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Devotionals    H3'ed 9/28/18

The NAR in All of Us -- Patriotic Idol Worship, Polarization and Christo-Political Agnosticism

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Working for the devil -- I must admit, this seemed the most extreme and vile accusation. I have operated a discernment ministry for over ten years. I have written over 1000 long devotionals on a plethora of subjects. When it comes to politics I try to stay away for these exact reasons but every now and again I am compelled. When I see Christians ruining their witness for purely carnal reasons, I tend to step in. I lost ten friends on Facebook during the 2016 campaign when all I asked was for Christians tell the truth because our witness for Christ needed to come first. The NAR inside of us all would not tolerate that message. The truly telling thing is the hypocrisy. If you honestly feel that these four accusers are all false because Kavanaugh might vote to overturn Roe ask yourself how you would evaluate them if this was an Obama appointee with a liberal record as a judge. You know full well you would be demanding FBI investigations or withdrawal of the candidates and you know it. That is how you know it is all political. That is how you know that you are serving the world and not the cause of Christ. God does not need us to lie for Him. He does not need us to slant our testimony. Read Job 13 -- does not His majesty terrify you? Apparently not when there is a Supreme Court vacancy at stake.

The point of this is not me. I have been called worse because the nature of this ministry is to challenge long held but heretical teachings. The point is not carnal -- it is eternal. The bible says that narrow is the path to eternal life and few are those who find it. When it is all said and done the NAR will be directly responsible for millions of people believing they are saved when they are not. Millions who will say Lord Lord, didn't we fight for conservative values? My job is to sound the alarm. The primary way the NAR will continue to corrupt good churches is through the idolization of this country which brings the polarization of the world into the church. Turning brother on brother in the pursuit of temporal matters while the true Gospel suffers. I understand that this country is polarized because that is exactly what the devil wants. Chaos. People at each other's throats. The true body of Christ however is not supposed be polarized at all. We are unified by doctrine and refuse to jeopardize that no matter what MSBNC or Fox has to say.

We have to stop worshipping this country. Jesus is the only thing exceptional. Recently, there was a pastor who used sermon time to destroy all of his Nike property because they dared to give Colin Kaepernick a job. John Hagee once famously preached that if you were an atheist you should "get outta my country." That is a strange evangelism plan. We have nothing in common with this world beloved. Nothing. They think what we believe is absolute foolishness. According to the bible, the only way they can get saved is through the drawing from the Holy Spirit through the preached Word of God. Not through our political desires.

If you have read all of this and are still myopically focused on the chance of overturning Roe then consider that is the NAR inside you. It is not congenital -- you weren't born with it. Someone taught it to you. No, this does not mean you are actively part of the NAR but to deny you have been influenced is to be blind to the truth and that is not a position any Christian should be in. Before you think I am overstating realize a poll came out yesterday that found 48% of white evangelicals said even if all the accusations were true, they would still support Bret Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. Think about that for a second and you know that number is actually higher because of all the people who simply wouldn't admit it. That means in excess of 50% of people who claim Jesus Christ as their Savior do not mind being seen supporting a rapist as long as he votes the way they want him to. That beloved is Christo-political agnosticism.

An agnostic is someone who believes in a higher power but thinks they cannot be figured so why bother. They want their cake and eat it too so to speak. They realize there must be a God but do not want to deal with what He says or wants. The majority of this country are agnostic because it is the easier route than atheism, which at least requires a rigorous and scientific defense. A Christo-political agnostic wants all the benefits of being seen as a believer but when it comes to politics they do not bother to adhere to His Word. For everything else the Christian believes in the black and white surety of scripture. Verity is what we lean on, rely on, and insist on. Then comes along a politician that promises us everything we want to hear about this carnal world and we no longer care about being a people set apart. To make matters worse, we play them up as if they must be God's choice! Don't believe me? Look at the 2012 election. God gave us a choice between an extreme liberal Christian and a member of a satanic cult. That is what Mormonism is beloved. A few months before the election the Billy Graham webpage actually removed Mormonism from its list of cults! All of the NAR leadership that is now seeing 30 foot demons battling Brett Kavanaugh were saying we had to vote Romney as a Christian. A man who believes God came from another planet, Jesus and the devil were brothers, and we can become gods ourselves. The evangelicals listened to the NAR and voted 78% for Romney. They followed that up with an 81% voting edge for President Trump, quite possibly the most morally repugnant candidate ever in American politics. The sneaky squid spirit crazies at Charisma insisted Trump was the second coming of King Cyrus with an Elijah anointing.

Listen; if you want to vote for Trump or support Kavanaugh; that is your right as an American. This is not about changing your vote or your mind -- just your rhetoric. Making the Roe argument is fine because we believe in the sanctity of life but everyone on President Trump's list were pro-life. Neil Gorsuch went to the very same prep school that Brett Kavanaugh did and we did not hear a peep about him during his confirmation. Why? Because no one was accusing him of attempted rape. So please, keep your false visions of 30 foot demons and your nonsense about Molech strongmen to yourself. You are only embarrassing yourself and ruining the witness for Christ. He does not need us to lie for Him, slant our testimony, or turn a blind eye to the obvious and pretend it is not there. He did not charge us with conquering carnal mountains with worldly arguments, lofty speech and Christo-political agnosticism. I have seen much rambling incoherent talk about spiritual warfare this week. Leclaire claimed Kavanaugh was represented by a horse with the letter K shaved into its hair. If you really want to understand spiritual warfare understand that the devil has managed to convince over 50% of Christians that rape doesn't matter. That is the NAR inside of us all if we are not careful.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- September 28, 2018

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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