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The Utter Stupidity of NAR "Christian" Media

Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. -- Colossians 4:5-6 (ESV)

NAR dominionism hates anyone who disagrees with their politics so much that their idolization blinds them to even the most innocuous or even humorous occurrences. The key verses today remind us that we actually have a responsibility towards the unsaved in this world regarding how we behave. We are supposed to walk with wisdom toward outsiders, not stupidity. NAR politics however makes dominionists see every instance as an opportunity to bash who they see as their enemies. We are supposed to make the best use of the time we are given. One translation says we are to redeem the time. Idolatry will make you forget that we are all on borrowed time and we need to make sure the Gospel is on our lips, not political nonsense. Our speech towards the outsiders is supposed to be gracious yet the NAR spends most of their time accusing them of everything wrong in society. They have no answer for the unsaved, short of convert to my political position or else. The above link is essentially a silly, stupid attempt to take what was clearly meant in jest and apply pseudo-spiritual connotations to it in order to once again demonize those who refuse to tow the political party line. Let us reason once more together in light of the key verses.

"If anyone doubts that there is spiritual warfare going on in our politics, they clearly missed the results of a new poll. The study of 400 Democrats and Independents in New Hampshire shows that 62% would prefer that a meteor strike earth and wipe out all human life over Donald Trump being reelected as president. I was shocked when I saw this. This is, first of all, a ridiculous question to have on a survey. In fact, it sounded so unscholarly that I wondered if this was a hoax at first. But when I saw the many news sites that have reported on this poll, I realized it was real. Secondly, I'm surprised so many people voted for what is essentially suicide simply because they hate Trump so much." -- Stephen Strang

Me thinks thou do protest too much. I don't think I have ever used LOL in a devotional but this seems appropriate -- LOL. I mean, c'mon, are we serious here? Has the cause of NAR dominionism so blinded Stephen Strang that he seriously thinks people actually would prefer suicide over any political election? Even Donald Trump? Apparently, the sad answer to that as shockingly yes. This is what happens when you idolize any political figure or political party. Clearly, this was a tongue in cheek question that 62% of the respondents answered tongue in cheek. To use this as an opportunity to rail against your perceived enemies is not only breathtakingly dumb but it violates the key verses.

"This is demonic. I have no other word to describe the notion that someone would rather die and have others die instead of vote for Trump. The poll responses were split between Democrats (64% of whom voted for a meteor) and Independents (58% of whom voted for a meteor). This is insanity. Granted, perhaps the question and the responses to it were hyperbole. But even if it is, it still sheds light on how far left some parts of our nation have gone. New Hampshire is set to pick their Democratic nominee, and I'm convinced it will be Bernie Sanders. Sanders calls himself a Democratic socialist, but he's basically a communist. If you listen to him speak about his values and the systems he wants to set in place, you can clearly see how communism affects his worldview. I often say that socialists are just communists without guns. They know they can't or don't want to take over the country with violence and a military, so they try to infiltrate and change the nation from the inside. And before you say I'm a conspiracy theorist, Project Veritas did three different videos about this very issue. I only watched one of them, but in it, people talk about putting Trump supporters in internment camps for re-education. Who would have thought that people would allow their morals to degrade in such a way simply because they don't like their president?" -- Stephen Strang

Sigh. No Stephen, it is not demonic. Such and assertion is ridiculously moronic and shows no understanding of what true spiritual warfare is. It is not insanity! It was a joke! Unfortunately, now the joke are those who claim to be Christians! Then to use this to launch into an equally stupid attack on Bernie Sanders will only further push the unsaved away. Then Strang goes in to loony tune land with this absurd conspiracy theory and he obviously knows it because he immediately insists that it is not what it clearly is by citing the compromised "Project Veritas." This is the description for Project Veritas on Wikipedia:

"Project Veritas is an American Right-wing activist group. The group uses "disguises and hidden cameras to uncover supposed liberal bias and corruption". The group is known for producing deceptively edited videos about media organizations and left-leaning groups."

Good call Stephen. Beloved, regardless of your politics, if you need to lie to prove your point then please stop claiming the mantle of Christianity. The key verses implore just as much. There is no wisdom in that approach whatsoever. The notion that anyone sane would want to place anyone in internment camps is asinine and beneath the dignity of the church. Strang should be ashamed of himself for writing such garbage under the guise of spiritual warfare and Christianity. The degradation of morality is Strang's.

"On top of this, the Democrats seem to be in total disarray. We saw what happened in Iowa, where they couldn't even count the votes. There's reason to believe that the party machine did something under the radar to try to overcome Sanders because they don't want someone as radical as him. They know that if the country has to choose between a radical socialist and Trump, they will again choose Trump. Because of this, it's almost as though there's a civil war among themselves. I believe this is why there's no clear frontrunner. But they're united in one thing--their hatred for Trump. How else can you explain 62% preferring a meteor strike and human extinction over Trump's reelection? I recently interviewed an end-times expert named Tom Horn, who believes that prophecies in Revelation and scientific data point to a giant meteor striking the earth on Friday, April 13, 2029. The Bible describes this meteor, referred to as a star called "Wormwood," as mountains crashing into the ocean, Horn says. Isn't it interesting that secular people would repudiate Christians speculating about a meteor in biblical prophecy, and people of similar values would then vote for a meteor strike? Christians must respond to this ludicrous poll with intense prayer and action. As we cry out to God for our nation, we also need to vote and encourage others to do the same." -- Stephen Strang

Do not be confused. Stephen Strang is not crying out for our nation. He is a hopeless shill for a political party. He does not care one bit about America -- only the America he views as being true to his idolization. We do not have to explain this poll question because it was obviously not asked with any level of seriousness whatsoever. Strang used it however to trash Bernie Sanders and his enemy, the evil Democratic Party. The truly sad thing, is you can choose your politics and the dems certainly give enough true fodder to speak to without turning a joke into a comparison of the Wormwood Prophecy. This is not about the petty politics of this world. This is a microcosm of the idolatry of carnal politics and how to not redeem the time or walk with wisdom towards those who do not yet know God. Grow up Stephen Strang and stop pretending your cause has anything to with Christ.

Rev. Anthony.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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