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Devotionals    H3'ed 7/2/24

Dr. Michael Brown's NAR Salad Bar Theology of Christ and Politics

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Abstain from every form of evil. - 1Thessalonians 5:22 (ESV)

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With only four months before the election, the NAR will pull out all the stops to do the bidding of their political masters and convince Christians everywhere they must vote for everything Republican. This cajoling runs the gamut from being blatantly partisan to implying and inferring that their carnal political party is "God's choice." The reality is that both political parties are part of the same evil and at the very best, you could only argue that you believe your choice is somehow a lesser evil. While we are all free to make those determinations, God remains unimpressed with our opinions about what we deem to be lesser in evil somehow and more concerned that we would be supporting evil in any form whatsoever, as the key verse teaches us. God says abstain from every form of evil. Not just those that we deem as some form of greater evil. This is the core problem of NAR dominionism. It seeks to confer righteousness where it does not belong. When Jesus walked the earth, His own people were facing real oppression from the Roman Empire, yet He remained entirely apolitical. Yes, he was critical of the Pharisees and teachers of law but that was a spiritual criticism, not a political one. Yet the NAR would have you believe that as a Christian, you must vote for their candidates. Idiots like Greg Locke and Mario Murillo, who make their living on preaching politics, have gone as far as to say that if you vote Democratic you are a hell bound reprobate and unredeemable. Locke even went as far as to remove any sheep from his flock who admitted they were in fact Democratic. I want you to imagine for a moment the enormity of that delusion. That heaven will only be filled with those who pass some kind of political purity test. It is absurd on its face and removes the power of the cross and faith therein.

For every "in your face" dominionist there are also those deployed by the NAR who take a more nuanced and subtle approach. They are political operatives who disguise their true goals with a lot of Christianese but behind the subterfuge the motives are transparent. They try to disguise their intent behind NAR catch-phrases like "Christian worldview" and voting on "biblical principles." The problem of course is they so narrowly define these principles to precisely guide you towards the Republican candidate they want you to vote for. They are so carnal and compromised that they have no qualms telling you God's choice in 2012 was a Mormon. Never mind that Mormonism is a Satanic cult, Mitt Romney was a Republican and that was all that mattered. God played a game of can you top this and put forth the least moral man in history to run in 2016 and the church made sure Donald Trump was elected. Bankruptcies, three wives, multiple affairs, porn stars, and grabbing women by the genitals? No worries because he had that little "r" next to his name. At the top of the list of these covert dominionists is Dr. Michael Brown. Once revered as a biblical scholar and staunch defender of all things Israel, Brown has chosen to spend his latter years defending reprehensible false teachers and implying all things NAR dominionism. The above linked article from this week just continues to prove this. So let us reason once more together beloved.

"While political pundits do their jobs in analyzing the presidential debate, I'll do my job as a spiritual leader and encourage us to keep our priorities straight. In short, as I posted earlier this year, preach Jesus and vote for your presidential candidate of choice, based on scriptural principles. But do not preach your candidate. To do so is to defile your witness. All too often, we become better known for the candidate we support than the Lord we serve, declaring our allegiance to a party or a person far more passionately than we declare our allegiance to the Savior. And to what end? For what purpose? Better that we keep our priorities straight and our focus clear, being careful not to allow anything to taint our testimony for our Lord. And then, as responsible citizens, we get involved in the political process." - Dr. Michael Brown

This is why Dr. brown has zero credibility anymore. Just two days earlier he had posted online that Joe Biden, the current president of the United States, was "clearly not fit for office" and in "mental decline." This of course following the poor performance in the debate. What's the problem? By only focusing on Biden's performance, Brown is clearly saying he believes the guy who lied over 30 times in the very same debate is somehow fit for office. He is saying that they guy who has 34 felony convictions and tells bizarre stories in his speeches about batteries and sharks is not in mental decline. There is a word for what Brown is engaging in and it is called politics. He is demonizing the side he does not like while exalting the one he does, even in his silence. Donald Trump said in this debate that he did not have sex with a porn star and Joe Biden confused the insulin cap he negotiated to 35% with 15%. Yet Brown's conclusion is that Biden should be in an old age home and the guy who says he wants to be a dictator on day one, is fit for office. This is preaching your candidate! This is defiling your witness! Do not be deceived by the sly reference to voting based on scriptural principle. What about the principle of helping your neighbor? What about the principle of taking care of the least of these? You are not a spiritual leader Dr. Brown. You are a political hack and it is truly a shame.

"For all of us, this should mean informed voting. For some, it will also mean donating to candidates. Or raising awareness about issues. Or working to get out the vote. Or even running for office. Let everyone find their place. But let none of us get so caught up with the elections that we allow our social media pages or spheres of influence to become partisan political cesspools, filled with ugly attacks, mocking memes and nasty rhetoric. And all this side by side with our favorite Scripture of the day!" - Dr. Michael Brown

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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