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Falsely Prophesying the Military is Organizing a Coup to Reinstate Trump - Wow

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But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. - 2Peter 2:1-3 (ESV)

Evangelical 'Prophet' Claims Military Carrying Out Coup to Reinstate Trump as President (

Do we even care anymore how we represent Jesus Christ within the church? Do we care that the world sees Christians rolling in the aisles and barking like dogs as they saw during the Toronto "revival?" Do we care that they saw us supporting uncontrolled convulsions attributed to God's Holy Spirit as we saw during the Pensacola nonsense? What about when the world saw a former biker-turned-preacher kick people in the face in order to impart healing as they saw in Lakeland Florida? Do we care that they see a church singularly focused on worshiping a political figure and denying reality to the extent that we not only seem detached from reality but dangerously so? The link above is to a secular new outlet known as Newsweek. Do we even blink anymore when a secular news magazine is forced to report on a clearly deranged man, claiming to be a prophet from God, making the most insane predictions and blameing it on God? This is why the church has no power. This is why no one gets saved anymore. Before you are tempted to dismiss Jeff Jansen as the kook he clearly is realize that he is only a microcosm of the crazy we support. Is what Jansen says above any crazier than the sneaky squid spirits and wild-ass spirits of disobeying authority promoted by Jennifer LeClaire? Is it any crazier than the gaggle of false prophets who all prophesied incorrectly about Trump winning a second term? Is it any worse than the church's new obsession with pretending to be "cancelled?" why would anyone want to listen to an unstable crazy-person talk about Jesus? I am only going to go through the low-lights from the above article as that is all I can stomach. Just so we are clear, if you still believe what Jeff Jansen is selling here than you need professional help. It is beyond inaccurate. It certainly is not Christian. Let us reason once more beloved:

"A number of Christian pastors and so-called "prophets" predicted ahead of the 2020 election that Trump would win reelection, claiming that was God's will. When that prophecy did not come to fruition, some apologized and admitted they were wrong. Others, like Jansen, have found creative ways to justify the current reality in the U.S. "You have to realize what's taken place in our nation has been a hostile takeover, and just because there was a fake inauguration [of Biden]"for optics and for posture, let them have their day in the sun," Jansen, the founder of Global Fire Ministries International based out of Tennessee, said during a Tuesday episode of the Elijah Streams YouTube program. Right Wing Watch first reported Jansen's remarks.

"It's a tale of two presidents and right now in America--because President Trump has never conceded, he never agreed to anything, never stepped away, never conceded," Jansen continued. "He basically stepped aside momentarily, while things are being sorted out." The evangelical minister said Trump's effort to stay in office by overturning the elections results in the court was stymied by "corrupt" courts and judges." - Newsweek

Only in the depraved mind of the idolatrous false prophet can a free and fair election be construed as a hostile takeover. The inauguration was not "fake" and the assertion that it was is just unhinged crazy talk. Ex-president Trump does not have to concede. How he feels or thinks is irrelevant to the reality that he lost. He did not only lose, he got crushed. He lost the popular vote by over seven million people. Jansen makes tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists sound sane. Trump filed over 60 court cases across multiple states. The judges that ruled were both Democratic appointed and Republican. Some were actually appointed by Trump! So all of them were corrupt? Please stop embarrassing yourself and destroying the cause of Jesus Christ.

"The last defense is military. So the military, actually the military is in control right now," Jansen said. "They've already made their determination. Now it's about execution. Now it's about returning civil power after the 'we the people' factor, the rightly, duly-elected president from this past election comes forward and exposes the corruption--there will be civil power restored in the United States," he insisted. "And that president will be Donald J. Trump." Later in the interview, Jansen urged viewers to "watch what the Lord does," but he predicted that things will move forward and Trump will be reinstated "by the end of April."' - Newsweek

Really. Take a step back slowly and realize what Jeff Jansen is prophesying here. He is claiming that God told him that the military will step in and execute a coup in this country to reinstall Donald Trump by the end of April. Watch what the Lord does? God uses all leaders regardless of party for His own ends and His own plans. He used a donkey in the Old Testament and He is not incapable of using Joe Biden anymore than Donald Trump. Sorry Jeff but the military is not overthrowing the government and anyone with an ounce of common sense knows this. The damage this does for the Gospel however is incalculable.

'Jansen later told Newsweek in a Thursday email that he believes there's "a lot going on beneath the surface that has to be acted on and released in proper time." "If this nation gets ahead of time, the results won't be as God desires. God has perfect timing in everything. Unfortunate people SWEAR they heard from God and when what we see in mainstream media doesn't match that, they assume they missed it. A prophetic word is God's DESIRES and His PLANS for what NEEDS to happen," he wrote. "Mainstream media is a part of the swamp Trump is trying to drain. They are in cahoots with the evil dark side. Just trust God is at work..."' - Newsweek

I do trust God is at work. You do not. Trusting God is not insisting that your outcome is realized. It is in accepting His. The false prophets, such as yourself, did not "miss it"; whatever that is supposed to mean. God does not stutter. He either spoke to you or He did not. Since what you claimed He said did not come to pass, it is obvious He never spoke to you. The bible explains this to us very clearly. It is how we know when a self-proclaimed prophet is false. Newsweek concludes with a dose of reality for Jansen.

'Trump and many of his GOP allies have worked to foster the so-called Big Lie that he actually won the 2020 election. They have claimed that Biden and the Democrats "rigged" the election through widespread voter fraud. This extraordinary allegation is not supported by evidence.

Dozens of election lawsuits filed by Trump and his supporters have been rejected by state and federal courts, including by judges appointed by judges appointed by the former president and other Republicans. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most effective and loyal Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of widespread fraud that would change the election's outcome. Similarly, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the Department of Homeland Security, which was led by a Trump appointee, issued a statement shortly after the election in November describing it as "the most secure in American history."' - Newsweek

This paragraph represents reality. There was no widespread voter fraud. This past election was the most secure in the history of our country. You can be upset about it. You can be surprised by the outcome. What you cannot do as a supposed Christian is pretend up is down and black is white. You do not get to make up wild-eyed foolishness that makes you appear untethered from this plane of reality and destroys whatever witness you may have had for the Gospel. Now granted, Jeff Jansen was an obvious false prophet long before this nonsense. Realize however that he runs in the same circles as more respected "Christians." His position is not far off from the likes of Franklin Graham, Steven Strang and the Charisma News crowd. As the end times draw closer we need to be ever vigilant against false teaching and prophecies that ruin our own witness for Christ. That is what Peter is warning us of in the key verses for today. False prophets like Jeff Jansen will arise amongst us. Many will follow their sensuality and the way of the truth will be blasphemed! Stop contributing to the blaspheming of the Gospel. Mark those like Jeff Janssen as false and avoid them.

Rev. Anthony.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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