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Bethel Dominionist Grifter Sean Feucht Claims Anyone Voting Democratic is Satanic

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Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us. For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself. - Philippians 3:17-21 (ESV)

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The NAR dominionist delusion is deepening in this country with every passing day. More and more churches are incorporating the worship of this country into their focus and preaching priorities. Never mind that Jesus Himself was the most apolitical person in history and He had a real reason to be political with the occupation by Rome at the time of His ministry. The truth is that according to the key verses, our citizenship is in heaven, full stop. God does not allow dual citizenship if we would just read the very first commandment - thou shall have no other gods before me! Our God is a jealous God beloved. He has no intention of sharing you with any country, politician or legislative agenda, none. Reading the context of the citizenship verse above reveals even more proof and truths for us to consider. Look at the contrast Jesus makes! There are citizens of heaven, awaiting the return of their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Who is on the other side? Their god is their belly! They glory in their shame with their minds set on earthly things! They walk as enemies of Christ and do not think for a second that Jesus is speaking about one political party over another! He is clearly speaking about those who believe in Him and those that do not, regardless of what political affiliation they claim here on earth. I say this as the backdrop in the next installment of the Sean Feucht drama this past week. Having successfully slapped down God TV in public, Feucht feels energized to take his new dominionist bonafides to the next level and declare that if you do not vote as he does then you are Satanic. This is what dominionism does to the mind. It renders it incapable of sane coherent thought. Let us read through Feucht's latest article from Charisma News and reason once more together.

"This past week, I created quite a little stir. God TV took to social media to criticize me for reposting a tweet from Governor Ron DeSantis that they disagreed with, accusing me of being "blasphemous." The post says, "Take a stand against the Left's schemes. Stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around your waist. You will face fire from flaming arrows, but the shield of faith will protect you." - Sean Feucht

He seems quite proud of the public spitting match he created. This is just to summarize what has already been litigated. Feucht retweeted a blasphemous tweet from Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, where he changes the word of God to suit his political ends. In doing so, DeSantis takes verses designed by God to warn man about his true enemy the devil, and replaces Satan with his own political enemy, the Democratic Party. Now, we expect as much from someone like DeSantis, who is a craven politician who doesn't care about God. He is just trying to leverage Christian votes by trying to sound "Christianese." Sean Feucht however claims to be a minister and thus should have known better but of course, he has learned from Bill Johnson, who does not care about mangling the bible. Even though God TV was correct for calling Feucht out as blasphemous, they quickly apologized when Feucht publicly slapped them around by calling them "woke."

"God TV said, "Our battle is against Satan," to which I agree. But the Left is pushing policies that fall in step with the enemy's schemes to kill, steal and destroy. Satan has always worked to undermine God's design for humanity" it started in the Garden of Eden, and continues to this day. Satan hates everything of God's design, and is actively working to destroy it. God TV apologized, and it was appreciated. God's plan for marriage? Genesis 2:24. The Left is the party of same-sex marriage. God's plan for mankind? Genesis 5:2. The Left is pushing the transgender movement. Even the tuition debt scheme the Biden administration cooked up has a direct biblical rebuke; Proverbs 22:26-27. There is only one ideology pushing for abortion up until the moment of birth, only one ideology pushing to redefine the most basic and universally accepted facts of biology and only one ideology championing all natures of sexual deviance." - Sean Feucht

This is where dominionist heretics like Sean Feucht fly off the rails. God never commanded us to single out a few specific sins, publicly shaming the unsaved, and then legislate His will upon people who think the things of God are utter foolishness to them. Why? Because no one actually gets saved that way. What Feucht and the NAR engage in is called behavior modification. They believe that if they can convince or force the unsaved to behave better, that is not engage in the select sins they choose to focus on, that God will for some reason stay His coming wrath upon this country. Spoiler alert! He won't. They pursue this unbiblical stance because they adore the sin in this world. They revel in it. They do not want to see it end. Sean Feucht was earning a little over 200K from his ministry efforts until he switched to this dominionist tactic, where he also ran unsuccessfully for Congress. After this switch his revenue increased 31000%, all the way to 5.3 million dollars. So, it is easy to see why Sean would prefer "revival" over the second coming.

The other major flaw in his dominionist theology is that he confers righteousness to his side by demonizing the other. If the left is trying to destroy God's design than by default the right must not be? The first problem with this is Sean only focuses on the few wedge issues he knows riles up the base so well. I can't think of a better display of "God's design" then the creation He spun on this earth yet we hear crickets about climate change from the right. In fact, only the left chooses climate change as a transcendent issue. The right spends all of its effort and money trying to undermine any serious change that could help save this planet from our own hands. If you wish to focus solely on marriage that is your right but do not pretend for a hot minute that it is all God cares about. Sinners are going to sin by nature, including us. You can try outlawing the sin and forcing it underground but that is hardly to the will of God. The more insidious thing Feucht does here is aligning everyone who does not vote as he does, with Satan.

