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Devotionals    H3'ed 12/28/21

Carter Conlon Goes Full NAR Dominionist - The Great Apostasy Deepens

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Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, - 2Thessalonians 2:1-3 (NKJV)

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Let not your heart be troubled beloved. These things must come to pass as outlined in scripture. The key verses today are taken from the section known as the Great Apostasy. While the majority of American churches are already on board with this falling away it is notable when someone who was sound doctrinally has fallen in with this apostasy as well. The signs have been there regarding Carter Conlon, Overseer of Times Square Church for a few years now. Conlon used to be considered a true preacher of the gospel but 2021 will go down as claiming both John MacArthur and Carter Conlon for the NAR dominionist cause. It is our belief that the last idol of the church age is going to be this pure carnal nationalism that divides people instead of unites them under Christ. Make no mistake about it. It does not matter what Carter Conlon's intentions were. All that matters is who he has now aligned with:

'I'm going to be speaking to you about this covenant that God made with America and America made with God," he says of his part in the event. "What does it look like today? What are the essential elements of this covenant? How is it kept; how is it broken? What is God's part in the covenant with you and with me and what is our part?' - Carter Conlon

Central to the false theology of the NAR is the dominionist teaching that God and America were once under covenant but now America has drifted away from God. In a bastardized version of replacement theology, the NAR adherents teach that if America would just repent of her many sins, then revival would ensue. This is achieved of course by electing members of one political party and treating anything opposed to that party as evil, demonic, or outside of the will of God. This is of course reprehensibly ridiculous. God never entered into a covenant with America. How do we know? Because it is not in the bible. It was created within the wickedly deceitful hearts of man. The truth is that God is not the least bit interested in the politics of man. One party is just as evil as the other because neither cares for the cause of Jesus Christ. Carter Conlon once knew that but as the key verses teach us, the great apostasy must occur before the second coming of Christ and it has most certainly begun. For the remainder of this devotional we will look at the above linked Charisma News article announcing this event that Carter Conlon will be the headlining speak for and see just how far away he has fallen already. Let us reason once more together beloved.

"Throughout history, only two nations have been tied together by covenants with God. "God made a covenant with Israel, but America made a covenant with God," says Rev. Kevin Jessip, founder and president of the Global Strategic Alliance and co-founder of "The Return." "America has broken the covenant made by our forefathers. As we know, from the Bible, God takes covenants very seriously. This has brought our once blessed nation under the judgments of God." - Charisma News

You see, it just does not work that way. God makes covenants yes but countries do not. We do not have ability to make covenants with God. This is par for the NAR course however in that they essentially usurp what belongs to God all of the time. Not only is the theology of the NAR wrong but their understanding of American history is beyond poor. It is corrupted by the political agenda they serve. Even on the Global Alliance page they have to go back to the Puritans, who were religious zealots, in order to pretend that this was the foundation for America. It was not. A great portion of the founding fathers were deists who dismissed Christ as God. Thomas Jefferson took a cleaver to the bible and removed all references to the deity of Jesus as well as His miracles. Were people more spiritually inclined in that day? Absolutely. But to pretend that equates to a biblical covenant with God is absurd. God does indeed take covenants very seriously. Carter Conlon may want to consider that before making covenants up out of whole cloth and assigning them to God.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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