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Devotionals    H3'ed 6/26/24

Emails from 2005 Reveal the True Evil of Robert Morris Towards His Victim

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I have been beating this drum for a few days now but this story, as usual, keeps getting dirtier and dirtier. It should be a really easy story to get on the right side of. So easy, even Rick Warren was able to figure out that when a grown married man sexually abuses a 12-year-old for four years, that you need to be on the side of the victim. Unfortunately, the Charismatic Industrial Complex always tries to protect their brand at all costs, not caring if they retraumatize the victim as a result. We saw this in the recent Bicklegate debacle where people like Steven Strang were still calling for Mike Bickle to be restored after it was revealed that he had two victims that were 14 years old and younger. To this day, the Charisma News machine and its minions like Dr. Michael Brown, are actively trying to save the ungodly 24-7 prayer model even though we now know was founded not by prophecy but by the corrupt heart of Bickle. You would think that people would learn not to reflexively side with the wolf or split the bill early on because the revelations always get worse.

Thanks to emails uncovered by the Roys Report, we now have an email sent by Robert Morris to his victim in 2005. This apparently was after Cindy Clemishire had to threaten Morris to respond because he was trying to have his lawyers and elders deal with her to parry her off. Keep in mind that the victim was only age 12 when Morris, then a married 20-something pastor, began a four-year molestation assault upon her. This has caused her distress throughout her life and in 2005 she was seeking some restitution for the years of therapy she had to pay for because of him. It is my understanding that she asked for $50,000 from a man worth millions upon millions of dollars and his answer was to have his lawyers haggle with her to bring the cost down to 25K as long as she signed a non-disclosure agreement. How terribly Christian. Let us walk through an email from Morris to Clemishire from October of 2005:

"Debbie and I really do care for you and we sincerely want God's best for you. You see the blessings God has poured out on my life and conclude that it is because I have hidden my past. God does not work that way. He will not be mocked by deceit." - Robert Morris

Morris' wife Debbie cared so much that she called the victim when this became known in the 1980's to assure her that she forgave her. Did you get that? A grown woman with a pedophile, cheating husband, called the victim to blame her for the victimization. That was how much they cared for her. The really telling part here is the absolute disconnect that Robert Morris lived under while being deified by the Charismatic universe. His mega-church kingdom was not a product of God's blessings. Hardly. He taught some of the most egregious teachings in the church. He is by far one of the most abusive tithing teachers in the last forty years. He originated the teaching that if you do not give him your first ten percent, before paying for food and medicine, that God would curse all of your money. Hallelujah, pass the offering plate. He built his kingdom upon the ruined childhood of Cindy Clemishire. If the truth had been known, he would never have had the opportunity to fleece the flock for forty years. Beloved, Robert Morris is right about one thing here. God will not be mocked by deceit. What he did not realize then and what hopefully he realizes now, is that was prophetic to his current situation. Robert Morris had built his entire life upon deceit. He lied to his elders about sinning with a "young lady" instead of admitting it was a child. He lied in his book by pretending that he stepped down in his twenties due to "pride issues." He lied by claiming he confessed and voluntarily entered into a restoration process as opposed to the truth that Clemishire's father demanded he be removed from ministry. The victim was right in that Morris was able to build his carnal empire solely because he kept this secret in his closet. This manipulation in the email designed to make his victim feel as if she is coming against a work of God. It is despicable and of course, deceitful. God had nothing to do with Robert Morris' rise in the cult of personality purpose driven landscape. Morris' email continues:

"I confessed my sins to you and your family 18 years ago and I have continued to share it with those who need to know as per the counsel of your father. I did what he asked me to do. I thought I obtained your forgiveness as well as your family's." - Robert Morris

This account is being refuted by Clemishire. It is easy to claim you confessed after you have been caught. By the time Cindy was 16, Morris was trying to escalate the molestation to intercourse. He did not come to some grand epiphany. He got busted. He also was not sharing this story with anyone. He was embellishing it to remove the nature of the crime and the age of the victim. Not exactly what one does when trying to be honest about sin. I might add here, we need to stop normalizing this crime. If Robert Morris once molested her and then broke down from his sin and repented, while still a crime and disqualifying from ministry, it would be a different picture today. He repeatedly engaged in this behavior with Clemishire from age 12 through 16, while her father was a supporter of his ministry! Obtaining the forgiveness of the family, if true or not, has no relevance to anything. If we cannot agree that sexual abuse of a child is not somehow disqualifying from ministry when the abuse occurred after salvation and while you are an actual married pastor, then we can agree on nothing.

"If you desire to make this public, I am also willing to do so. I would consult with your father first since he asked me not to share it publicly years ago. You should talk to your father also about disclosing the matter beyond those who already know since he has your best interest at heart and his counsel should, at least, be considered, if not honored." - Robert Morris

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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