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Latest Leclaire Lunacy -- Wonder Twin Powers -- Activate!

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until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood,to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. -- Ephesians 4: 13-14 (ESV)

We have chronicled the raving silliness of false prophetess Jennifer Leclaire. She once prophesied that God told her that He would be restoring His covenant with America. This of course was an impossibility since America was never under covenant with God but why let a little thing like the truth get in the way of your NAR dominionist agenda? As she has matured in her fleecing of God's flock, Jennifer has raised the bar on her absolutely ridiculousness. This year alone she is responsible for:

1. Releasing the angels of abundant harvest -- this was the start of 2017 prophecy to make everyone feel good and think that it would be nothing but puppies and rainbows for the upcoming year. Apparently Jennifer had these angels stored away in a barn somewhere and now it was time to release them! This was alleged by Jennifer to be an urgent word from the Lord but she made everyone wait for her new book about these fake angels so she could make some coin from it.

2. Creating new and innovative ways of robbing the people of God -- this year saw Jennifer launch her very own School of Prophets, conveniently located at a room in the Holiday Inn by the Fort Lauderdale Airport. For a meager $300 you can learn something the Bible makes clear is only given by the Holy Spirit! Jennifer would not just leave you with the 10 cent certificate for completing her school however. Realizing that up and coming false prophets need street cred, she also now offers for you to join her prophetic "covering" for only another $300.

3. The Calamari Threat - in what has to be one of the more bizarre moments in the spotty history of Charismania, Leclaire claimed that God showed her a sneaky squid spirit resting upon a friends head. She of course rushed into action and bound or rebuked, or did something realllly spiritualish to defeat this deadly spiritual warfare enemy that the Bible mentions no less than zero times. The prophets reward for her heroic and selfless act? That ole sneaky squid started stalking her! Two intercessors and a restraining order later, and Leclaire was free from the shifty cephalopod. Hallelujah! Pass the offering plate!

4. The prophetic word for the body of Christ for the month of May was released as: "Mega grace and mega faith equals a mega movement." Despite being mega-unbiblical, Leclaire marched on with unflinching mega-foolishness. All in the name of God. Claiming that God said all of these ridiculous, unbiblical, inane things. Beloved I make no personal assessment of Jennifer Leclaire. It is her teachings and alleged prophecies that are absurd; bordering on the incoherent. It is things like this that give Charismania the well-deserved black eye it currently sports. There remains a firm possibility that Leclaire has just been so poorly taught that she believes this nonsense. That she cannot discern between the angels she writes so much about and the demons surrounding her masquerading as angels of light. The fact that she makes money from her falseness is a pretty damning factor but she may very well be deceived, deceiving others. It matters not because it is the sheep that must be protected from the wolves, whether they are intentional or accidental wolves.

This brings us to the latest scheme from Leclaire. She has written yet another book about a topic she knows dangerously little about -- angels. Not content with releasing those pesky angels of abundant harvest that seemed to have skipped my house, she now has written, "Angels on Assignment: Warrior Angels Activating Now." In order to promote this book, Leclaire took it to the Jim Bakker Show because after all, nothing smells more credible than appearing on the show hosted by a disgraced former tele-evangelist turned prepper food bucket salesman. With every bulk order of her new book I believe Jim was releasing a small bucket of his doomsday scenario food.

Leclaire states on the show that not only are angels among us but we have to activate them in Jesus name! Who knew? Those of us who grew up a few decades ago will remember the superhero cartoon called the Wonder Twins. The extraterrestrials from the planet Exxor had magic rings that when they connected them allowed them to change their form but it only worked with the magic phrase -- wonder twin powers activate! I bring this up not only because of the connection to what Jennifer is now claiming but to highlight that the wonder twins cartoon was probably more biblical than this latest lunacy from Leclaire.

This wonder twins' theology essentially claims that God has sent angels on assignment to earth but that they apparently need our permission to begin their assignment? Seriously? So where are they while they wait for us to lock our magic rings together? Are they hanging out in some angel bar just lamenting that we won't activate them? Beloved, this is not only low hanging false prophecy fruit but it is blatantly stupid. There are no angels on assignment desperately waiting for you to activate them. How do I know this? Because there is no such stupidity in the Bible! As I have pointed out before, many false prophecies and teachings can be traced back to the same sin that resulted in Lucifer being cast down from heaven. Wanting to usurp the throne of God. Wanting to be God. It is not surprising then that he is still trying through things like this inane false prophecy. If someone assigns angels and someone else has to activate them -- which one is God? At best you would have to say both and at worst the one activating. There is no question about the existence of angels and reasonable Christians can disagree reasonably about how to interpret the various Scriptures. Anyone however with an open Bible and an ounce of discernment can see that this idiocy is about as cogent and biblical as the angels of abundant harvest or that devious calamari spirit. Let's wrap this up with a direct quote from Leclaire on the Bakker Show:

"I like the warrior angels. I get a lot of spiritual warfare, too. You know, I'm in prophetic ministry, and you get a lot of word curses, and I just like to release those angels of warfare like Michael the archangel, just war against those principalities." -- Jennifer Leclaire

By "getting a lot of spiritual warfare"; Jennifer is referring to people who dare to doubt her direct revelations from God. Just to be clear however, I am declaring no such word curses because her words are the curse. According to the Bible if anyone presents a different gospel let them be accursed. Once Jennifer claims these things as prophecy, she is claiming God spoke them and thus they are elevated to the level of Scripture. In Jennifer's gospel there are squids and abundant harvest angels and mega movements but these are nowhere in the true Gospel. The media campaign for the release of her new book will continue at a conference she is organizing named for her book. She will act pious in pointing out that the three day event is free but I wonder how many "love offerings" will find their way into her pockets along with the book sales in the lobby. Squids and angels and mega heresy oh my! Time to release those warrior angels! Wonder twins activate! Shape of a discernment ministry!

Beloved the key verses today come from a discussion about maturing in Christ. That maturity must be in the knowledge of Christ and that is only found in His Word. Not chasing silly false prophecies. We cannot attain the fullness of Christ without knowing His Word and using it to test everything. It is in this way we will not be tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every sneaky squid of doctrine. The Word will prevent us from being deceived by human cunning regaling us with mysterious stories about Santa Claus-like angelic beings. The infallible, incontrovertible Word of God will protect us from deceitful schemes trying to convince us that we can control other angelic beings. So we will no longer be as children, believing in the power of cartoon prophecies.

Rev. Anthony

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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