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Devotionals    H3'ed 4/16/18

Don't You Name Those Wolves!

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He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. -- Titus 1: 9 (ESV)

Perhaps it is just the water over at Charisma News. The Bible says to not fool ourselves in that bad company corrupts good character. You can only hang around the likes of Ryan LeStrange, Lance Wallnau and Sneaky Squid Leclaire for so long before the shoddy doctrinal approaches and biblical compromises start to take over. Today's case in point is Bert Farias, whose latest article entitled "Time for Heresy Hunters to get a Life", grabbed my attention. It is linked above. I have read things before from Farias that have been correct doctrinally and he was one of the few remaining at Charisma that just seemed out of place. Not anymore. Let us reason together once more beloved and tiptoe through the mind of a Charismaniac trying to defend heresy in the pursuit of false unity.

"One of the great obstacles to unity and one of the biggest causes of division within the body of Christ is doctrinal disagreement and disputes. The media and the internet are the largest facilitator of this strife and division within the body of Christ. The gossip, the slander, the defamation of character of godly ministers that is found on websites, YouTube and social media is at an all-time high. Heresy hunters, who appear to be growing in number, are the primary advocates and instigators of this strife. They seem to glory in their self-appointed purpose of policing the body of Christ against what they claim is false doctrine and heresy. To these self-proclaimed heresy hunters, everyone is a heretic except them, including anyone who doesn't believe the way they do. How arrogant!" -- Bert Farias

Yes, that is an unbelievably arrogant opening statement Bert. Beloved see the strategy that Farias is taking and mark it well. It is the same strategy used by many who defend wolves. Like the devil, there are truths mixed in with distortion to cast doubt upon those who would exercise their own discernment. This is a crucial point to understand. Not everyone is called to divide the word of God in preaching and teaching but we are all called to exercise discernment when it comes to the teaching we sit under we are all called to do the work of a Berean. When Jesus explains that we can tell false teachers by their fruits He was speaking to everyone at the Sermon on the Mount. Lay persons and disciples alike. Putting that aside, let's go through his errors:

Discernment is not gossip. Gossip would be "hey did you hear Rick Warren wears Scooby-Doo Underoos?" Discernment would be, "Do you know that the Purpose Driven Church is pure heresy that is leading millions to hell?" The first comment is speculative falsehood designed to embarrass Warren regardless of the truth. The second comment is concerned with the sheep and pointing out what is false. The same goes with slander and defamation. Discernment ministries focus on what is being taught. Of course the names must be named or the information is useless. We are not self-proclaimed. The term heresy hunter was invented by the late Paul Crouch. As for the appointment it comes from God via Titus 1:9. It is not about policing the body of Christ but rather protecting the sheep. This is what the Bert Farias' of the world fail to see. They are so busy protecting the wolves, they show no care whatsoever for the slaughtered sheep. Farias continues:

"For example, there are websites dedicated to exposing even great pioneers of the past who have already departed from us such as Charles Spurgeon, D.L. Moody, Billy Sunday, C.S Lewis, Martin Luther, John Calvin and even the recently departed Dr. Billy Graham, one of the most humble, respected and high-character men of this past century. Then there are the websites who are critical of some of today's preachers such as Bill Johnson, Andrew Wommack, Paul Washer and Charles Stanley, to name a few." -- Bert Farias

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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