending a heretic like Creflo Dollar but right is right and wrong is wrong. Now do not get confused, Creflo Dollar is still wrong, like really wrong. His gospel of grace that he lifted from Joseph Prince is the tired old heresy of antinomianism that calls for the abandonment of God's law in the lives of Christians. Dollar once preached that there is literally no need for a Christian to even have the Ten Commandments hanging anywhere in their home. Like Prince, Dollar abuses any verse that has the word "grace" in it to bring home this heresy. As we wrote recently however this teaching collided with his primary teaching for the past four decades on tithing. Most will remember Creflo as an abusive tithing teacher who once lamented not having machine guns to slaughter all of the non-tithers in his church, seriously. The problem the Dollar-Man ran into is that greasy grace condemns the law and tithing is part of the law. Now Joseph Prince never has any problem with this little bit of hypocrisy but apparently Dollar did, and he recently came out against typical tithing teaching, such as he had engaged in forever. Now, I recently watched a Creflo Dollar program, so you wouldn't have to, and he still engages in seed theology and pushing for your money. He just doesn't use all of the tithing lies and pressures. So, to summarize, Creflo Dollar was wrong for decades on teaching mandatory tithing and all of the heresies he taught to support it. He is wrong today for teaching greasy grace. He is right that greasy grace and tithing cannot both be taught as truth and should get credit for that. His denouncement of tithing is equally welcome and again, Creflo Dollar should get credit for it.

As you might imagine, not everyone in the apostate church agrees with that, however. It was only a matter of time before those that rely on the false teaching of tithing to survive, balked at the "come to Jesus" moment Dollar apparently has experienced. The above link is to a very short piece doing just that by someone named Dr. Jamie Morgan. Yeah, I had not heard of her either. This seems like a test balloon to see how people react. Morgan is a relatively unknown entity. I expect someone more popular will be next but for now we have Morgan who considers herself a pastor. That is a neat trick since God does not allow female pastors, but we will file that away knowing that biblical obedience must not be one of her strengths. In perusing her website, she apparently wants to set fire to many nations, but I think she means that in a Charismaniacal manner and not literal. She also incorrectly believes in everyone being able to have all of the gifts of the spirit, both men and women being able to access any role and the extreme heresy of mandatory healing from God. Not a great starting point but let's reason together once more beloved.

"Sometimes the Apostle Paul named names when calling out false teachers, and other times he didn't. Today the Lord has instructed me to name names. I'm calling out Creflo Dollar. He has been spiritually off for a long time. The first red flag to his departure from truth is his teaching on sloppy grace (vs biblical grace). This started years ago and has now become a major teaching theme in his ministry. At times, his false grace teaching even borders on the false teaching of universalism. Dangerous, dangerous stuff!" - Jamie Morgan

Let us first clarify that the Apostle Paul generally called out false teachers by name. It is the accepted practice and should be carried on by Christians with any discernment at all. Secondly, the Lord did not instruct you to do anything. If He was going to however, he would tell you to stop violating His word regarding females in authority over men within His church. The larger problem here is that you admit to have known that Creflo Dollar had been "off" for a long time but you waited until now to share your wisdom? You openly admit to knowing that his sloppy grace teaching has been wrong for years? That it even bordered on universalism, where everyone gets saved but you said nothing? You said nothing until the issue at hand was money? More specifically your money as Dollar's new anti-tithing teaching could mean people giving less to your ministries. Oh, but God told you, right.

"And now his anti-tithing teaching has just come out into the light (despite raking in millions of tithes over the years which he refuses to give back.) So how will Christians respond to Creflo's "stop tithing" pronouncement:

1. The Remnant"those who are loyal to Jesus until the end"will recognize it as false and keep tithing (actually they'll look for ways they can be even more generous to God than 10%)." - Jamie Morgan

Morgan is correct that Dollar has fleeced God's flock for over 27 million dollars through his old false tithing teachings and refuses to apologize for it. She is now going to try and play damage control and her opening point is that the remnant of God will recognize Dollar's new teaching as false and keep tithing. Yeah, no. You see Jamie, the remnant knows that tithing was part of the law intended for Israel and consisted of agriculture because the Levi tribe did not raise their own food. They understand that Abram gave all of his war spoils and not one penny of his own wealth. They know that Malachi was speaking to the priests who were robbing God, not the people. They know the storehouse was an actual storehouse and not the local church. They know that a good church preaching the true gospel is worth more than 10% but that giving must NOT be under compulsion, which tithing is by definition. More importantly for this current discussion, the remnant can easily spot a false female pastor who brags about her false teachings and is only worried about losing money herself.

"2. Those looking for a tithe "loophole" think they have found one and will stop tithing (so they can spend more money on pleasure and entertainment).

3. And for those who don't tithe, this heretical teaching will seal the deal that they never will (and then they can roll over and go back to spiritual sleep)." - Jamie Morgan

Nothing like a handful of guilt with your teaching! In the depraved mind of Jamie Morgan, if you do not tithe to her then you must be spending that money on guilty pleasures or entertainment. No one has medical bills or trouble putting food on the table. No one is out of work, underpaid, hungry or homeless. That Ivory Tower must be pretty comfy. No one is facing decisions about medicine or food. No one is facing foreclosure or eviction. They all must be robbing Jamie Morgan. How pathetic and insulting. What is even more insulting is that people who correctly realize tithing as an Old Testament law they do not have to be yoked to, must be "spiritually asleep." Just like the Galatians rendered Christ meaningless by insisting on circumcision, so Jamie Morgan teaches her followers to render Christ meaningless to them through tithing. The law is the law is the law. Do not worry though. Dr. Jamie Morgan will answer when she stands before Christ.

"There will always be false teachers among us. However, make up your mind that you are part of the Remnant that is faithful to Jesus and His Word until the end." - Jamie Morgan

Yes, beloved you read that right and it is the mindset of all false tithing bullies. You either give them your money or you are not faithful to Jesus. There is no monetary requirement for saving faith in Jesus Christ. I reminded of the key verse for today from Pail's heartfelt plea to the Galatians. You were running so well? Who hindered you from obeying the truth? The answer back then were the Judaizers and the answer for today is Jamie Morgan. It certainly was Creflo Dollar for many, many years. God created everything you can see or even vaguely conceptualize. Do you think He needs money? Sure churches do, but make sure they are teaching correctly. Do not give money to the work of the enemy. Do not fall for false tithing teachers who bully you into giving. God loves a cheerful giver and hates a lying tongue, a scheming heart, and people who stir up drama amongst the believers. That means you Jamie.

Oh, and you Creflo. I feel cleaner now.

Reverend Anthony Wade - July 13, 2022

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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