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Devotionals    H3'ed 5/17/21

False Prophet Jeff Jansen Removed from Ministry. (Not for False Prophecy as that is Apparently OK).

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But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. - 2Peter 2:1-3 (ESV)

Controversial Prophetic Leader Dismissed for 'Unscriptural, Unbiblical Behavior' -- Charisma News

As we march deeper into the end times, we see the apostate church's false prophecy network grow in numbers and wealth as more and more people are led to slaughter with prophetic disinformation that is more carnal and/or political in nature rather than being what sayeth the Lord. Many who are caught up in it may not even realize themselves that the way they have been taught is at the heart of their falseness. Churches like Bethel routinely teach people to tap into their personal feelings through contemplative prayer and visualization techniques and ascribe to God, any random thought that pops into their wickedly deceitful hearts. They are taught that a good prophet can be wrong 35% of the time, a biblical absurdity that continues to shipwreck the faith of many.

Recently there was a moment God used to expose the vast majority of the false prophet network. It surrounded the ridiculous prophecies that the former president, Donald Trump, would be reelected. Even though this was a mere 50-50 proposition, the false prophets were wrong, en masse. They were not only wrong but they were spectacularly wrong as Trump lost by over seven million votes. Many of the false prophets tried hedging their bets and many others just simply apologized for "getting it wrong," whatever that means. This left the leaders in the apostate church in an awkward position. They could not just dismiss these alleged prophets as false and lose the revenue they generate. Instead, they took a stand against the false prophecies while reinforcing the validity of the false prophets in question. Unless there were other circumstances. Such was the case of Jeff Jansen. With the case of Jansen we see the absurdity and falseness of the network defending him as easily as we see the falseness of his prophetic utterances. The link above is to an article from John Burton regarding the Jansen situation and the title gave me reason to hope as it stated Jansen was recently dismissed for unscriptural, unbiblical behavior. Was it because he false prophesied the Trump reelection? Nope. That was apparently forgivable. Was it the fact that he refuses to apologize for that false prophecy? Nope, that seems allowable as well. Was it because he has since quadrupled down that he will be proven right and Trump will somehow magically be reinstated as president, with his first prediction date for such having already passed? You guessed it, nope. It is because he has decided to leave his wife during this time. Let us reason once more together through this article to highlight how ridiculous this entire situation is.

'Controversial prophetic leader Jeff Jansen is under fire. Newsweek brought a controversial viewpoint, one held by many Christians (and refuted by many others) to the forefront yesterday. "What's coming can't be stopped," Jansen said in a Facebook video on Tuesday. "There's all kinds of amazing things that are happening, and I'm talking about President Trump. I'm talking about him coming back into power. ... I'm talking about everything that God promised, back-to-back terms." While many who have dug their heels into the ground regarding the certain reelection of Donald Trump have quietly stopped pushing their agenda, Jansen continues to stand firm. Other ministers have issued apologies for missing the prophetic mark but there are some, Jansen included, who are not shying away on what they feel is inevitable--the heroic return of Donald Trump. Newsweek followed up with another report today, "Evangelical Christian pastor Jeff Jansen, a self-described "prophet," said that he is "quadrupling down" on his prophecy that former President Donald Trump will be reinstated--despite his previous prediction that this would happen by the end of April failing to materialize."' - John Burton

I often turn to the key verses for today for problems such as this because it seems a perfect fit. God is warning us through Peter that we will see false prophets and teachers in our days. They bring in destructive heresies and infect the body of Christ with such. By going outside of what God has already written, they deny the Master who bought them. Many will follow them and their sensuality, which is another way of saying their carnality. Because of personal politics many want to believe that what Jansen and others have claimed is true but it simply is not. Instead of tethering to reality however they cling to these false words because they have been promised that they came from God when they most certainly did not. Note also that it is because of these false utterances that the way of the truth will be blasphemed. It is not Charisma News mockingly debunking Jansen and the fact that he is now wrong on multiple fronts including when his fantasy about reinstatement would occur. It is instead a secular magazine such as Newsweek forced to expose the truth and the sheer idiocy of Jansen. What damage is wrought to the cause of Christ amongst non-believers when they see someone brazenly claiming God told them something that everyone can see is definitively wrong? Why is this behavior not enough for so called leaders to denounce, mark and avoid, as the bible instructs us to do with such wolves?

"I've often wondered just what benefit there is to predicting certain things such as who the next president will be. Understand, I fully affirm legitimate prophetic ministry. I'm convinced we need to hear God's voice more, not less. In fact, God will be revealing extremely important information to those who have an ear to hear as we move deeper into the end times. Key revelation will be needed so the church can respond in strategic intercession and move into position to battle the enemy and advance the Kingdom. Without divine communication, God's people will be at a great disadvantage. We can be sure those who are tuned in to the evil one will respond with precision to his commands." - John Burton

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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