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Devotionals    H3'ed 4/10/21

Jeremiah Johnson's Double Shot of Nonsense

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No Jeremiah. Your poor understanding of scripture only furthers the proof of your falseness. The point here is that the charlatans prophesied falsely. The demonic deliverances were nothing of the sort. God was not involved one iota. That is why He never knew them. Yes, the people that followed these false ministers will be in line right behind them for judgment. Not because they received prophecy and deliverance but because they did not and were deceived into thinking they had. This is why judgment is harsher for those who lead. This is why the blood of your listeners is upon your head. Those Matthew verses are a clarion warning to all - especially you! Not only are you marching proudly away from Christ but you are bringing others with you! True repentance is not rebranding your ministry and writing a new book. True repentance is for you to stop pretending you are hearing from God at all! Stop writing false books. Stop preaching about nonsense such as divine resets from COVID. Just stop.

'I woke up from the dream alarmed and startled. I said to the Holy Spirit, "So there are not only people that will perform signs, wonders and miracles who will be sent to hell, but also people who received all these things who will also be in hell. Why?" Immediately the Holy Spirit spoke again to me and said, "Because those who worked miracles, prophesied and cast out demons never preached the full gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the message of repentance. They were so in love with the gifts I had given them that people became trophies and souvenirs to them. When My power would manifest in their ministries, they would tell people that I loved them, but never that they needed to repent for their sins. I tell you that a great deception will sweep over the signs and wonders movement in the earth. Beware of the ministries where miracles and prophecies will flow, but the message of repentance is a no-go. You have been warned."' - Jeremiah Johnson

You said to the Holy Spirit and He answered so matter of factly? What were you have a latte with Him at the time? Stop your nonsense! You think that false prophets and false teachers who do not preach the full Gospel were still granted gifts from the Spirit? What bible do you read? You honestly believe that the power of God manifests in false ministries? Seriously? The signs and wonders movement that has already swept across the apostate church is the great deception! There are no ministries that have miracles of God and true prophecies that hold back any portion of the Gospel. Read the key verses for today and learn that many will arise and perform great signs and wonders but these will not be of God. That is why they will fall in line behind the false masters they followed to stand before Christ and say, "Lord Lord."

Will you pray with me today that ministers and individuals who move in God's power will not only live a lifestyle of repentance but also preach it? What if people getting healed, delivered and prophesied to, and told God loves them isn't the full gospel message? What if repentance and holiness are the full gospel message too?

What if repentance and holiness are the full gospel message? Of course it is! The first word from the ministry of Jesus was - repent! Your poor teaching reveals you do not understand there are other spiritual powers in this world. Powers that work against the cause of Christ and His Gospel. The bible says the even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light! Beloved do not fall for such drivel. Jeremiah Johnson is a false prophet and exposed as such by God just a few short months ago. He claimed to have shut down his prophetic ministry in order to teach but we can see from what he teaches that he is equally unqualified to do so. He is the textbook definition of someone who worships the gifts instead of the one who gives them. Now exposed he must be marked and avoided. The Gospel without repentance is no gospel at all. Signs and wonders without the gospel are just magic tricks worthy of Simon the Sorcerer. Prophecies without the Gospel is just clairvoyance and the trafficking of demons. Stay clear of such nonsense.

Reverend Anthony Wade - April 10, 2021

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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