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Devotionals    H3'ed 4/26/21

April Means Sugar-Coated Candy Unicorns for Everyone!

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"I did not send the prophets, yet they ran; I did not speak to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in my council, then they would have proclaimed my words to my people, and they would have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their deeds. - Jeremiah 23:21-22 (ESV)

Prophecy: You Are Embarking Upon a New Season of Blessing and Favor -- Charisma News

What is past is prologue. The events of the bible are written down so we might learn. That we might discern. That we would grow into the measure of the fullness of Christ. In the days of Jeremiah, as in the days today, there were rampant false prophets filling the land. Sometimes we write so often about them today that people can become complacent regarding a subject the Lord seems to take very seriously. We fail to see the damage wrought by lying on behalf of the Lord. The bible refers to their victims as having their faith shipwrecked. Have you met people who will never return to the organized church because of being lied to? Have you met people who still blame God? Even if they do not openly admit it, do their lives state otherwise? Have you met people who have been robbed by charlatans and hucksters who came in the name of the Lord? I have seen them all and more times than I prefer to recall. One time, I watched a good brother go up for healing on his degenerative hip when an itinerant "prophet" visited a local church. After dancing on the altar to prove he was healed I saw him limping around a few weeks later and asked what happened to his healing. Turns out he was never healed. If his faith was not strong in Christ it could have easily been shipwrecked that night.

What is past is prologue. God did not send these false prophets, yet they ran. They ran to tell people just what their itching ears wanted to hear. That their lives would soon overflow with earthly and carnal blessings. That life would be nothing but abundance, plenty and of course unicorns! Can't have a good false prophecy without unicorns! God did not speak to them, yet they prophesied anyway. That means they are lying about hearing from God. It does not matter if they are even aware of it themselves because they should be. If they had actually stood in the council of God, their message would have been one of the proclamation of the word of God. Their proclamation of the word of God would have assisted in turning people from their evil ways and their evil deeds. These are serious matters to God and should be to us as well. Prophesy is what sayeth the Lord. It was never meant to be this modern-day clairvoyance and prognostication of everything positive in your life. The link above is to an alleged prophetic word. It is so candy coated and sugar filled that I am surprised it did not come with a diabetic warning. It appears however on Charisma News, which we might know to be as false a Christian website as there is, but so many rely upon for what they believe is Christian truth. Let us reason together once more through this false prophecy and remember that Ben Lim is a senior pastor somewhere!

"April is an unusual time and season of miracles. It is a time of crossing over and of passing over. Every angel and spirit of death will pass by. It will not touch you! Every hellacious attack of the enemy will not only pass you by, but you will pass over into the land of promise, the land of milk and honey. Glory is your portion. Miracles are your portion. The plunder of your enemies is your portion. And the month of April is a prophetic invitation and opening for these exact occurrences to be expedited and to take place in your life." - Ben Lim

Not sure why Lim is releasing this word about April on the 26th day of the month but that allows us to look at this month so far. Has this been a season of miracles for you? Was it last year in April as COVID took a hold of all of our lives? It is true that this is the season where Passover falls even if it did start in March this year. Lim takes the foundational event of the Passover and kidnaps it for your benefit. Now we are to believe that the sacred Passover actually means all attacks of the enemy will pass us by and thus we ourselves will pass over into our own land of milk and honey! How utterly absurd and biblically insulting. If you ever wanted to see a microcosm of a false prophecy it is these words from Lim:

Glory is your portion. Miracles are your portion. The plunder of your enemies is your portion.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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