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Translating the Heresy of False Prophet Shawn Bolz

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Shawn Bolz is a false prophet. In fact, he is a breathtakingly arrogant, false prophet. He not only pretends to hear from God but he commits outright blasphemy against the Holy Spirit by pretending he can teach the gifts of the spirit when the Bible expressly says only the Holy Spirit gives the gifts as He sees fit. Not only that but he has the gall to charge people for pretending to teach them the gifts. The Bible is replete with admonition after admonition against false prophets in our day. We are to mark them so we can know to avoid them. We are taught that they are the cause of division in the church. They lead people away from Christ and cost them a true chance at salvation. They are covered in the blood of the sheep that they slaughter. That is who Shawn Bolz is. In many ways I do not blame him directly as he was taught this heretical nonsense by Bill Johnson and Bethel Church. It is Bethel that operates a "school of the supernatural" where the gifts are taught. Johnson routinely allows anyone to come up to the altar and "prophesy" during "prayer" services at Bethel. It is no wonder that Bolz, who calls himself a prophet, would be so misinformed.

So Bolz wrote a book called Translating God. His premise is derived from the falseness at Bethel. His opening salvo is that prophecy is a gift from God for every believer but we know from the Bible that is 100% false. Not every gift is for every person. That is absurd. Not content with the $15 he could make from the book, Bethel allowed him to translate this into an 8 week E-course on Bethel TV for $50. Oh and for a measly $200 you can get the starter kit for Translating God from his online store. All for Jesus of course; wink wink. So apparently, Mr. Bolz received from push back from this latest attempt to fleece the flock and he took to Social Media today to offer up the following defense which only further makes it obvious how false and poorly taught he is:

"When it comes to my critics I am usually living in a bubble. Sometimes I hear something that is so outlandish about myself I want to respond but it would sound defensive and is unnecessary. It is shocking to me that immature Christians actually spend more time trying to expose or criticize other ministries more then they try and inspire people towards Christ. Maybe they think its the same thing but how exhausting for them! I am praying for a lot of Saul's to come into their true identity! Some of these websites and Facebook groups that have thousands of followers that are all about what God isn't doing and they need an encounter with the love of God that leads them and others into true fruit of salvation! I love the simple gospel that causes us to have love that inspires faith and then we have to share it. We tell the world who God is and what HE is doing not what men are doing wrong or what the enemy is doing. Can you imagine if they take a step back and see how much time they are spending that is not on God. Wow." -- Shawn Bolz

Let's reason together and go through this nonsense. I will try to stick to the larger points. First of all, it is interesting that Bolz thinks those who demand solid doctrine that lines up with the Bible are "immature." This is in line with many of the false teachers and prophets of today. Perry Noble referred to such people as the "jackasses" in his congregation. Another mega-church pastor referred to them as the "excrement in the body of Christ." This is the purpose driven model at work. If anyone disagrees you blessedly subtract them. It is clumsy here by Bolz and transparent. The second issue with this line however is the ridiculous disconnect. Shawn Bolz lives his life inspiring people away from Jesus Christ. The Bible says you are either gathering for Him or scattering away from Him. When you preach a false gospel or say things on behalf of God He has not said, you are not gathering to Him. When someone points out a false teaching or false prophet and leads people out from under deception it is to lead them to Christ and His true Gospel. I cannot tell you the joy when I receive correspondence from someone who has come out from the darkness and into the light because they finally understood they were being lied to.

The second absurdity is the notion that anyone who suggests that he should not lie to people must be a "Saul"; which can only mean he is a persecuted Christian. Yes poor persecuted Shawn Bolz. Makes a living off of lying about God and leading people away from Jesus Christ but in his own heart believes he is the victim. Then he starts to reveal how false he truly is. He reveals this sloppy agape love that drives his false ministries. That people who want the Bible need an "encounter." No Shawn, you need to read the Bible because it says that only the Gospel has the power of God unto the salvation of man. Perhaps the most telling and dangerous absurdity however is this:

"I love the simple gospel that causes us to have love that inspires faith and then we have to share it." -- Shawn Bolz

What is missing from the equation Shawn has outlined for us? It is the same thing missing from the seeker friendly and purpose driven churches across this land. The answer is repentance. The true Gospel does not cause us to have love. It causes us to repent of our sins. Love is a fruit of the indwelt Holy Spirit. You do not get there without first repenting. In the teaching sphere of Shawn Bolz however, love is a direct cause from hearing the Gospel and that could not be more wrong. There is a reason why Shawn views his gospel as simple -- because it is. He removed the difficult portions of it just like his pastor does. Singing about love and then hearing a message about love, and then hearing a false prophecy about love -- doesn't save anyone. What Shawn Bolz is selling is experiential Christianity. He is convincing people to tap into their own wicked hearts and deceive themselves into thinking that emotional experiences are spiritual encounters.

He does not tell the world who God is because he obviously does not know Him. If he knew God then he would fear God. He would think twice before lying about what God has and has not said. He would repent of charging people money to hear those lies and leading people away from the cross. In conclusion, Titus 1:9 commands ministers to openly rebuke those that are false. To do so is to be obedient to the Word. To do so is to spend time on God. Shawn Bolz however is content to make merchandise of the sheep of the Lord, deny the kingdom of heaven to those who are seeking, and grossly misspeak on the Lord's behalf. Normally he is content as he puts it -- to live in his bubble. Today he ventured out to give us a peak into the twisted and warped thinking of a false prophet so we could translate it using the written Word of God. Thanks for clarifying Shawn.

Rev. Anthony

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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