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Jennifer Leclaire's Latest Thesaurus Theology -- Playing Prophetic Word Games

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When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. -- Acts 2: 1-2 (ESV)

The Calamari Prophetess of Absurdity is back again beloved. Thesaurus in hand, Jennifer Leclaire has found a new word that does not exist and is pretending God is speaking it to her to bring to you. Hot off the press. Fresh manna from the throne room! Hallelujah pass the offering plate! Leclaire is hardly the only false prophet to utilize this technique designed to take an innocuous word used scripturally just because of you know"that's how language works, and pretend there is a broader mystical meaning that God is prophetically revealing to the prophet to disseminate to His people. Let's take a look at how this works using the key verses from the Day of Pentecost.

Can you guess which word is secretly a deeper mystical message from God? A word that He has cleverly hidden here for over 2000 years before choosing to reveal it to the false prophets of this day? It is not heaven. It is not even the rushing wind. The secret word is "suddenly." Who knew? Not me because I am just not as in tuned to the prophetic realm Jennifer pretends to operate in and I do not have the theological thesaurus she clearly walks around with. So when I read the key verses and see the usage of the word "suddenly" I assume that God is trying to convey that the sound and wind that preceded the Holy Spirit happened quickly. That there was some alacrity to it. That it happened suddenly. False prophets however have seized upon this word and insist that it conveys a godly pattern. That God wants to secretly deliver "suddenlies" upon you. Waiting for the big financial breakthrough? The medical report continues to worry you? Your wayward child is still way way wayward? Well dontchya worry your silly little self! God wants to unleash suddenlies into your life! You will be standing there in prayer one day and whoosh! Just like on the Day of Pentecost, God will deliver you the suddenly you have been waiting for! How absurdly unbiblical beloved. God is not hiding some gnostic knowledge within the usage of a singular word. If you read the account of the Day of Pentecost and come away with suddenlies as the main point, I am afraid you have bigger problems than you realize because one day, suddenly, you will stand before Christ and He will say away from me! Jennifer Leclaire has now topped the suddenlies prophecy and has raised the bar. You can hear the groaning in Charismaniacal circles that they were beat out on this obvious teaching to such a newbie like Leclaire. Apparently, the sneaky squid prophetess has been spending extra time playing Words with Friends because she has come up with the new prophecy for the upcoming year! Why settle for mere suddenlies when you can have immediatelies!

I kid you not. That is what Jennifer is claiming God has told her:

"You hear a lot of prophecies about suddenlies. I've prophesied suddenlies myself. But the Lord showed me another dimension of His moving--immediatelies. We see the concept of "immediately" well over 100 times in Scripture--and there's a marked difference between a suddenly and an immediately." -- Jennifer Leclaire

Where is my face-palm emoji when I really need it? No Jennifer, the Lord did not show you something so ridiculous. Your wickedly deceitful heart did. There are not over 100 references to this nonsense in Scripture. There are none! Now, the word immediate and variations do appear over 100 times but that is because "immediate" is a word. It is part of normal everyday language. Notice the cute little word game she plays here. She is proposing a concept from God called immediatelies. She knows she is making this up out of thin air and that it is not in the Bible so instead she speaks about the root word and claims THAT is in Scripture over 100 times! They are two completely different things! One is a word and the other is a made up prophecy. Now let us find out the crucial difference between suddenlies and immediatelies:

"A suddenly is a "happening, coming, made, or done quickly, without warning, or unexpectedly," according to, while an immediately is "without lapse of time; without delay; instantly; at once." When it comes to moves of God--God's intervention in my life--I'll take either. But I'd prefer an immediately--a miracle. You might say suddenlies are good, but immediatelies are better when you need prayer answers!" -- Jennifer Leclaire

Jennifer continues playing word games. It is true that has definitions for the words suddenly and immediate. One would expect them to, since those are words. Remember however that Jennifer is not engaging in an English lesson here. She is claiming a direct revelation from God almighty about the concept of suddenlies and a new dimension of His move called immediatelies. What is actually behind this demonic teaching is to make Christians even more impatient and petulant when dealing with God. We saw this a few years back when Mark Batterson released the witchcraft inspired book, Circle Maker, which taught Christians to draw a literal circle on the ground, and stand in it until God gives you what you want! No more need for travailing in prayer. No more need for petitioning the Lord. Apparently suddenly was simply taking too long. Now expect God to deliver what you want immediately. Of course that makes you god in that relationship. Suddenly, Jennifer concludes:

"Of course, there are also demonic immediatelies and our own immediatelies to explore. There are immediate threats, immediate prophetic fulfillments, immediate spiritual shifts and more." -- Jennifer Leclaire

There is some real immediate bovine excrement going on here beloved. Do not follow such hustlers and charlatans, selling you on unbiblical nonsense that supposedly God has kept hidden for thousands of years waiting for the woman who once prophesied there is a sneaky squid spirit attacking her. My discernment has taught me to slowly back away from such hucksters and go find a good cocktail sauce. You should not waste any time in dismissing someone like Jennifer Leclaire as a complete fraud. If you are having difficulty doing so, pray to God for abruptlies or swiftlies to be made manifest in your life. If that does not work, you could pull out the final mystical card and pray for instantaneouslies in your life beloved. Instantaneouslies trump immediatelies and make suddenlies seem downright stuck in the mud. Or you could just rely upon your Bible and God's perfect timing.

Rev. Anthony.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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