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More NAR Healing Idiocy on Display

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When the disciples saw it, they marveled, saying, "How did the fig tree wither at once?" And Jesus answered them, "Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' it will happen. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." -- Matthew 21:20-22 (ESV)

Becky Dvorak has carved out a little niche within the Purpose Driven Industrial Complex as a Prophetic Healing Evangelist. If that term seems foreign to you that is because she made it up. As an alleged evangelist she is spreading her heresy to all who will listen. That heresy is very specific to healing. The "prophetic" portion relates to her false beliefs in prophecy and to add some street cred to what she does within the wall of Charismania. It is just stringing together three unrelated words to promote yourself. It would be like if I said I was an, "Apostolic Worship Missionary." Sounds pious and serious but actually means nothing. I remember when I was younger working in gas stations and when people asked what I did, I said I was a "Petroleum Exchange Technician." The only difference is my little fib did not hurt anyone. Becky is in the business of shipwrecking people's faith. We must never lose sight of the fact that sheep are slaughtered every single day by people like Becky Dvorak who sell false healing and a theology that only works if there is a placebo reaction in the sick that they can ascribe to God. Let me be clear. God is still in the healing business. The problem is that He has not franchised this business out to Becky Dvorak or to you. He maintains sovereignty over all of His creation and does not share His power or glory. Let us reason once more together through this very short article linked above so we can be better prepared to rebuke such idiocy when we hear it and not usurp that which belongs to God alone.

"It's important to know and remember that God is not the mountain standing in your way; Satan is. Therefore, while speaking to this mountain, and not about the mountain, you do not beg God for your answer. He completed His work at Calvary, and now it is your turn to work His work. If you will prophesy accurately to this mountain, it will move and be cast into the sea. Learn to prophesy healing with accuracy, hit the mark and cause that mountain to crumble from the inside to the outside--and watch it fall down." -- Becky Dvorak

It sounds so reasonable doesn't it? Sickness however is not always from Satan. Sickness entered this world through the fall of man. Most sicknesses today are due to choices we make in how we live our lives. There are however several points here to rebuke forcefully:

1. Prayer is not "begging God." The bible says to seek the elders of the church to pray the prayer of faith over the person who is sick. Realize that this is all part of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) schtick. That we have the power of God. Word Faith adherents like Creflo Dollar and Joyce Meyer take it further to say that we are in fact little gods. What Dvorak is encouraging you to do here is NOT go to God when you are sick but instead, pretend you are God. The healing purchased at Calvary was the spiritual healing of salvation. Now again, God can heal you and it certainly behooves us to at least ask. The answer can be yes and I have seen people miraculously healed through prayer. It is not the prayer however that healed anyone. The prayer is merely asking God to heal. Perhaps if we are desperate enough we will even beg as Becky says here and that is ok too. God can take our desperation. His answer might still be no. What Becky sets up here is the likelihood that if that answer is no, the sick person will blame God.

2. We do not "work His work." God is God all alone. He does not need our help and has not ceded any of it to us. The NAR is constantly trying to usurp the power of God. We do not have the power of creation in our words. It is God alone who calls things that are not as though they were. This is the same old Luciferin sin that saw Satan cast out from heaven. It is the same sin Lucifer then convinced Eve to commit in the garden. That you too will be like God.

3. Prophesy is a gift of the spirit, not a super power for all believers. The bible is very clear that only the Holy Spirit decides who gets what gift and when. It also makes it clear that they are for the building up of the church. The NAR however believes and teaches that everyone can prophesy and they even run schools to teach people how to. It is a bastardization of prophecy that only seeks to mock God. The reference to speaking to the mountain is routinely abused in Charismatic circles. I have provided the entire context in the key verses today. Jesus was making a point about how much greater the Father is than their astonishment at the withered fig tree. His reference to the mountain was of course metaphorical and was a point about praying in agreement with God, which is odd since Becky started by saying don't pray! Then she references a verse text that specifically says you must pray! The lesson here was about prayer in agreement with the will of God and about our level off faith. Not faith in our abilities but faith in our God.

"This is not a correct healing confession: "Even though I have symptoms in my body, they can do no permanent damage to my body because I was healed at the cross." As long as we confess with our mouths that we have symptoms, by the power of these words, we will continue to have them. And if we confess that these symptoms can have no permanent damage, we constrain them from producing permanent damage but still allow them to do some level of damage. And obviously we want to rid ourselves from symptoms altogether, so it would be better to select faith statements full of authority and bring all forms of symptoms under submission to the Word of God." -- Becky Dvorak

The concept of a healing confession is another made up farce from the Complex and Dvorak. The notion that no damage can be dome to our bodies because of the cross is debunked by simply passing a graveyard. Christians die every single day. If healing was ours on demand, why don't we see 200-year-old Christians? Denying we have symptoms is asinine. Now, I am not sold out to the world system of the medical model but the alternative is faith in God, not myself. The full authority statements Dvorak teaches are not based on any real authority she possesses. The truly sad thing here is Becky Dvorak will spend her days teaching that we can bring our words under submission to the word of God without ever bringing our lives to that same submission.

'In other words, do not give the symptom room to remain in your body and cause suffering. It's better to speak out, "I take the authority given me by the atoning blood of Christ, and I declare that I am free and healed from all symptoms, sickness and disease that try to attack my body. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen."' -- Becky Dvorak

In the name of Jesus but not in alignment with Him. How sad. We should never get into the habit of pretending we have authority reserved for Christ alone. The blood of Christ atoned for our sins, not our symptomology. Can God heal us? Of course, He is God. perhaps in His infinite mercy He will. Perhaps in His mercy He will choose to take someone home. Should we pray? Always beloved. Always. For starters, we ought to pray for the victims of Becky Dvorak and the NAR idiocy when it comes to healing. Far too much damage is being done.

Rev. Anthony

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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