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Did God Give This False Prophet a True Vision of Hell?

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"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.' -- Matthew 7: 21-23 (ESV)

God will use anyone and anything to get His point across. He will use all things to further His glory. The heroes of the bible were not always pictures of virtue. David and Moses were murderers so the teaching point goes. It never ceases to amaze me how often God will give a direct word to someone who then assumes it is for everyone except themselves, the intended target. With that as the backdrop, consider this revelation recently received:

"In the prophetic dream, I was taken to hell where I saw all these ministers and individuals who had performed miracles, cast out demons and prophesied. What I was shown next I will never forget. The Holy Spirit showed me long lines of people behind all of these ministers and individuals. He immediately revealed to me that these were all the people that had received the miracles, prophecies and had been at one time delivered. As I gazed at the people in these lines, He said to me, "Did they not receive miracles, prophecy and deliverance, yet I never knew them?" I woke up from the dream alarmed and startled. I said to the Holy Spirit, "So there are not only people that will perform signs, wonders and miracles who will be sent to hell, but also people who received all these things who will also be in hell. Why?" Immediately the Holy Spirit spoke again to me and said, "Because those who worked miracles, prophesied and cast out demons never preached the full gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the message of repentance. They were so in love with the gifts I had given them that people became trophies and souvenirs to them. When My power would manifest in their ministries, they would tell people that I loved them, but never that they needed to repent for their sins. I tell you that a great deception will sweep over the signs and wonders movement in the earth. Beware of the ministries where miracles and prophecies will flow, but the message of repentance is a no-go. You have been warned." Then I woke up." -- Jeremiah Johnson

Johnson claims that as he was studying the key verses today that he prayed for increased revelation and I would say he received it. Beloved this is part of what the key verses are warning us all about. There are some important biblical truths revealed by Johnson through this vision. The first is that the appearance of signs and wonders does not mean that they are from God. There is a reason why God says to test all of the spirits to see what is actually from God and what is not. The great deception referred to has already swept through the church through the bogus manifestations of the spirit such as glory clouds, gold dust, gem stones and angel feathers. It has swept through the apostate church through the false healing antics of Benny Hinn and Todd White, just to name a couple. Entire schools have been set up at places like Bethel Church where they pretend to teach you the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which is utter blasphemy. Beware the ministries where the miracles and prophecies flow but repentance is a no go? That is every public ministry in Charismania!

The second point is that only the preaching of the full Gospel saves people. This is merely confirming Romans 1:16 but the vision provides the consequences. There is a reason why teachers and preachers are judged by a higher standard. Consider the teaching Paul gave to the new pastor Timothy:

Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers. -- 1Timothy 4:16 (ESV)

Did you catch it? By keeping a close watch on his life the preacher works his own salvation out. By keeping his doctrine pure, preaching the whole counsel of God, he helps the sheep work out their own salvation. Now let us go back to the vision where Johnson sees the followers of the false prophets also behind then in hell. Without the true Gospel being preached they could not have been saved. They saw many signs and performed many miracles but they were not of God. I remember Kim-Walker Smith testify that God ripped out a piece of His heart in front of her, in His throne room. Knowing the bible teaches she would be dead if she actually saw God, it was obviously demonic in nature but not all are easy to spot. The Charismatic experience is all about the experience, not the verity of Scripture. It creates a following for man, not God that results in the key verses today and the hellish vision Johnson recounts.

The final point from the vision to consider is simple. Repent is the core message of the Gospel and not "love." There is no love in a message that does not call sinner to repentance. The very first word from the ministry of Jesus Christ was "repent." Ministers today ignore this, forget this, or avoid this. Even worse they marginalize it. They call preachers of repentance legalists who need a deeper revelation of the spirit. To that I say they need a better deeper revelation of the Word. All false preachers and teachers need to take heed of this vision.

Starting with Jeremiah Johnson. This is the same Jeremiah Johnson that claimed this year to have a "Paul Revere anointing." This is the same Jeremiah Johnson that likes to appear on the Sid Roth heresy fest show. This is the same Jeremiah Johnson that claims if you buy his book that you will be able to carry some level of the glory of God. This is the same Jeremiah Johnson that believes in teaching the gifts of the spirit and runs a school where for only $11,500 per year, you too can be equipped to spread the very same false teachings and prophecies that will wind you up in the hellscape he has now foreseen. This is unfortunately, how Johnson concluded the article linked above:

"Will you pray with me today that ministers and individuals who move in God's power will not only live a lifestyle of repentance but also preach it? What if people getting healed, delivered and prophesied to, and told God loves them isn't the full gospel message? What if repentance and holiness are the full gospel message too?" -- Jeremiah Johnson

You were so close Jeremiah. What if repentance and holiness are the full Gospel message? What if? After seeing the hellish scene you describe your conclusion is this tepid, lukewarm response? Repentance and holiness IS the full Gospel message. Love, comes through that, not in spite of it. I do not know if Jeremiah Johnson is telling the truth here about what he claims to have seen. The direct back and forth with the Holy Spirit makes me dubious at best. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on the details however because they line up with Scripture. If this was truly given to him as a vision then he missed the main point God was making because while this message is important for everyone to hear, God was clearly speaking to Jeremiah Johnson about Jeremiah Johnson. So, could God have given this false prophet a true vision of hell? Absolutely; and while we are better informed for hearing the vision, Johnson would be far better off if he heeded it.

Rev. Anthony

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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