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Devotionals    H3'ed 6/27/24

False Prophets Cosplaying as Elders Denounce Bickle, Morris and Scandals

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Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others weigh what is said. If a revelation is made to another sitting there, let the first be silent. For you can all prophesy one by one, so that all may learn and all be encouraged, and the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets. For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. - 1Corinthians 14:29-33 (ESV)

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For the uniformed there is a group of false prophets who fancy themselves as elders for the Charismatic movement. They call themselves the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE), and are headed up by the egregious false prophetess Cindy Jacobs. Apparently, they have put out an official statement in light of the Robert Morris scandal. It was promoted on Charisma News, including a video reading of the statement by Jennifer LeClaire. Yes, that Jennifer LeClaire. Just so we understand the context as we review this statement, it is being issued by people who lie for a living about God in order to make money. In some cases, a lot of money. LeClaire is infamous for announcing that she had a "sneaky squid spirit" that was stalking her. She also pretended in the past to able to release the "angels of abundant harvest" in exchange for buying her book of the same name. She runs a racket where she offers to train you in completely made-up spiritual callings and things she has no actual ability to do. For $249 she can train you to be a "watchman." For $348 dollars per year, over seven years, she will train you to be a "seer." For $300 per year, over six years, she will train you to be a "prophet"; even though prophecy is a gift given by the Holy Spirit. Her website also indicates she is developing a new fleecing initiative, to train you as an apostle. Now, these offenses may pale in comparison to abusing a child like Morris and Bickle did but the damage to the entire body is more egregious. Other false dignitaries who are on this council and signed onto this statement include James Goll, Stacey "can't stop shaking my head violently" Campbell, Patricia King, and the NAR dominionist false prophet and author of the seven mountains heresy, Lance Wallnau. While, what Bickle and Morris and Ravi Zacharias before them did is staggering evil, we cannot allow other evil people to prop themselves up by denouncing sin while they themselves continuously misrepresent God. So let us reason once more beloved through this announcement:

'"The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders has been praying and discussing the recent string of exposures of sin among leaders and movements. At our council meetings over the last two years, the Holy Spirit gave us strong warnings about judgment beginning at the house of God. One admonition went like this, "How can you expect to deal with the sin of the nation and change it when you haven't dealt with the sin of the church?" Sobering! Another admonition was given to us through the word released on April 24th, 2024. There was a clear word given to openly confess past sins. You can read it on' - ACPE

First of all, it is hardly "prophetic" to say in April of this year that leaders need to confess past sins. April would be six months after Bickle and much longer for Zacharias. It is also of note that they needed to sit on this for so long. The only reason why they feel compelled now to say something is the Morris revelations came so closely on the heels of IHOP. Also of note is the overall NAR dominionist flavor of thinking it is their responsibility to deal with the sins of the nation, while they themselves spend their lives lying about hearing from God. Sobering!

"We have wrestled as a group in order to know if we should make any public response to the sin that was exposed at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. However, after seeing appeals made by numbers of young people for leaders to speak up, we feel a response is needed. This is also in light of the many other exposures of present and past sins. Therefore, as a group, we wish to express our deep sorrow at the misuse and victimization of young women by Mike Bickle. We also decry the misuse of prophetic words through what was framed as the Prophetic History of IHOPKC. Our prayers go out to the victims for total restoration. What happened to the victims was evil and sinful." - ACPE

Did you catch that? So, this self-proclaimed board of prophetic elders, wrestled with whether to say anything about Mike Bickle, his abuse of multiple children and his absolute fictional account of prophecies to establish the false prayer model at IHOP. I might add here, if you all are such great prophets, how is it that no one saw any of this coming? It is certainly rich for someone like LeClaire or any of this gaggle of false prophets to decry misusing prophetic words. It is interesting that they are admitting that the entire prophetic history of IHOP was nothing more than a lie. Let's see if they stay consistent then in the proper calling for the end of IHOP and the false 24-7 prayer paradigm.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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