We have seen this trend lately from kooks like Greg Locke and Mario Murillo but it is spreading. This notion of electoral purity. That only one side is God's side and if you are not voting for it, then you are a hell bound Satanist. Let me try and show how utterly stupid and intellectually vacuous this argument is. In the late 1990's the Christian right was apoplectic about the Bill Clinton affair. All we heard was "character counts." The three loudest political critics who often used Christianese and high moral arguments were Newt Gingrich, Bob Livingston, and Dennis Hastert. You could not turn on the TV without hearing one or more of them railing against the immorality and the church went nuts by their side. Fast forward ten years and we discovered that at that same time, Gingrich was having an affair on his wife with someone half his age. He would divorce his wife for her. Livingston had so many affairs that the party actually forced his retirement. Hastert? Turns out he was molesting little boys for decades. That is what you put your faith in when you put it in man. Any man - any party. Heck the standard bearer for Sean Feucht's party right now is three times married, three times unfaithful, grab them by the genitals man who has bankrupted his partners and investors six times. Not exactly a bastion for morality but all of the Christian hypocrites who were chanting character counts 20 years ago now say we are not electing a pastor in chief, right. Even Feucht's mishandling of Proverbs here is comical in light of the bankruptcies of his political hero.

"We, as believers, are on the frontlines of this spiritual war. Some of us are fighting the schemes of the devil in the political realm and are often accused of "Christian nationalism," a term lobbed by people threatened by Truth, who are working to weaken America from within. You can have a kingdom mindset and still be a patriot. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Believers simply cannot retreat from the political realm and surrender it to the enemy." - Sean Feucht

Oh Sean. Who taught you the truth? Bill "we don't worship the bible" Johnson? Kris "Poverty Mindset" Vallotton? Shawn Smart Phone Prophet" Bolz? Even if you refuse to embrace the term Christian nationalist, why do all of the Christian nationalists agree with you? You have neither a kingdom mindset nor patriotism. Your faux kingdom mindset consigns more than half of the people directly to hell because they disagree with you politically. Your faux patriotism dismisses half the country as Satanists. People who disagree with you are not trying to weaken America from within. How little faith you have Sean. So little that you think engaging in true spiritual warfare, with the weapons of this war not being of this world, is somehow retreating from the political realm. Prayer is not surrendering anything to the enemy!

"The Left is unapologetic in pushing their humanistic and hedonistic agenda on our nation. Why should Christians be apologetic in standing firm in the Truth? Psalm 11:3 says, "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" We are citizens of the kingdom of God, and we are American citizens. We have a responsibility as citizens of heaven to stand firmly for righteousness, and we have the privilege as citizens of America to do it in the public square." - Sean Feucht

This is just silly. No one political party can be defined by your pet issues no matter how "righteous" you have determined them to be. The Democrats stand for services for the least in society, a very biblical stand. They also stand for progressive tax policies and the environment. This is the problem with dominionism, by hating one side, you neglect the sins of the side you support. Maybe you can convince yourself that you are on the lesser evil side but by doing so you lose sight of the fact that you are still supporting evil! As citizens of heaven you are to stand for your own righteousness - not forcing it down the throats of those walking in darkness. That is not "the gospel." In Acts, when Paul came across people who refused to agree with his teachings, he did not try to change the laws. He did not shame them. He moved on to a place where his teaching would be received and in doing so, all in the area heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. We can see here that Sean Feucht believes he has dual citizenship. That is because he has no standing in the kingdom. He belongs to one of the most egregious false churches on the planet. That is why the bastardization of scripture by Ron DeSantis did not make him bat an eye. Why would it? Every week he hears worse from his pastor, Bill Johnson.

"The enemy and the Left both want to take us out of the fight. We saw how the left-wing governor in my own state exploited the COVID pandemic in an attempt to prevent believers from gathering and worshiping together. From that persecution, the 'Let Us Worship' movement was born. We don't have to hide our light within the four walls of the church. We can step out and confront the demonic schemes being pushed through the schools, the media and the government. We can confront the devil and the Left. We don't have to be afraid." - Sean Feucht

The enemy and the left? Seriously? What he offers up for proof is asinine. California decided early in the pandemic to not allow large gatherings, church or otherwise. Only crazy people who did not care about themselves or others came against these policies. How did that work out for Pastor Loren Sandford? Dead from COVID along with some of his sheep. How did it work for Marcus Lamb after he denounced the illness as fake on his network? Dead from COVID. Who knows how many he took with him? The list goes on and on. Asking people to not gather and spread a deadly disease is not "persecution." Feucht brags that these commonsense measures, which he defied in violation of the bible, led to him expanding his ministry to the tune of an additional five million dollars in prime fleecing of the flock.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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