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Dr. Brown Gaslights Critics After Robert Morris Revealed Sexually Assaulting a 12-Year-Old

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Hear now my argument and listen to the pleadings of my lips. Will you speak falsely for God and speak deceitfully for him? Will you show partiality toward him? Will you plead the case for God? Will it be well with you when he searches you out? Or can you deceive him, as one deceives a man? He will surely rebuke you if in secret you show partiality. Will not his majesty terrify you, and the dread of him fall upon you? Your maxims are proverbs of ashes; your defenses are defenses of clay. - Job 13:6-12 (ESV)

Enough is enough. The Charismatic Industrial Complex is very good at defending the brand at all costs. Someone falls from grace and they quickly sweep it under the rug and either restore the unrestorable or defend the indefensible. No greater weapon do they wield for this than Dr. Michael Brown. It seems after every horrific story of abuse; Dr. Brown comes out to gaslight anyone who would dare criticize the wolf that has been exposed. Lip service is paid to the victims. Dr. Brown is on record as saying that the holiness teachings of Bickle and Ravi Zacharias are still somehow valid. His boss, Steven Strang tried to declare Bickle exonerated in December and was still speaking about restoration after it was exposed that two of his victims were children. Beloved, this stuff has got to stop. The damage to the witness of Christ is in many cases irreparable and then only compounded when the lost see the defense of sexual criminals disguised as Christians. It is with this backdrop that I repost a Facebook entry from Dr. Brown from today:

"To the mockers and critics who are bashing the church or vilifying charismatics, careful! Your day will come too. Better to get low than to gloat. Purifying judgment is coming for all of us." - Dr. Michael Brown

Let's set some things straight for the morally compromised defenders of Robert Morris, which is what this post is about. Nobody is mocking Robert Morris. There is no reason to. Likewise, it is not criticism to correctly point out some things. Robert Morris should be a convicted felon. He was a child predator, who victimized a girl as young as 12 and kept victimizing her for four more years. Thus, he was NEVER a man of God. He was never chosen by God. He was never used by God. Stop cheapening the creator of the entire universe. Stop abusing scripture to do so. Robert Morris was not King David. He was not Moses. The fact that God did something in the bible does not automatically mean He is doing it somehow again with your favorite wolf. What should the church do with the teachings of Robert Morris? Throw them in the garbage where they belong. Especially the abusive tithing teachings. What should we do with the alleged legacy of Robert Morris? Apologize vehemently for it because it is a legacy built upon child abuse.

No one is "vilifying Charismatics" unless those Charismatics defend child predators. In which case, we are vilifying people who defend child predators. If they happen to be Charismatic, that is secondary. More to the point Dr. Brown, is why you choose to make this an issue for the Charismatic Church. This should be a real simple story to get on the right side about. Robert Morris lied for decades to his elders, his congregants and his peers. He wrote a book pretending he stepped down from early ministry because of pride issues when in reality the father of his child victim demanded he be removed or face law enforcement. Why in the world would you defend that? Why would you double the damage Morris already did to the Charismatic Church by aligning the church with him? Did you learn nothing from Bicklegate?

The only message you have for people defending the victim is "your day will come too?" With apologies to my readers, screw you Dr. Brown. Get on the right side of this or shut the hell up. Stop ruining the cause of Jesus Christ. Is this what you consider "getting low?" Do you think you are getting low by spiritually threatening anyone who has the temerity to criticize a man who as a 20 something married pastor sexually abused a 12-year-old girl for four years? Get it straight sir. Correctly criticizing a man such as Morris, Bickle or Zacharias is not gloating. Stop gaslighting everyone. It leads other Charismatic idiots to twist the reality of what Morris is and did. Idiots such as false prophet Troy Black, who was headlined today on Charisma News for allegedly "prophesying" this debacle at Gateway church. As reported today:

"I heard this back on March 3, 2023, and I was in worship and I began to hear this word from the Lord," Black says. "He said, 'Gateway Church is under spiritual assault at the moment.' He said, 'The enemy is moving his forces around because he hates what is happening at Gateway and its sister churches.' This prophetic warning about a spiritual attack is something that has been seen not only within Gateway, but also with Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship and The Potter's House, all churches within the Dallas area as Robert Morris, Tony Evans and T.D. Jakes have found themselves caught up in controversy. - Charisma News

The enemy hates what is happening at Gateway? No. The enemy was in league with Gateway. There is no spiritual assault at Gateway beloved. When a man lies about sexually assaulting a little girl for four years and then builds a church on those lies and crimes you can rest assured God will eventually bring it to light. When God does bring it to light it is not a "spiritual attack." Tony Evans volunteered to step down for some undisclosed sin. That should not make him a hero like his son brazenly preached this past weekend declaring they already have the victory. These people are not "caught up in controversy." They willingly chose horrific sin or in Evans case, undisclosed sin. Do you even vaguely care about the 12-year-old? Do you care about the life Morris destroyed? Here is a question for you Dr. Brown. Do you think God cares? As we see in the key verses, will you continue to speak falsely for God Dr. Brown? Will you plead the case for predators like Morris and pretend to be pleading the case for the Lord? Will it be well with you when He searches you out? Or do you think you can deceive Him Dr. Brown, the way you think you can deceive man? Hear now my argument and listen to the pleadings of my lips. Does not the majesty of God terrify you anymore Dr. Brown? Spare me your insipid threats and your manmade proverbs of ashes. Your defenses are defenses of mere clay. Robert Morris was never a true pastor or even a man of God. He was a child predator hiding behind a pulpit, which has become the safest place for such men these days because they can rely on you to defend them by threatening those who would speak the truth with visions of purifying judgment. You are right about that one thing here Dr. Brown. Purifying judgment is coming for us all. Just not sure that should be a source of comfort for you anymore.

Reverend Anthony Wade - June 20, 2024

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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