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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/18/18

Halloween 2018 - Christians Defending the Indefensible

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Leave it to the seeker friendly industrial complex. Every year for Halloween they send someone out to defend evil. A few years back Natalie Grant insisted that Halloween was cool because she wanted to dress her daughter up as a princess. Last year Darren Wilson, who can't tell the difference between the Holy Ghost and Casper the Friendly, decided he could better explain why partaking of Satanism's High Holy Day was the Christian thing to do. Because both are so horribly compromised with the world they could not see the sheer stupidity of their arguments in light of the bible. This year's contestant is named Erica Wiggenhorn and her article is linked above. Erica has apparently written a couple of books within the Christian machinery so someone deemed that made her qualified to make a fool of herself in this year's attempt to defend the indefensible. Let us reason together once more beloved:

'Handling Halloween as a Christian family is starting to get tricky at our house. With a middle school girl and boy at home, the Disney princess and Superhero costumes have lost their allure. What's left to choose from is either scary or frankly, a bit more seductive than I prefer. Ask Yourself Questions. Yesterday, an hour-long discourse--OK, let's be real--a battle ensued at the store as to what an "appropriate costume" looked like (sigh). In between the banter I began to ask myself, "How should we handle Halloween as a Christian family, anyway?" "As a Christian family trying to teach our kids biblical principles, should I just boycott Halloween altogether?" "Where is the balance between dressing up and having fun, yet teaching my kids to be discerning about evil?"' -- Erica Wiggenhorn

Thank you Erica for reminding us why the logic of Natalie Grant was so ridiculous. It does not matter if it is harmless in your eyes that your precious princess wants to dress like one. The point is what are you teaching them? What are you showing them is acceptable? Because the eight year old princess is not going to stay satisfied with that costume forever. So when she is 15 and wants to dress like a vampire or 18 and wants to dress like a harlot, remember it is YOU who taught her this. Wiggenhorn admits here that her middle school kids now want seductive and scary costumes. Middle school! You can imagine this argument in the store she refers to. Once she taught them that Halloween was no big deal it is too late to say "just kidding!" On October 31, there is no balance between dressing up and having fun for Christians -- none. If you want to have a costume party, have it in May. The fact that you insist to have it when everyone else celebrates the devil means that is exactly what you are doing as well. Beloved, I am not being hyperbolic. Halloween is considered a high holy day in Satan worship. To compromise with it at all is to teach your children that you cannot discern evil or do not care to. Erica continues:

Examine the Scripture. There's nothing specific about Halloween in the Bible, but what I do know is that in the city of Ephesus, people practiced sorcery and witchcraft daily. Also, in Ephesus, Paul strategically moved his ministry out of the selectivity of synagogues and the obscurity of homes right into the city square. In the original Halloween town, Paul positioned himself right in the center of evil. We are told that "all ... heard the word of the Lord" (Acts 19:10) in Ephesus. Also, many churches were planted in the surrounding cities as a result of Paul's ministry resulting in explosive kingdom growth. In the darkest city of all, Paul intentionally took the light of the gospel right into the center of it." -- Erica Wiggenhorn

The first claim is simply a cop out. Just because the word Halloween, which was not in existence at the time of Paul's writings, does not appear it does not mean the subject matter is somehow non-existent in the bible:

Therefore do not become partners with them; for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. -- Ephesians 5: 7-11 (ESV)

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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