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Jennifer LeClaire + The Law of First Mention = Prophetic Idiocy

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Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before me." -- Jonah 1:1-2 (ESV)

The Calamari Queen is back! Jennifer "Sneaky Squid" LeClaire is not releasing angels this time! She is not teaching us how to battle marine demons either! No, this time she is trying desperately to find significance in the number 20 because it is now the year 2020. She is taking a hermeneutical technique that she does not comprehend and is applying it like a lunatic running around with just zeal and a sword. Let us reason together again beloved.

"God is weary of the doom and gloom prophets. We're seeing a tipping point in heaven as a response to the Jonah prophets: Abraham prophets and intercessors." -- Jennifer LeClaire

I want you to re-read this opening from LeClaire; just for the sheer idiocy of it. Where do prophets come from beloved? I mean biblically. If you answered "God", give yourself a gold star. False prophets, like Jenifer LeClaire do not come from God. they either come from Satan or are aided and abetted by the enemy. Jennifer gives up the game right at the start here as she draws a distinction between what she calls doom and gloom prophets like Jonah and intercessory prophets like Abraham. The problem with this reasoning occurs on several levels. Let's start with the fact that God commissions all true prophets. The word they are supposed to carry is from God directly for His people. Now I understand why this concept might be foreign to LeClaire, who clearly is not commissioned from God. Nevertheless, these facts demand an explanation of how God could ever be "weary" of what He has ordained? Read the key verses and you will see that the word of the Lord came to Jonah. The doom and gloom came from God -- not Jonah! To claim God then becomes weary with what He has commanded is the height of heretical stupidity. So rest easy beloved. Jennifer sees nothing in heaven, let alone some mystical tipping point between prophet delineations she has created within the bowels of her wickedly deceitful heart.

"Consider 2020 in the context of the Law of First Mention, a hermeneutical method stating the way a word is first used in the Bible will be the way this word is largely understood thereafter. The first time the number twenty is found in the Bible, it's connected to intercession and a plea for mercy over judgment. In Genesis 18:16-26 we overhear a conversation in heaven:" -- Jennifer LeClaire

It is always entertaining to watch false teachers and prophets try to wield theoretical concepts they clearly do not understand. The law of first mention is a study practice that says to research and study the first mention of biblical concept and build off of that foundation. It is only a theoretical practice and not meant to use as a requirement. One must discern if it even applies to a given situation. For example the first mention of a snake is referring to Satan but that does not mean that every snake encounter afterward must be Satanic. So Jennifer wants to make something out of the number 20. Why? Well because it is the year 2020 and that's what false prophets do. They use randomness and numerology to pretend God is somehow speaking. The conversation in Genesis that Jennifer alludes to is when Abraham intercedes for Sodom and Gomorrah. He asks if God would kill the righteous along with the wicked. He starts what seems like a bargaining ploy with God. He asks if 50 righteous people could be found would He spare the cities His wrath. God relents and says He would for 50. At this point it is just a numbers game because the principle of not destroying the righteous for the wicked's sin has been established. So Abraham comes back with a number of 45 and God agrees. He lowers it to thirty, twenty and finally ten and each time, God agrees to relent for the sake of the righteous. So here is the referent to the first usage of the word twenty:

He said, "Behold, I have undertaken to speak to the Lord. Suppose twenty are found there." He answered, "For the sake of twenty I will not destroy it." -- Genesis 18:31 (ESV)

So yes; the first time is related to a plea of mercy but not over judgment. The plea is for mercy because the numbered people would be found righteous. The people of Nineveh had no such plea available to them. They were especially wicked and needed to repent. The so called "doom and gloom" prophets carry the message of eternal life. It is not to be cheapened as Jennifer does here by referring to it in such a negative connotation. More importantly, the usage of the word twenty here is irrelevant. It is just another number in the bargaining countdown. By Jennifer's logic the numbers 50, 45, 30, 20 and 10 are ALL related to intercession. That is absurd and not how we practice hermeneutics.

"Although God is a God of judgment, Hosea understood that He is also a God of mercy. This why he cried out: "O Lord, I have heard Your speech and was afraid; O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make it known; In wrath remember mercy" (Habakkuk 3:2). Let's all remember, mercy triumphs over judgment (see James 2:13). Prophets who take pleasure in seeing judgment fall do not have the heart of God. God does not delight in judgment. It's not His will that any shall perish, though we understand some will. Judgment is a reality of the Kingdom, but in this decade God is going to change the hearts of some of the judgment prophets with mercy encounters. Others who have pronounced judgment with bliss out of bitterness are going to experience judgment in their own life and change their tune after they experience what they've been prophesying." -- Jennifer Leclaire

Jennifer expresses that mercy triumphs over judgment as if it is an eternal principle. The James verse she cites is speaking to those who know Christ being able to rejoice in their judgment because they know they will receive mercy. That is a far cry from the sloppy agape rendition LeClaire offers up here. God does want all to come to repentance but Jennifer has no idea what He will or will not take pleasure in when He sets things right in His creation upon His second return. It is arrogant to claim to know. Why would God need to change the hearts of any of His true prophets? They are just reiterating what He has said! Jonah's problem was not the content of the message but the fact that he refused to deliver it! What is going on here is that Jennifer is a false prophet who brings only sunny sunshine messages of more sun. She is either wrestling marine demons, conquering sneaky squid spirits or releasing the angels of oodles of money over your life. What she is upset about are prophets who demand biblical standards or heaven forbid -- repentance! They are ruining her schtick and hurting her revenue generation. So she is prophelying that God is going to turn their frowns upside down! Yeah, it doesn't work like that Jennifer.

"Jesus said, "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye" (Matthew 7:1-5). If this applies at the person to person level, and it does, how much more so to people groups and nations? If prophets prophesy judgments, they should do so with tears, fear of the Lord, trembling and a redemption mindset. And they had better make sure it's the Lord speaking and not their own biases, like Jonah." -- Jennifer LeClaire

This is bizarrely bad scripture usage. Matthew needs to take a restraining order out against LeClaire for this. First of all, the application of hypocrisy is speaking on a person to person level. You do not get to pretend that it also applies somehow to groups and nations. That is ridiculous. What is worse though is she is taking the judgment of God and conferring it onto the doom and gloom prophet! That somehow it is their judgment and they need to take out the plank in their eye before judging someone else. Huh? God said to preach judgment! I can picture Jennifer rebuking John the Baptist for being so judgmental with the Pharisees!

Prophets better make sure that it is the Lord speaking? Hallelujah! I agree with Jennifer LeClaire. Let us start with the notion of a sneaky squid spirit, which we all know was untrue. That means Jenifer was speaking for herself and pretending it was God. Let's move onto the angels of abundant harvest, which we all know Jennifer made up from her wickedly deceitful heart. That was not the Lord speaking either. Drowning marine demons? Nope, not God. Finally, this article claiming there are doom and gloom prophets and that the number 20 somehow means intercession of mercy over judgment because she doesn't understand the law of first mention? Yeah, sorry Jennifer. This wasn't God either.

Rev. Anthony.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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