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Kris Vallotton, the Pied Piper Prosperity Pimp from Bethel Is At It Again

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Develop significant relationships with other spiritual pioneers who will be training alongside you.

I love the reference to being biblically based while trying to sell secret intel from the Holy Spirit, increasing the accuracy of words you claim come from God Himself, and decoding powerful revelations - none of which are remotely biblical concepts. The false converts in the apostate church just lap this garbage up. In order to continue to support such ludicrous grifts, Vallotton must occasionally blog about being rich as a desired Christian goal. The most recent attempt at Christianizing greed is found in the link above from the Vallotton blog this week. Let us reason once more together beloved.

"I recently hosted a LIVE Q&A on the topic of financial stewardship on my social accounts. The synergy and curiosity on the subject of wealth specifically prompted me to share this blog post originally written on March 9, 2016. I hope this blog encourages and inspires you! Have you ever found yourself staring at your financial situation, yearning for a change? You crave a different reality but feel ensnared by a repeating pattern. You may even have the tools and knowledge to improve your finances, yet you find yourself stuck in a relentless cycle. I'm not here to discuss uncontrollable financial crises or the devastation caused by others' mistakes. I've weathered those storms myself. What I'm here to explore is a transformation of your mindset"a journey to cultivate a wealth mentality, a new belief system that will reshape the way you approach your life and finances." - Kris Vallotton

I guess Kris is running out of new lies, so he is now recycling the old ones. So let me get this straight. A renowned prosperity pimp held a Q and A on the subject of "financial stewardship" and found there was "synergy and curiosity" regarding wealth? The heck you say. Then to whet the appetite of greed in the readers, he asks such a banal question as have you ever stared at a financial situation and wished for a change? Seriously? Everyone has! I remember this first happening when I had my paper route at age 12! Look, the early pitch here in this grift is an old, hackneyed one from Vallotton. He creates a false concept called a "poverty mindset" and logically it's polar opposite - the "wealthy mindset." In doing so he shifts blame for poverty or lack to the way we think instead of, I don't know, life. His teaching is that the wealthy simply think differently because they do not accept being poor or having lack. The problem Kris faces is he needs to now pretend the wealthy mindset is godly and the poverty mindset is of the devil. Watch as it unfolds.

"I grew up American poor (not African poor), so I understand how poor people think. Our people despised wealthy folks; we voted democrat, railed against big business, and blamed Uncle Sam for our condition. We were little, powerless people, lost in the sea of humanity; paddling hard, but getting nowhere. The winds of financial adversity pounded our tiny boat. If that wasn't bad enough, cruise ships passed us in haste, leaving us to contend with their wake, further reminding us of the inconsiderate ways of the wealthy. I got saved at 18 and became a part of a glorious church. I was a prince in a royal family - at least that's what I thought we were. I was even taught that the Son of God became the Son of Man so that the sons of men could become sons of God!" - Kris Vallotton

Interesting mixing in how most folks grew up with a little dominionist theology of hating Democrats. The inference of course is the wealthy mindset votes Republican, loves big business and doesn't blame the government. The royal family biblical concept is not one that is meant to be transferred to the carnal thinking of this world - which is what Vallotton sells. Even though we are eternally part of a royal priesthood the bible says we are but pilgrims and sojourners traveling through this world to where our true citizenship lies, heaven. Note however the undergirding of the delusion Kris sells. He was poor and obviously did not like that. He became saved at 18 and apparently was still confused why he remained poor. Paul teaches us however that godly contentment is contentment regardless of personal situation. Lacking or having abundance. The bible NEVER teaches that the eternal benefits of salvation equate to material baubles here on earth. In fact, it teaches the opposite by telling us to not store up treasure here on earth.

"Yet I soon discovered that God's noble people also despised wealth. Despite the fact that we all yearned for a heavenly kingdom with gold streets and pearl gates, and we knew our Heavenly Father was rich beyond comprehension, still we gravitated towards poverty like a tick on a dogs be-hind! We created doctrines to enshrine poverty as if it were the pinnacle of spiritual enlightenment, the Mount Rushmore of Christianity. We made Jesus poor, forgetting that He was the architect of heaven and Creator of the earth. He isn't just wealthy, He is all powerful! He demonstrated control over the weather, the sea, and over all creation. Fish, trees, and angels obey Him. Demons fear Him, and kings can't control Him." - Kris Vallotton

This is just disgusting through and through. First the strawman argument Kris always proffers is that Christians fancy themselves more noble because they abhor wealth. This is categorically absurd. If you desire heaven because of the pearly gates and the streets of gold, then I fear you are not saved at all. Yes, God is rich beyond our comprehension because He obviously owns all of His creation! I have never heard any preaching that enshrined poverty as spiritual enlightenment. Remember, the goal Kris is aiming for is to make his greed theology biblical and to accomplish that he needs to make the opposite anathema. One of the common arguments to this end is that religion made Jesus poor but secretly He was like a billionaire. Except He wasn't. He was poor to lower middle class according to scripture. His tradecraft was a carpenter. Paul was a tentmaker. Many of the apostles were simple fishermen. We are of course talking about His time on earth. Kris keeps mixing in eternal truths to muddy the waters.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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