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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/5/22

How the Republican Party Co-Opts the Apostate Church and How They Try to Co-Opt Your Vote

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"These days the United States hardly resembles the country founded on Judeo-Christian values, and part of the reason is the apathetic approach many Christians take toward voting. The organization, My Faith Votes, looks to change this attitude. They stand on the premise that it is not the nature of Christians to sit idly by while the world continues moving. When Christians do nothing and have no say in social or political discourse, citizens have to deal with problems made by a godless society. My Faith Votes helps Christians gain the information they need to make sound, educated decisions before an election is held." - Charisma News

First let us always remember that this country was most definitely not founded upon Judeo-Christian values. The vast majority of the founding fathers would not be considered brothers today. They were deists who believed in a higher power but not Christ as God. Thomas Jefferson actually rewrote the bible to remove any references to the deity of Jesus Christ so to pretend he was "Christian" is a historical absurdity. As for apathy, Charisma News is so myopic in their politics they assume anyone who disagrees does not care when the opposite is true. They act as if Christians could not prayerfully arrive at the decision to vote Democratic, third party, write in a candidate or even abstain from voting altogether. Let's go back to 2012 when the choices were the liberal Christian in Barack Obama or the Mormon, Mitt Romney. Now, any Christian worth their salt knows that Mormonism is a Satanic cult but the Charisma news, Christo-political powers that be insisted that God's choice, was the Satanic cult member. The Billy Graham Organization even removed Mormonism from their list of cults in the run up to the election. Now, I am ok with someone deciding that the policies of Obama may have been too liberal for their beliefs but the Mormon? This was the year that God exposed the hypocrisy of the Christo-political forces. This was when it became obvious that their choices were solely based on the "R" next to their name. Right now, in Georgia there is a Republican candidate for Senate running on banning all abortions nationwide who was just exposed for having paid for an abortion some year ago. He has had four children with four different women, and his own son just called him out yesterday for his rank hypocrisy. That is not even discussing his previous scandal of holding a loaded gun to his wife's head and threatening to blow her brains out, which he conveniently cannot remember. The response from the Republican Party was to stand by their man and the church in Georgia? They held prayer vigils for him to pray against the enemy coming against him. His opponent by the way is the pastor from Dr Martin Luther King's Baptist church. Absolutely frightening.

My Faith Votes is not a Christian organization. It is first and foremost a political organization. It is an extension of the Republican Party. Sure, they try and dance around it and pretend they just want you to pray but when they speak about voting your values that is code speak for voting Republican. They do not even try to hide it as their two Chairmen are Mike Huckabee and Ben Carson! Huckabee is an unapologetic Republican disguised as a Christian. He likes palling around with Ted Nugent who once told Hillary Clinton to suck on his machine gun and likes to sing about female genitalia. Carson served in the Trump Administration and for the record is a Seventh Day Adventist, which modern Christianity also deemed a cult. Gee, with Chairmen like that I am sure they will be fair and balanced! As if that is not enough, My Faith Votes is partnered with TBN and Daystar, the two most egregiously false networks today. They boast support from false teachers such as David Jeremiah, Sammy Rodriguez, Tony Evans, and Ronnie Floyd. As well as other prominent Republicans such as Allen West and Ken Starr (recently deceased). So, the man who wrote the infamous Starr Report against Bill Clinton was a partner.

Christians who choose to not vote for the evil on the right or who may even abstain are not "sitting idly by." It is insulting to God to assume prayer is meaningless but then again, it insulting to think that God cannot handle any election outcome. Consider the implications of the beliefs expressed above. The inference is if you would just vote for Republicans, then we would no longer be living in a godless society. Wow. Beloved, Republicans are just as ungodly as Democrats. Changing legislation does not change man. Adjudicating what you view as favorable does not change man. Society will remain godless with the only chance of escape being the gospel. This is the fundamental core of our beliefs. What My Faith Votes does is not educate but rather indoctrinate. It convinces us that our solution is found in man, or more specifically men and women of one particular political party. Their choices however are still men, faithless, evil, men.

"According to My Faith Votes, the misguided belief that faith is a private matter causes many Christians not to go to the polls, "As a result, more than 25 million Christians who are registered to vote do not vote in presidential elections, and as many as 65 million Christians do not vote in local elections." This lack of turnout allows for politicians who are firmly against God to pass legislation that promotes abortion, same-sex marriage, child mutilation (transgender surgeries) and restricts freedom of the citizenry." - Charisma News

This is what the Republican Party uses to co-opt your vote. They choose three very controversial wedge issues and drive a wedge between Christians and the unsaved. Between Christians and the very people who need the gospel the most. The truth is I can pick three subjects that their side is not good on and present them as moral imperatives too. Impoverishing poor people, treating migrants like trash, choosing personal profits over helping people are all biblical subjects that Jesus taught about often. Do not get confused by their purposeful muddying of the waters. This is not about choosing sides. This is about realizing that all are evil and none chase after God as the bible says. Maybe your default position is Republican - that's fine! But to have no ability to pivot if let's say they nominate a Satanic Cult member means you are part of a cult yourself. If you still stand behind the man with four kids from four women who likes to threaten women with loaded guns then maybe you are already in a cult. By the way, pivoting does not have to mean voting for the other side. It can mean realizing that the only righteous choice is to decline to pick one of the two evil choices.

"With another election season in full swing, My Faith Votes CEO Jason Yates gave an interview with CBN and highlighted some of the key issues motivating people to vote this year, including abortion: "I think for many Christians, life is a primary issue when they go to the ballot box," Yates explains. "I think it will remain so and it will continue to be a motivating factor in not only whether they go vote, but how they vote." Another key area for many voters who are parents, is the stripping of parental rights that school boards and teacher unions are trying to legislate:

"Parental rights and what's happening in our schools to assimilate kids into acceptance of a very secular progressive point of view that accepts 20-some genders and ignores biblical truth," Yates says. "Where parents are excluded and not even told when their kids are going through counseling to convert or transition to other genders. "I think there's a lot on Christian parents' minds as they go to the polls," he surmised. By taking part in the civic discourse, Yates believes that Christians can not only make an impact on the outcome of elections, but be an outright determining factor: "If every Christian would commit to this process," he says, "the body of Christ could truly determine outcomes. I'm not saying right or left, but being influential in what happens in elections and in our government." Yates concluded that, by voting, Christians are obeying the Word of God as instructed in Galatians 6:10, which states, "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who are of the household of faith."

It would be good for the soul of the nation, its citizens and the world to have an America with godly believers contributing to our government. Christians can help make this happen, but they have to show their faith by their works (James 2:18)." - Charisma News

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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